Top 10 most beautiful lakes in Russia for a wonderful holiday with children

Our country is incredibly beautiful. We are accustomed to the nature of Russia, to its birches and endless expanses, and do not notice how beautiful it is. Forests, lakes, rivers spread over a vast territory, majestic, huge, with the purest water and incredible landscapes. No country in the world can compete with us.

The most beautiful lakes in Russia are known all over the world. Hundreds of tourists flock to them every year for families with children to enjoy unforgettable landscapes, take unique photographs and admire the water surface.

10 Seydozero

Top 10 most beautiful lakes in Russia for a wonderful holiday with children The lake is located on the Kola Peninsula, near the villages of Revda and Lovozero. Translated from the local language “said” – is sacred. And all because the Sami were afraid of this area and worshiped it.

On three sides, the lake is surrounded by mountains, which have created a secluded corner, hidden from the outside world, without cold northern winds. On the banks Seydozero the vegetation is not as sparse as in the tundra, it is richer and more luxuriant. Here you can see centuries-old spruces, and thickets of cloudberries, blueberries.

But it became famous all over the world not for its beauty, but for the fact that, according to some experts, the very mysterious Hyperborea, the northern ancestral home of mankind, was located here. More than one expedition went in search of her.

9. Hanka

Top 10 most beautiful lakes in Russia for a wonderful holiday with children The lake is located in the Far East, on the border of the Primorsky Territory of our country and China. This is one of the largest reservoirs in this area (its length is 90 km, and its width is 67 km), but shallow, with an average depth of 4,5 m, but the main depth is 1-3 m. The water in it is muddy. But, nevertheless, local residents often rest near the shores of this reservoir.

Hanka rich in fish (52 species), so fishermen often come here. While it is rainy and foggy throughout Primorye, warm and dry weather sets in on this lake. Due to the fact that it is shallow, the water warms up quickly, and this attracts beach lovers.

The flora and fauna of Lake Khanka is very diverse, and in order to preserve it, the international reserve “Lake Khanka” was created in 1996.

8. Kezenoi-Am

Top 10 most beautiful lakes in Russia for a wonderful holiday with children The picturesque lake is located in the North Caucasus, near Chechnya and Dagestan. Its length is 2 km and 2,7 km. It is deep (up to 74 m). The basin of the lake has steep slopes, but a flat bottom.

The surface of Kezenoy-Am is smooth, mirror-like; waves and ripples are a rarity; the mountains shelter it from the winds. I remember the unusual color of the water, which can be both sky blue and dark turquoise, it is very transparent. In January and February, the surface of the lake is covered with ice.

It is almost always sunny here, but the water in the lake even at the height of summer does not warm up above 18°C. the beauty Kezenoi-Am attracts many tourists to it, in guidebooks it is often called “Caucasian Switzerland”. Nature here has been preserved in its original form, there is practically no garbage on the shores of the lake.

7. raspberry lake

Top 10 most beautiful lakes in Russia for a wonderful holiday with children In the Altai Territory, not far from the village of Mikhailovskoye, this lake is located with water of a unique, crimson hue. The color of the water depends on the weather and is sometimes barely noticeable. The bacterium Serratia salinaria lives in it, due to which the water becomes an unusual pink color.

It is believed that the bottom salt of this reservoir and mud have a healing effect. The water in it is salty, almost the same as sea water, it is considered healthy. Since ancient times o raspberry lake there were many legends. It was said that it cures many diseases, helps with infertility and gives people beauty.

6. Baskunchak

Top 10 most beautiful lakes in Russia for a wonderful holiday with children This salt lake is located on the territory of the Bogdinsko-Baskunchaksky nature reserve in the Astrakhan region. At its bottom there are huge layers of salt, the thickness of which is from 10 to 18 m.

Baskunchak located on top of a salt mountain, which goes deep into the earth for 6 km. Here, industrial salt mining was carried out, due to which faults up to 8 m deep were formed, filled with water.

The water in the lake is very salty, 1 liter contains 300 g of salt, so it is dead. You won’t be able to fish here. Nevertheless, thousands of people come to the shore of the lake to breathe in the mineral-rich air and take therapeutic mud baths.

5. Ladoga lake

Top 10 most beautiful lakes in Russia for a wonderful holiday with children One of the largest lakes in Russia and Europe – 219 by 138 km. It is located in Karelia and the Leningrad region of our country.

On the north coast Lake Ladoga many rocky ridges, huge boulders. There are winding bays and islets that cut into the mainland. Pine, spruce, birch, many berries and mushrooms grow on them.

The western coast is also rocky, with mixed forests. The eastern shore of the lake – with sandy beaches, there are many high dunes, on which mast pines grow. The southern coast is marshy, with thickets of reeds, among which there are nests of waterfowl. There are many sandbanks and stone reefs near the coast.

4. Taimyr

Top 10 most beautiful lakes in Russia for a wonderful holiday with children This is the northernmost large lake in the world, located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, on the Taimyr Peninsula. It is located beyond the Arctic Circle, in the permafrost zone, therefore it is covered with ice from the end of September to July, i.e. without ice, it happens only 73 days a year, and even less in a cold year.

Lake Taimyr strewn with bays and bays, in its western part there are many rocky islands that give it a severe look. The water in it is clear, clean, but in summer there are storms, due to which turbidity is possible. About 20 species of fish are found in the lake, and migratory birds nest on its shores.

3. lotus lake

Top 10 most beautiful lakes in Russia for a wonderful holiday with children In the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain, in the Volgograd region, from August to September, you can admire amazing flowers – lotuses. How exactly did it come about lotus lake, nobody knows. Someone is sure that they were planted by a local resident to please his wife, others refer to the fishermen who brought lotus fruits from the Astrakhan region.

Now it is a famous local landmark. Not only tourists, but also artists, photographers come to admire the huge round leathery lotus leaves and hundreds of flowers of various shades, from white to bright pink.

It is better to consider flowers in the morning, when they are most beautiful. But tearing them is not worth it, especially since the lotus will quickly wither and lose its beauty.

2. Elton

Top 10 most beautiful lakes in Russia for a wonderful holiday with children The main natural attraction of the Volga steppes is a salt lake Elton, located in the Volgograd region, not far from the Kazakh border.

It fascinates with its beauty and is not like other bodies of water. The landscape is more like an alien: the smooth surface of the water is golden-pink, all strewn with sparkling salt crystals.

Around the lake you can see salt marshes, ravines, beaches, valleys. The water appears pink because of the single-celled Dunalielle saline algae, which has adapted to harsh conditions.

Thanks to the wind and rain, the lake is constantly changing, but remains beautiful. However, tourists are attracted not only by this, but also by the therapeutic mud of Elton, which is in no way inferior, and even better than in the Dead Sea.

1. Baikal

Top 10 most beautiful lakes in Russia for a wonderful holiday with children One of the largest freshwater lakes, the deepest on the planet, is located in Eastern Siberia. It is so huge that the inhabitants of these places often call it the sea. It stretches for 636 km. This is an amazing place that can give joy, it is eternal, powerful, unique and inimitable. Depth – 1637 m.

The lake is surrounded on all sides by hills and mountain ranges. Water in Baikal fresh, very transparent and clean, at a depth of up to 40 m you can see the bottom. In the spring it becomes azure, blue. Another of its features is a huge supply of oxygen. Previously, they drank water directly from the lake, but now it is still better not to do this.

Many prominent travelers and researchers wrote about Baikal, because he struck with his beauty, grandeur and magnificence.

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