Top 10 most beautiful cities in Ukraine

Despite the political conflict, there are extreme people who are ready to go to Ukraine. People hope that the situation will be resolved, but trust will certainly be severely undermined. It is unlikely that they are waiting for us now in Ukraine with open arms, but perhaps in the future the situation will change, and then it will be possible to go safely …

Kyiv is perhaps the most tempting city for tourists! It is the most beautiful and, according to the guests of Ukraine, even St. Petersburg does not make such a strong impression. Here is architecture with a long history, green parks, cozy corners of the old city. But this is not the only city that impresses with its beauty and aura of warmth.

There are other equally interesting cities of Ukraine, visiting which you will learn a lot of new things and, of course, enjoy their beauty!

10 Ivano-Frankivsk

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Ukraine

Leaving this city, tourists understand that they would like to come back one day. Ivano-Frankivsk is a cozy, small, beautiful city of Ukraine. Since the Soviet power came here only in 1939, Ivano-Frankivsk absorbed the features of a European city.

The city was named after the Ukrainian writer Ivan Franko (1856–1916). Undoubtedly, one of the most striking monuments of the city is the egg, located near the town hall. In summer it is a fountain. The town hall and the monument are located on the Market Square.

The 12 chapels erected for the Nativity of Christ look very beautiful. One of them is located on Sheptytsky Square, in the center is the figure of the Virgin Mary. There are a lot of churches in the city – for example, the Cathedral of the Holy Resurrection of Christ. What to see – you will definitely find.

9. Pochaev

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Ukraine

Pochaev – an atmospheric town located in the Ternopil region. This is a city of extraordinary beauty, the paths of which will lead you to the holy places and their surroundings. It is best to come here for a week to see everything, otherwise there will not be enough time.

The most noticeable place and visited by tourists is God’s mountain. There is a hotel on the territory, it is better to take care of booking a room in advance. Also in the monastery there is a refectory, which tourists are happy to enter (the price is lower than in a cafe, and the taste of the dishes even surpass the expensive ones).

Walking around the territory of the Holy Assumption Pochaev Lavra is a great joy, because it is large and well-groomed – by the way, the second most important Orthodox shrine in Ukraine. In the town itself, according to the residents, there is nothing to see except the Lavra, so if you go to Pochaev, then purposefully.

8. Yaremche

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Ukraine

Magnificent mountains and clean air – what is famous for Yaremche! This small town is located in the middle of the Carpathians, and is quite old – it was founded in 1787. Usually people come here to take a break from the bustle of the city and enjoy nature.

Residents of Yaremche are very friendly. And also religious. If you wish, you can go on an excursion – representatives of travel agencies are everywhere on the street. What will you choose: a trip to the waterfalls or to Mount Hoverla – the highest point in Ukraine?

Also in Yaremche, horseback riding and bathing in a vat are popular. This is a procedure in which a person sits in a large vat of water, heats up, and then plunges into cold water. The event is repeated several times. A kind of spa treatment.

7. Poltava

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Ukraine

Poltava is located in the north-east of Ukraine – according to tourists, it is not the warmest and most friendly place, but it is quite possible to come for inspection and walks. The city is neat, compact, clean, developing and there are many young people here.

Poltava is a rather beautiful town with clean streets and beautiful houses. The first mention of the city dates back to the XII century. The most favorite place among residents and visitors is “Korpusny Park”, from where they go to the “White Gazebo”, here you can see the whole of Poltava.

The gazebo is located on Ivanova Gora – on the “White Arbor”, where the horse of Peter I (1672-1725) lost a horseshoe. In the Ukrainian city there are many monuments, museums, entertainment centers – in a word, where to relax – you will find. And the monument to Galushka is unique in all of Ukraine, be sure to see it.

6. Lviv

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Ukraine

A city with the name of a powerful beast simply cannot be mediocre and gray, and it is! Lviv is a city with a unique atmosphere, where it is clean and comfortable, like in Europe, and prices do not bite.

Guests are amazed by the old streets Of Lviv: each of them seems special, and everywhere there is a huge number of ampelous plants. Another pleasant surprise is the abundance of temples, churches and churches. One of the oldest is the Armenian Cathedral, built in 1356-1368.

Lviv is a magical city with narrow streets, sights that you want to look at and look at, getting aesthetic pleasure. And every temple here is a work of art! If we talk about the must-see places, these are: the town hall, the market, the Lychakiv cemetery, the High Castle mountain (the highest point in Lviv) and others.

5. Zhytomyr

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Ukraine

If you want to fully enjoy a walk around the city Zhytomyr and see everything, come here for a little longer. There are interesting places in this city, it is clean and calm here. There are 2 main attractions in the Ukrainian city: Chatsky’s Head rock and the Cosmonautics Museum.

It is worth noting separately the pedestrian street in the center: it is quite lively and replete with many establishments where you can have fun. There are many temples and cathedrals of different times in Zhytomyr, so you understand that the city is very old, it arose in 884.

Here you can see many buildings from the USSR – they are kept in good condition. Zhytomyr is a calm and simple town, suitable for such a holiday. There is a lot of greenery in the city, it is especially striking that there is a lot of marble underfoot in Gagarin Park.

4. Odessa

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Ukraine

Odessa – a city that delivers unforgettable impressions to guests! It immerses residents and tourists in a special romantic, loving atmosphere. Prominent people were born in this city: Alexander Grin (1880–1932), Yuri Olesha (1899–1960), Alexander Kuprin (1870–1938) and others.

Odessa is the pearl city of Ukraine, located by the sea. Basically, a crowd of people here can be found on Deribasovskaya – the girls selling flowers look very nice. What especially attracts attention is the Potemkin Stairs, if you go down 198 steps, you can see the sea station.

Duc Richelieu (1766–1822) is considered to be deservedly the founder of Odessa. Tourists really like to walk in Odessa along Primorsky Boulevard, street musicians perform here and many attractions are concentrated.

3. Vinnitsa

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Ukraine

Stay in winery you will definitely like it, because it is a very interesting and colorful city. Vinnitsa, of course, is not Venice (there is a similarity in the name), but there are many attractions here. Most of all, guests of the city remember the Vishenka district – they want to come back here!

There is a stunning forest in the forest park along the Barskoye Highway – the path looks even prettier in winter when it snows. The forest park and lake Guralne are favorite places among residents. Among the lakes, one can note Tyazhilovskoye and Vishenskoye – it is pleasant to walk here at any time of the year.

Fans of quiet walks will appreciate the Roshen embankment: you can admire Kempa Island, which is one of the largest islands in the Southern Bug River. If you wish, you can ride catamarans, and museum lovers should visit AvtoMotoVeloPhotoTeleRadio – this is a place where time stops.

2. Chernivtsi

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Ukraine

Chernivtsi, if anyone does not know – the birthplace of actress Mila Kunis. She was born in this city in 1983. She never hid that she was born in Ukraine and knows Russian and Ukrainian. What is interesting in this city? Chernivtsi is an ancient city with a long history and a unique atmosphere.

The city is sustained in a modern style, rather strict and prim. The small, clean streets of the city resemble the streets of Germany or Austria – there is no eclecticism here, all the buildings are designed in the same style.

What you notice while walking around Chernivtsi is that the houses are restored and well maintained, and not only in the center. Here you can also find carts with horses – mostly coachmen are hired for weddings. Everything has been created in this Ukrainian city for the comfort of residents: parks, streets with shops, squares and more.

1. Kamenetz-Podolsk

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Ukraine

It would be surprising not to see a city on this list. Kamenetz-Podolskbecause it delights with its beauty and enchants everyone who comes here! The natural landscape here is not easy: a river flows in a stone canyon, and buildings are located on the rocky shores.

The town is small and perfect for a weekend getaway. If you have a car, you can at the same time visit Lviv and Chernivtsi, which are nearby. I am glad that the city has a well-developed infrastructure, and there are also places where you can have a good time: a waterfall, fountains, a park, and so on.

This city will be interesting primarily for those who are interested in history and also want to admire the architectural masterpieces. You should definitely look at the ancient fortress, the Armenian church, the town hall, the church. It is worth noting that the people here are very hospitable!

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