Top 10 most beautiful cities in France with photos

France… Just one word evokes the most wonderful associations. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is the Eiffel Tower, against which events from romantic films often take place.

France is one of the most visited countries, it has been rewarded with a magnificent landscape: you wonder what charming meadows, lakes, sea coasts are here! And the Champs Elysees remain the symbol of France.

Basically, when they go to France, they visit Paris, but this romantic country can boast not only this city. What other beautiful cities are worth seeing in France? Let’s find out about the best!

10 Saint-Malo

Top 10 most beautiful cities in France with photos

Saint-Maloseems to be a different world – a world descended from the brushes of artists! Real French people live here. The town is very small, located in the north of the peninsula, famous for its huge ebbs and flows (up to 800 m), oysters and a territory closed from migrants.

In the VI century, the French city was a refuge for monks, and later turned into a fortress. In the late Middle Ages, it was a pirate haven. The first associations upon entering the city are stone and flowers. They are everywhere here, hydrangeas are most often found.

Saint-Malo has narrow streets and small 2- and 3-story houses. Residents love to relax on the beach: teenagers, families, couples – everyone comes to the beach to enjoy the view of the ocean and swim. But the water here is cold – of course, the Atlantic Ocean!

9. Montpellier

Top 10 most beautiful cities in France with photos

Montpellier – an ancient city, which is called student. Here is one of the oldest European universities (it was founded in 1289), where Nostradamus himself studied, being a brilliant doctor. It was from here that he left for Aix-en-Provence to fight the plague.

There is also an old anatomical theater here. The first thing that catches your eye when visiting the city is amazing trams! They are all interestingly painted, according to the route. Christian Lacroix himself took part in their coloring!

Old streets, an abundance of bookstores, small squares and students are what you will see when visiting Montpellier. This city is very beautiful, with Medieval quarters. You can very well feel how and how the French live.

8. Marseilles

Top 10 most beautiful cities in France with photos

This city is incredibly windy, so do not comb your hair for a very long time – the whole hairstyle will instantly deteriorate. Tourists Marseilles causes ambiguous feelings: on the one hand, it is a dirty port city, on the other hand, its life is seasoned with “hot pepper”.

The Old Port is what travelers especially want to see, one of the most picturesque places in Marseille. Boats and boats are everywhere here. On the island there is a fortress built in the XNUMXth century – it became very famous thanks to the novel by A. Dumas “The Count of Monte Cristo”.

This French town is unmistakable: it smells of seafood (sellers sell fish here on the street immediately after catching) and the sea wind. One of the symbols of Marseille is Notre Dame de la Garde, the locals call it the Temple of Our Lady.

7. Cannes

Top 10 most beautiful cities in France with photos

Cannes – a magnificent city, almost the pearl of the country after Paris. What comes first when you hear the name of a city? Avenue of Stars, Red Carpet, but the city is beautiful not only for this. There is a lot to see here.

Cannes has its historical and relief dominant in the form of a fortress on top of a hill, and cultural – in the form of a palace with a red carpet, which everyone knows about. Yachts that create endless rows attract attention especially – they are located right next to the Palais des Festivals.

There is also a flea market nearby – you can buy souvenirs for loved ones. Of course, you should definitely take a walk along the Croisette, Carlton, look at the territory of luxury hotels. There is also a “living” city here, in which there is no pathos, and for tourists it is somehow nicer and more comfortable.

Interesting fact: the most beautiful and famous streets in Cannes are the Promenade de la Croisette and Rue d’Antibes.

6. Lyons

Top 10 most beautiful cities in France with photos

This city seems to be created specifically for tourists – everything is interesting here, every centimeter! Inspection Lyon with the tour starts from Jacobin Square. It was founded in 1556, on the site of the old monastery of St. James.

There is a fountain on the square – bearing the name “From Lyon” in the form of a rotunda temple. Further, what is shown to tourists is the Celestin Theater, founded in 1792. Place Bellecour is one of the most visited places by tourists. In the center is a sculpture of Louis XIV.

In the morning it is deserted here – if you do not like the crowd, then it is better to come to inspect the square at this time. The square offers a beautiful view of the famous Notre-Dame-de-Fournier Basilica. If you want to be closer to civilization, then you need to go to Rue des Marronniers, where all kinds of cafes and restaurants are located.

5. Avignon

Top 10 most beautiful cities in France with photos

Avignon – a city that you must visit when traveling in France. If only because there are many sights here, it is large and beautiful, and arouses interest. Avignon is considered the most beautiful city in Provence.

This city is large and historical – walking along its streets is a real pleasure! Almost all tourist reviews begin with a photo of the fortress wall – it fences the historical part of the town. Acquaintance with Avignon begins with her.

Avignon cannot but conquer – it is very beautiful, interesting in perception. The tour starts from Dyers Street – a canal flows along it, giving it a special charm. Almost everything is amazing here at every step: benches, flywheels, houses, lavender, which is everywhere here … This is a stunning city, which is impossible not to fall in love with!

4. Monte Carlo

Top 10 most beautiful cities in France with photos

It must be seen with your own eyes! AT Monte Carlo it is difficult to find entertainment if you do not have enough funds, this is a city for the rich, although walking around the city is already a pleasure. It is a small town aimed at small areas. The most popular of them: the area of ​​the prince’s palace and the casino.

So that you know what awaits you – there are very expensive hotels here, the cheapest with two stars costs tourists 8 per night. According to experienced people, it is better to choose a place of residence outside Monte Carlo, for example, in Menton (the road from Menton takes no more than half an hour.)

Why is the city attractive? Mostly people come here to look at the Monte Carlo casino or play. To the left of it is another casino, and to the right is the Hotel de Paris, which opened in 1864. Many famous films were filmed in it, and such great people as Jules Verne, Giuseppe Verdi and others stayed at the hotel!

3. Paris

Top 10 most beautiful cities in France with photos

The city that celebrities love to visit is called “Instagram”. Everyone who comes here is sure to take photos against the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower and post them on social networks. Still, because the beauty is indescribable!

Everyone finds something different in Paris: some can walk around the city and see the sights, others enjoy nature. You should definitely visit the following objects, so to speak, the most iconic ones: the Fragonard Museum, Notre Dame Cathedral and, of course, the Eiffel Tower.

It is not for nothing that poems and songs are dedicated to Paris – this is a unique city in which life boils at its own pace. The architecture of the city impresses the most fastidious tourist – statues, fountains, works of art are everywhere, and the family can relax in Disneyland in the suburbs of Paris.

Interesting fact: Parisians are lovers of literature. This city ranks 1st in terms of the number of libraries. There are 830 of them in Paris.

2. Bordeaux

Top 10 most beautiful cities in France with photos

Bordeaux – the capital of winemaking, but tourists pay attention to other aspects of the city. It combines the charm of the province and the Parisian gloss. It is quite possible to see most of the city center in one day – if there is a desire and strength!

Book lovers are advised to look into Mollat ​​on Place Gambetta: it has children’s books, postcards, French-language literature and more. You can meet many students on the square – they like to relax there.

What is especially impressive in Bordeaux is that in the center of Quinquonces Square there is a column crowned with a golden sculpture. The attention of tourists is most focused on the fountains with horses. What else deserves special attention is the embankment, where travelers like to take pictures so much.

1. Nice

Top 10 most beautiful cities in France with photos

Nice – a small French town in which carnivals are held annually. Yes, you heard right! They are not only a visiting card of Brazil. Moreover, this event has been held without fail since the XNUMXth century.

Carnival in Nice is something grandiose: for 2 weeks the Mediterranean city is filled with a festive atmosphere, which is facilitated by processions of musicians and clowns, flower parades and loud parties.

Nice is a multifaceted French city. Walking on it, you always discover something new. You don’t even have to have a destination – you can just walk, stop and admire the buildings, monuments and streets. You will know what real beauty is!

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