Top 10 most beautiful cities in Europe where you can go for a weekend

In European cities, with no comparison to the atmosphere, most of them are architectural gems. These are the most beautiful cities with centuries-old history and the unique charm of the streets. Europe is able to satisfy any needs of travelers: lovers of fun will find entertainment centers for themselves, those who want to walk around the city and soak up its atmosphere will appreciate the old quarters, and architecture fans will find unique buildings, from the sight of which you get aesthetic delight!

It is impossible to say which cities in Europe are the best, all of them are unique, with their own history, but it is possible to single out the most beautiful, according to public opinion: these are Stockholm with its unique metro stations, Barcelona, ​​known as the architectural workshop of the genius Antonio Gaudi, Venice with ancient temples other. Europe attracts celebrities for holidays: for example, Kim Kardashian loves to come to Florence, Naomi Campbell in Formentera, and Paris Hilton loves to bask on the beach in Ibiza.

In this article, we have included the cities of Europe, which are considered the most beautiful among tourists. Residents also respond only positively. Do you need a reason to travel? Especially if the soul requires change!

10 Innsbruck

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Europe where you can go for a weekend

Innsbruck – a fabulously beautiful city, but you can feel its atmosphere only if you visit it. Through the photo on the Internet is hardly possible. The city is located in Austria – it pleases with impeccable roads (even the tram tracks are made so neatly that it’s hard to trip over them!). There are a lot of cyclists on the streets, all parking lots are full.

Of the main attractions: the Golden Roof Museum (the roof, of course, is not made of gold, but the view is impressive!) Ambras Castle – one of the oldest in the world, the city tower, cable car, bergisel, etc. Food in Innsbruck is quite cheap, tourists offer refreshments in Stiegl and Schtiftskeller. The city is located in a picturesque part, not far from the border with Germany, and is surrounded by the majestic Alps from almost all sides.

9. Bieber

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Europe where you can go for a weekend

Bieber – this is not even a city, but the most beautiful old village in the UK. Recently, it has been very popular among tourists – travelers and creative people like to come here in search of inspiration. A distinctive feature of Bibury are stone houses, and the canals of the Colne River, where ducks and swans live, are also very attractive.

You can visit this amazing town at any time of the year. Travelers love to walk along the narrow streets here, as well as hear the murmur of water, birdsong and the wind in the trees – a delight for those who love solitude! There are benches in the village – you can sit down and read a book or just be in silence. In Bibury, the walls and roofs of houses are made of limestone, and they were built in the XNUMXth century.

8. Venice

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Europe where you can go for a weekend

Venice – a paradise for lovers of mysticism and the mysterious. Arriving in this European town, you immediately understand what unique architecture is here! The romantic city has a mainland and islands – there are already 118 of them! Of course, there are many canals and channels here, and more precisely, there are more than 150 of them. Venice is a solid photo zone, each building is more beautiful than the previous one, so it’s simply impossible to get tired walking around the city.

The main square of the city is St. Mark’s, and a huge number of people always gather on it. They are everywhere: some are standing, others are sitting, others are taking pictures. The Doge’s Palace especially attracts attention – the building resembles a ship with many portholes. Details of the building can be viewed for more than one hour – to consider and admire. Venice is a city with an indescribable atmosphere, and its symbol is a mask.

Interesting fact: it is difficult to determine the depth of the waterways of Venice, because the water is opaque. Depth varies, but most channels are between 1,5 and 2 meters deep, depending on the tides. In Venice, there are even deeper canals, for example, 12 and 17 m.

7. Mykonos

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Europe where you can go for a weekend

Mykonos – This is an island of the town of the same name, located in the Aegean Sea. You can get to it in 3-5 hours from one of the Athenian ports, for example, Pira on a high-speed catamaran or ferry. Mykonos will amaze you with its magical atmosphere – the feeling that you are in a fairy tale: here are snow-white houses with beautiful views and red roofs and domes.

There is not even anything to say about romance – it’s clear that here it is “spilled” in the air, in every cubic centimeter of the town! Of course, life is inside us, everything external is only its reflection, but a person is weak to feel the depth of life, and for this he needs something external, here it is – Mykonos … This place makes you fall in love with yourself, because in it 24/ 7 festive atmosphere, you have to leave with tears in your eyes – you want to stay.

6. Castle Com

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Europe where you can go for a weekend

In an English town Castle Com there are many unique attractions, which only Castle Combe, St. Andrew’s Church. Castle Combe is a village of only 350 people, and this place is on the lists of the most photographed in England. The most beautiful village consists of two parts: one is in the narrow valley of the River Brook, and the second in a high place in the east, known as Upper Castle Combe.

The main attraction of this cozy place is the market square of the XIV century – next to it there is a pump that provides residents with water. Now this village is quite popular – in 1967, Doctor Dolittle was filmed here, as well as Agatha Christie’s Poirot, War Horse and others. This is an amazing place, having been in which you are imbued with a bygone era. Fans will appreciate it highly.

5. Reykjavik

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Europe where you can go for a weekend

Many travelers, leaving travel reviews, call Iceland the most beautiful country in the world. But is this so, you can understand by going to the study yourself. But when going on a trip, do not forget that Iceland is not only the most beautiful country, but also the most expensive.

Reykjavik – a calm, measured city: there is no hurry, there are almost no people on the streets. Pathological purity is striking. And this is despite the fact that it is often foggy and rainy. The wind blows at any time of the year, especially on the embankment. The symbol of the Icelandic town is Solfar, this sculpture looks most beautiful at dawn and sunset. Nothing compares to the local opera – a futuristic glass building where you can enter whenever you want, and for free.

4. Stockholm

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Europe where you can go for a weekend

Everyone knows that in Stockholm each metro is a work of art, but the beauty of the airport cannot be compared with anything. Stockholm is a beautiful city with an indescribable atmosphere. Here, forests untouched by man, the stunning Lake Mälaren, the Baltic Sea … Rest in a Swiss town is an exciting adventure!

Everyone will find entertainment to their liking here. The central square is very beautifully decorated – here you can sit on a bench in the evening and drink a cup of hot chocolate. However, the prices are quite high (2 cups of chocolate and 2 buns can cost 1000 rubles). The main attraction of Stockholm is the town hall. You can only get inside with a guided tour. Another no less interesting attraction is the Royal Palace. Apogee – Morten Trotzig Lane, only 90 cm wide.

Interesting fact: The first open-air museum was founded in 1891. It shows viewers the changing social conditions in Sweden between the XNUMXth and half of the XNUMXth century.

3. Porto

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Europe where you can go for a weekend

Porto – a city for the soul, in which it is easy to breathe and you want to dance! The town is located on the Douro River and is famous for its port wine cellars. For tourists it opens as a city for spiritual relaxation and harmonization. Porto, you will immediately notice it, the city is “affectionate”, gentle and comfortable in all respects.

Having been here once, you will not forget your trip. You don’t need to prepare for a walk around the city, draw up a route – it was created for leisurely walks, and you don’t even want to use a map. It is enough to walk to the Do Carmo church, as the rest of the sights will follow one after another. Not far from the church is the central square Avenida dos Alados, where you can walk and take a photo. Since this town is multi-level, walking in heels will not be a joy – remember this.

2. Germander

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Europe where you can go for a weekend

The old town in Croatia attracts tourists from all over the world, because here you can enjoy almost everything! The difference from all other resorts is that there is a lot of greenery, mountains and amazing air due to the Mediterranean pines. Germander – the old city is very beautiful, and its main attraction is the Old City.

In the city you can swim in the Adriatic Sea – it is so clean that you can see your fingertips standing in the water, and, of course, swimming fish. The old city is like an endless maze, walking through which you always discover something new. By the way, finding your home here is not an easy task, because all houses are similar, and there are many lanes. The old city is included in the UNESCO list – there is a lot to see here, and if you climb the tower and walk on top, the view is mesmerizing!

1. Barcelona

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Europe where you can go for a weekend

Barcelona – a place where you want to return. Here you can arrange endless shopping, unforgettable walks and taste delicious dishes in restaurants. But as they say, to each his own – someone comes here for another: to see the sights, relax in nature and walk around the city.

Of course, the first point where tourists go is the Sagrada Familia (or Sagrada Familia). It is difficult to describe in words the greatness that appears before the eyes of travelers. This is a truly unique temple, in which each of the facades is made in an individual style, the central one is made by Antonio Gaudi. Another iconic landmark of the city is the cathedral, be sure to look at it. Walking around Barcelona, ​​you will admire the streets: they are clean, cozy and well-groomed.

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