Top 10 most beautiful cities in Crimea, where you should spend your holidays

Recently, Crimea has become increasingly popular with tourists, and not only Russian ones. So, in 2018, it was chosen by residents of 132 countries of near and far abroad. Why do vacationers love Crimea so much? Perhaps the biggest reason is diversity. Here you can conquer the mountains and engage in active sports, you can lie on the beach all day and swim in the sea or go on excursions and see local attractions. There is an opportunity to choose a vacation for every taste and budget. Older people and young people, couples in love and families with children – everyone will find something for themselves here.

From this article you will learn about the most beautiful cities and settlements Crimea. You may want to visit one of them, or you may dare to visit them all. By the way, tourists who have such an opportunity will remember this trip for the rest of their lives.

10 Alushta

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Crimea, where you should spend your holidays

It is located on the southern coast of Crimea. A resort town that is ideal for studying history. AT Alushta many attractions.

Anyone who is interested in the history of Crimea should definitely visit the Aluston fortress built in the XNUMXth century. Fairy-tale museum “House of brownies”, a museum of disasters, a marble cave … The list can be continued for a long time, but it’s better to see everything with your own eyes.

The park “Crimea in miniature” deserves special attention. This is a unique opportunity to see the most interesting places of the peninsula without leaving the territory of Alushta. This place is perfect for people of all ages

9. Zander

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Crimea, where you should spend your holidays

This city is preferred by families with children. Here the air is cleanest, as there are no seaports. City beaches are covered with sand and pebbles. The sea, the promenade, amazing views – everything is like in other resort towns.

Business card Walleye – Genoese fortress. This is a monument with a long history. The walls and towers with loopholes are still preserved.

The mountain trail is very popular with tourists. It is named after Prince Golitsyn. It runs along the rocky coast of the sea. This walk will bring great aesthetic pleasure. It leads to the village of Novy Svet, where you can also find a lot of interesting things.

8. Sevastopol

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Crimea, where you should spend your holidays

Sevastopol one of the three largest cities of the Crimean peninsula. Life boils here day and night. Vacationers love to come here. If you want a quiet and secluded holiday, Sevastopol is definitely not suitable for this purpose.

Embankment Primorsky Boulevard is the most favorite place for tourists. From here you can enjoy the view of the sea, ships and seagulls.

Sevastopol is a hero city, everything here is permeated with an atmosphere of recognition and respect for historical events. The city has a large number of monuments dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War. Guests of Sevastopol are simply obliged to visit the Ancient settlement of Khersones.

7. Belogorsk

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Crimea, where you should spend your holidays

One of the most ancient cities. Its location is the bank of the Biyuk-Karasu River. Due to this, it is the administrative center of the agricultural region. It is very beautiful here, steppe landscapes smoothly turn into mountains.

Belogorsk attracts the attention of not only tourists, but also directors. More than one film was shot in this city (Apocalypse Code, Headless Horseman). There is a lot of greenery here, in spring it becomes bright and colorful – it is buried in flowering gardens.

The most famous attraction is the Taigan Safari Park. You can admire wild animals – lions and tigers. It is worth visiting the White Rock, it offers a beautiful view of the surroundings of Belogorsk.

6. Yalta

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Crimea, where you should spend your holidays

Yalta called “pearl of Crimea“. It often gets into the tops of the most beautiful cities of the Crimean peninsula. These places inspired more than one artist and poet, they repeatedly praised the beauty of Yalta.

There is a record number of natural, historical and architectural monuments here. Massandra Palace, Swallow’s Nest, Nikitsky Botanical Garden…

No less beautiful are the surroundings of Yalta, this is nature untouched by man. To see all the beauties of this city, you can use the cable car to Ai-Petri. Excellent view from above: embankment, cathedrals, historical buildings.

5. Old Crimea

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Crimea, where you should spend your holidays

The city is located in the eastern part of Crimea. During the excavations carried out on its territory, antique ceramics of the XNUMXth – XNUMXrd century BC were discovered. e. Although there is information that the city appeared much earlier than this period.

It is not surprising that all tourists want to visit it. There are many old buildings and mosques here. Old Crimea – an amazingly beautiful place. Every tourist gets the opportunity to see history with their own eyes.

4. Koktebel

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Crimea, where you should spend your holidays

As soon as they do not call Koktebel – “bohemian”, “Mecca of the Russian intelligentsia”, “cultural resort”. The fact is that a unique atmosphere reigns here, which attracts creative extraordinary people to Koktebel. During its existence, the city was visited by many famous persons.

There is very beautiful nature here. Koktebel is located at the foot of Karadag mountain. This is an inactive volcano. Cape Chameleon and the Karadag Reserve deserve special attention.

The air in this area is very clean and there is practically no wind, because Koktebel is “hiding” in the mountains. Beauty is not the only advantage of a holiday in the city, there are many entertainments for adults and children.

3. Saki

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Crimea, where you should spend your holidays

Saki has long earned a reputation as the best mud resort. But if you decide to stay here, get ready for the fact that the sea is 5 kilometers from the city. For most tourists, this will be a disadvantage, but you should not immediately abandon this option. It is perfect for those who experience health problems or dream of solitude and tranquility.

Local beauties, steppe air, fragrant herbs, healing mud – Saki seems to be created in order to get rid of physical and mental wounds.

2. Alupka

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Crimea, where you should spend your holidays

A small resort town, located 18 kilometers from Yalta. Alupka has become a popular resort, thanks to the healing air and mild climate. Steep winding streets are drowning in greenery. Walking through them is a real pleasure. A person can plunge into the past, at least for a while forget about the frantic pace of life.

If you look at Alupka from the sea, it seems that it looks like a high old staircase. The last step is the top of Mount Ai-Petri.

The pride of Alupka is the Vorontsovsky palace and park complex. Every year many tourists flock here, they all want to enjoy the beautiful views, relax their soul and body.

1. Simferopol

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Crimea, where you should spend your holidays

The largest city, economic and cultural center of the Crimean peninsula. It is often called the “Gate of the Crimea”, tourists begin their journey to the peninsula precisely from Simferopol. Airport, railway, buses – all vacationers arrive here, and then get to their final destination. Although there are many reasons to stay in Simferopol.

This is a beautiful interesting city with a long history. Once upon a time, the capital of the ancient Scythian state was located here. Scythian Naples is one of the main attractions of Simferopol. The memorial buildings where great people stayed have been preserved to this day.

This city has a lot of entertainment for children, they will be happy to visit the Denisovskaya farm (ostriches), a fabulous landscaped park. Vacationers have a great opportunity to see Simferopol at night from the observation deck.

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