Top 10 most beautiful cities in Belarus

If you are still asking why it is worth visiting Belarus, then you are probably not very aware of what beautiful views there are! It’s worth going here just for them. Most Russian and foreign tourists compare the atmosphere of Belarus with the Soviet one – the spirit is really present. It’s not bad and it’s not good – it’s exotic! Almost all tourists highlight the cuisine, architecture and interesting people in Belarus – rarely anyone speaks badly about the inhabitants.

It is amazing that 20800 rivers flow on the territory of the state! If you look at the capital of Belarus – Minsk, the most remarkable architecture there is rather the church of St. Helena and St. Simeon. Since Belarus is not the most popular state for tourists, you will not meet a crowd of people here, which is undoubtedly a plus. Usually travelers come here who want to get acquainted with another culture and lovers who have already been.

Do you want to see lakes, visit untouched forests, walk in parks? Then you should find out which cities of Belarus travelers consider the most beautiful and follow in their footsteps!

10 Deep

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Belarus

What do you know about beauty? city ​​dwellers Deep you will be told what it is! From Minsk to Glubokoe is only 170 km, and there are even trains. Glubokoye is positioned by tour operators as the “Cherry Capital” of Belarus, and there is a reason for this – the landowner-breeder Boleslav Lapyr lived here, who developed his own winter-hardy variety of cherries and sweet cherries.

Of course, the city is remarkable not only for this, it has the most beautiful architecture, be sure to admire the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it was originally built as the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Rebuilt several times. Known for the fact that in 1812 Napoleon, having arrived in Glubokoe, made it his residence. This city is an amazing place, in the vicinity of which there are 5 lakes, so the townspeople call it “Belarusian Venice”.

9. Vitebsk

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Belarus

Of course, the heart of many tourists is given to Minsk – the most beautiful city in Belarus, but do not forget about other equally interesting cities of the state. This city has amazing nature, prices are lower than in Moscow and the Moscow region, and people are friendly. Arriving here, you will highlight how polite and well-mannered people are here.

Vitebsk resembles a European city: it is clean, comfortable, and was founded by Princess Olga in 974. Sometimes it seems that this city is ideal for permanent residence: small, cultured, calm. If you want to experience all the delights of the festival city, come here in July, this is the most atmospheric period! At this time, the most interesting events take place: exhibitions in galleries, concerts of stars and more.

8. Mogilev

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Belarus

Mogilev – a cozy small town in Belarus, if you want to have a good time and relax – you can consider a trip! The most famous places here are the City Hall building and Freedom Square, located nearby. In the evening it is especially beautiful here. It offers a view of another part of the city, located several tens of meters below.

The drama theater looks attractive, but the building does not quite look like a theatrical one: it is made of red brick and does not have classic white columns. The theater was opened in 1888; Chaliapin and Komissarzhevskaya performed on its stage. There is a lady with a dog on the steps, so you will not confuse him with anything. Near the theater there is another attraction – the church of St. Stanislaus, built in the XNUMXth century. Mogilev is an old town, but it is in excellent condition. It is pleasant to walk along it, relax and enjoy the views.

7. Gomel

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Belarus

If you arrive at Gomelyou probably won’t want to leave. It captivates with its atmosphere: the people are sympathetic, there are no traffic jams, a leisurely lifestyle prompts reflection and enjoyment of life. A noteworthy building is the post office built in the XNUMXth century, but the real pearl of the city is, of course, the palace and park complex.

In this park, everyone will find what they want for themselves: children will ride the rides, extreme sports lovers will climb the observation tower, there are also many bridges, including those over the Sozh River. Also, in warm weather, you can relax on the sandy beach, take a walk on the embankment, visit museums and a luxurious palace. A rare park can offer such a variety of leisure activities. This city is beautiful and comfortable – you are unlikely to leave here in a bad mood.

6. Baranovichi

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Belarus

Baranovichi convenient in terms of transport, interesting history and sights. There are canteens all over Belarus, including in Baranovichi, where you can eat cheaply – which is especially distinguished by hungry tourists! There are interesting architectural churches in the city, but they are all new, for example, the Church of the Myrrh-bearing Women, made in black and white.

It is best to go here in the summer, when everything is beautiful and picturesque. There is a special charm around the castle at this time … There are enough places for recreation in Baranovichi: wherever you go, you will find a place where you can relax and have fun. Residents of the city like it here, and tourists even more – in Baranavichy there is even a Church of the Evangelists, as well as a couple of churches and Orthodox churches. You will definitely touch the beauty by visiting here!

5. Pinsk

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Belarus

Do you want to visit a cozy, gingerbread town? Then you need to visit Pinsk! This is a very cozy, clean and quiet town with a beautiful historical center, where all the houses have been restored. This cute town has a lot of greenery, cozy nooks with benches and beautiful lighting. It feels like you are somewhere in Europe.

In the center on Lenin Street there is a beautiful church, it is almost always open, and you can go if you wish. The pearl of the center, of course, is the promenade, where you can walk, think about your own thoughts and enjoy the surrounding views. If, admiring all the beauties of the Belarusian city, you suddenly feel hungry, you should look into the cafe “Akhmad” or “Retro” – these establishments are located in the center and differ in democratic prices.

4. Polotsk

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Belarus

Polotsk – a wonderful city located in Belarus. Hundreds of tourists want to come here on the weekend, but why? There are gorgeous views and an abundance of everything that you want to see with your own eyes! For example, St. Sophia Cathedral, which is the hallmark of the city. There is a concert hall with an organ inside, and concerts are held on weekends.

Polotsk is one of the oldest cities in Belarus. It was founded in 862. Much here reminds of the prominent people in whose honor the monuments were named. There are many museums and remarkable places in the city (you will always have a itinerary!): Natural and Ecological Museum, St. Sophia Cathedral, Museum of Military Glory and others. There is a city bath, where you can take a good steam bath. The locals are kind, sociable and always welcome guests.

3. Molodechno

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Belarus

What to see and where to go Molodechno? The main entertainment points of the city (so to speak) are the park, Broadway, cinema. The main street is called Broadway, where you can take a pleasant walk, go to the cinema and, of course, look at the Church of St. Casimir.

Molodechno, as travelers say, is full of kind people, and there are enough cultural institutions. In 2011, the city was reconstructed – now it looks even better. The park is a place that especially sets you in a positive mood. The fountains are insanely beautiful, but they only work in summer. Summing up, we can draw the following conclusion: Molodechno is an amazing city, but here there is nowhere to go with children. But adults will appreciate staying in it.

2. Inconclusive

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Belarus

Inconclusive – the pearl of Belarus, which you need to see with your own eyes! It is a small town with a rich history. The first thing that catches your eye when you visit is the condition of the roads. The road surface is incomparable, the markings are clear, it is a pleasure to drive at a fast speed.

Local landscapes of the city cannot but delight! Nature is so pure and beautiful… The castle belonged to the Radzivils family, the richest family in Belarus. The entire territory of the castle is clean and ennobled – walking here and sitting on a bench is a real pleasure, especially in autumn, when the leaves rustle underfoot. In addition to the castle, it is worth seeing the Church of the Body of God, the town hall, the Craftsman’s house and more.

1. Grodno

Top 10 most beautiful cities in Belarus

You never get tired of admiring this city, even the name sounds like a fairy tale! You can come here at least every year – there is something to see: the Cathedral of St. Francis Xavier, which overshadows any sight (by the way, the residence of the Roman Catholic diocese is located at the back – a beautiful place).

Grodno is the only city with real royal castles. There are two of them: one was built in the XNUMXth century, and the other in the XNUMXth. Their appearance is so impressive that everything looks like frames from a fairy tale, if you look at the castles in reality. Grodno has preserved ancient churches and monasteries of various confessions. A notable object of the city is the fire tower. Next to it is an active fire station. This is a city in which it is always interesting to stay, there is something to see here.

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