TOP 10 methods to attract success in all your endeavors

And again, hello everyone! I want to share techniques on how to attract success into your life. If you have read the article “Why does success depend only on the person himself and no one else?”, then you know that it is possible to achieve the desired result only by relying on your own resources. So today I’ve put together 10 of the best methods so that you can get the necessary basics of attracting luck without wasting your time.

Top 10 methods

1. Think only about what you want to achieve

Because each of our thoughts is material, due to the fact that it is energetically charged. Therefore, you broadcast this energy into the world, and it attracts what you have thought about so often. And if you dwell on the fear of failure, then most likely this will happen. At first it will be difficult, because when we don’t want something, we subconsciously constantly scroll through the unwanted situation in our head in the smallest detail. Right?

Therefore, a positive way of thinking has an almost instant effect, then you will learn in detail to imagine what you want and notice small victories. You can read more about the power of thought in the article: “How to make the visualization of desires the right method to achieve your goal.”

2. Reframe your negative thoughts

It’s just that from all the phrases that indicate what you don’t want, you need to make such a “changeling” for yourself by creating affirmations. For example, you are worried that you will not be able to pay the rent of the premises for your started business. In this case, the wording is suitable: «I will have enough money to pay the rent.»

Write down five phrases, continuing with the words: «I don’t want» or «I’m afraid,» and then a positive statement next to each. And do this exercise until you reformulate all your fears or unwillingness to do something. You can read more about affirmations here, here is the link.

3. Learn to be grateful

TOP 10 methods to attract success in all your endeavors

Sometimes, when there are many turmoils, difficulties and failures in life, it is very difficult to consider those moments for which you should be grateful. But believe me, the fact that you are alive is already worth a lot. Thank yourself for not giving up and getting up from your knees after every setback.

Thank your loved ones who are close to you, even if sometimes they do not support you. Learn to enjoy these seemingly simple, but in fact the most important things: family, children, parents, friends, a roof over your head, the ability to walk, move, in the end. If you remember gratitude, you can change the world.

4. Expand your circle of acquaintances, among those who have achieved success

You will be in an environment that motivates you to achieve. In an environment where this energy of achievements circulates. Communication with people who have faith in themselves and their strength will give you confidence about your own abilities. After all, if you watch how others act, despite the risk and fear, then over time you yourself will try to take the first step towards your goal.

5. Technology does not stand still

In the modern world, there is a huge flow of constantly changing information, therefore, no matter what knowledge you have, never stop developing. Only by following, and sometimes even anticipating some of the needs of the world market, you can reach the same level as the heroes of my publication «Real stories of people who have achieved success with their work and perseverance.» Because attracting good luck is a whole complex of internal character traits, hard work and knowledge in the area in which you are advancing.

6. Method «Collage of desires»

From photographs and pictures cut out from magazines, create a collage of your dreams and desires. Visualization has the same energy as affirmations, only with the difference that the created collage will always be in front of your eyes, constantly reminding you of the favorable result that you are striving for. It will give strength at times if you get tired, disappointed or despair visits, as well as motivate you to continue, despite the difficulties that everyone encounters along the way.

The collage will inspire you to give all your best, and this is already half the way to the realization of your plans. You will learn more about this from this article.

7. Listen to yourself, or rather to your intuition

TOP 10 methods to attract success in all your endeavors

Which tells you when to take a step, and when it is better to wait. If you trust yourself, you will always know what you need to do to successfully achieve your goals. The presence of the so-called «sixth sense» was confirmed even by scientists, concluding that it has power in choosing the right decision.

8. Reconsider your outlook on life

Think of it not as an eternal struggle for survival, but as an exciting adventure. The easier you treat it, your ups and downs, the easier it will be to live, and, accordingly, to attract good luck to you like a magnet.

Perceive difficulties not with fear or a sense of helplessness, but with excitement, interest in overcoming them. Take a closer look at the children, their irrepressible energy, sometimes it even seems that they do not get tired a bit. This is all because they look at the world with curiosity, expecting joy and pleasure from it. And that, by the way, they get in full.

9. Surround yourself with things you believe in that will help bring good luck.

And it doesn’t matter what it is. The main thing is that you believe in their strength. Some equip houses according to Feng Shui, and for some it is enough to purchase some kind of talisman in the form of a horseshoe or a hare’s foot. Your faith in your talisman will not only attract good luck, but will also give you confidence, because you will know that something mysterious is hovering nearby. And accordingly, it will motivate you to take active actions, which you might not dare to do, because of the fear of failure.

10. Do good deeds

TOP 10 methods to attract success in all your endeavors

If you study the stories of people who have achieved worldwide recognition, you will notice that they are involved in charity work. And you don’t need to think that they have millions and it’s easier for them, many of them, when they couldn’t buy food for themselves, still helped others and gave the last penny to someone they considered poorer than themselves.

The world will return gratitude to you for your kindness in the form of support in all endeavors. Yes, and your self-esteem and confidence will grow with the understanding that you are able to change someone’s life for the better, even when you have just taken the first step towards your first achievements.


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That’s all, dear readers! The formula for success is simple, as you noticed, believe in yourself, think positively and you will succeed.

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