TOP 10 methods of personal growth for the development of even the most mediocre person

Good day, dear readers. I am glad to see you on the pages of my blog. In this article, I will consider a topic that is relevant and urgent for many: the development of personal growth. Every person, regardless of age, nationality, material and social status, strives for improvement. This is the meaning of the existence of the individual. Only the continuous growth of the individual will help to bring benefit to society and harmony in the soul of the person himself.

Many people do not know where to start their journey to the ideal life of a successful and harmonious person. I will give you a few tips to help you get started and move in the right direction. The main thing is not to deviate from the intended landmarks and stay inspired.

Motivation is one of the most important moments of personal growth. As long as you remember what or whom you need to move forward for, the loss of desire is not terrible for you. Well, I won’t delay. I proceed to the description of the methods. Speaking of motivation, you can read here: here is the link.

1. Visualization — you have what already exists in your subconscious

Most people perceive visualization as the programming of the future. However, this method can also be used to review past experience. This is incredibly useful, as the analysis contributes to the understanding of one’s mistakes and a conscious approach to the future.

Having made a mistake, a person is simply obliged to analyze the failure. Otherwise, negative experience will not teach you anything, and mistakes made once will be repeated again.

The visualization method is effective in the evening. It is best to review the past before going to bed. During this period, the brain is as relaxed as possible, set to rest. Therefore, you do not interfere with small things, work or household duties.

TOP 10 methods of personal growth for the development of even the most mediocre person

Lying in bed or drinking aromatic tea, remember situations in which you made unforgivable mistakes. Think about what you did wrong, and how you could have avoided these troubles. Analyze the failure until you arrive at the perfect solution to the problem.

You may not be able to think through all the details and find a way out in one evening. It’s not scary at all. Think about the problem for as long as you need to. The main thing is to find its solution.

Perhaps a desire visualization board will help you in this matter. You can read about it in this article.

2. A look from the outside — the discovery of one’s own strengths and weaknesses

Thanks to technological progress, many new ways of self-improvement have appeared. You can use an ordinary camera in a computer, phone, camera, tablet and other gadgets. Take a picture of your usual day and take a look.

You can capture a single important episode. For example, a business meeting, a conversation with a potential employer, communication with children or parents, etc. It is necessary to focus on areas in which there are strains and failures.

All athletes use this method to improve their technique. They record themselves on video, watch and analyze. The mistakes made are better visible on the monitor screen than in real life. Especially when it comes to yourself.

The shortcomings of others seem sometimes so obvious. And sometimes their own people do not even notice. The video chronicle of the day will show you your weaknesses. You will understand what you need to work on in order to move forward.

3. Getting rid of information overload

TOP 10 methods of personal growth for the development of even the most mediocre person

The brain is under constant stress if a person is constantly receiving new information. Excessive activity never gives positive results. No matter how much you want to reach your goal as soon as possible, you need to remember that the body needs rest. Otherwise, performance is reduced.

Important! During the day you need to take regular breaks for 15 minutes. At this point, it is recommended to turn off all sources of information: TV, computer, smartphone, etc. Just sit in peace and quiet.

The hardest thing is to turn off the thoughts. However, meditation will help you with this. You can learn how to do it from books, you will find a list in the article: “TOP 10 books on meditation techniques that are easy to learn even for a beginner.” You can also go to yoga classes. There you are guaranteed to get a boost of energy, free your brain and rest your soul. Plus, your body will thank you for a great workout.

4. Fighting fears — do what you are afraid of

Problems arise because of fears and the inability to deal with them. Some are afraid of meeting and communicating with new people, others are afraid to change their usual way of life.

Important! Fear makes life gray, boring and bleak. And most importantly, phobias are the main blocker of personal growth.

To get rid of fear, it must be killed. This can only be done in one way: to do what is scary. Dive headlong into fear, not walk on the edge. Make it a rule to commit a heroic deed every month, and life will change for the better.

5. Invest in yourself, not banks

To earn a lot of money, you need to be a comprehensively developed person. From the very beginning, you need to invest in your education and development. Over time, these investments will begin to bear fruit.

Important! You can’t just take, you have to give as well.

You need to invest in:

  • education;
  • trainings;
  • courses;
  • travels;
  • sport;
  • extreme hobbies;
  • visiting developmental events, etc.

The experience gained while visiting other countries or communicating with foreigners is much more important and valuable than the money itself. Therefore, try to allocate at least a third of your income to development and growth. Try new food, read good books in the original on paper, visit interesting exhibitions and performances.

Important! Do not spare finances for your own improvement.

Here is a good list of books for you: “TOP 10 books for developing the skill of communicating with people”.

6. Conducting dialogues with oneself

I have found from my own experience that frank conversations with oneself are an effective method of improving the quality of life. Make a list of important questions and set aside at least 15 minutes a day to analyze them and think about answers.

Questions can be varied. For example: “What is stopping me from moving on?” or “Why don’t relations develop in the work team?” etc.

Every day, talk to yourself, have discussions and look for a way out of problem situations. In the end, you will find solutions to problems and move one step forward. At the same time, irrelevant topics should be brushed aside, and pressing questions should be asked.

7. Change of environment

TOP 10 methods of personal growth for the development of even the most mediocre person

We copy others from childhood. Without this, a person would not be able to fully develop. It depends on the environment how the child will grow up, and what chances for a good life he will receive from his parents and acquaintances.

In adulthood, a person also copies the people around him. But he does it unconsciously. Psychologists say that a person consists of 5 individual individuals who most strongly influence his life.

Surround yourself with strong and successful people. So you can unconsciously copy their behavior, which will help you in your own development.

This does not mean that you should give up less successful friends and acquaintances. Just keep communication with them to a minimum or try to infect them with a desire to develop. You can set common goals and work towards them together.

8. Goals on paper are the key to achieving them

Tasks, new ideas and desired achievements are best written down on paper. This will increase the chance of their implementation by 90%. It sounds unrealistic, but this method really works.

Get yourself a nice notebook and buy a handy pen. Carry them everywhere with you. As soon as a sensible thought comes to mind, immediately fix it on paper so as not to forget. Make an action plan and follow it.

It is possible that not all of the goals on this list will come true. But the most important ones will surely come true thanks to your desire, perseverance and perseverance.

9.Sport — trains the body and develops endurance

TOP 10 methods of personal growth for the development of even the most mediocre person

A person must improve in all areas.

Important! Only stupid people don’t play sports.

Physical exercise is the key to health, beauty and longevity. In addition, regular training gives an incentive to do more and achieve your goals.

Self-development is impossible without sport. Thus, a person is freed from the accumulated physical energy. Also, sport allows energy flows to freely circulate in the astral and physical bodies.

10. Goal setting and prioritization

Self-improvement is impossible without clear life principles and guidelines. Before starting a self-improvement course, you need to decide:

  • what do you want from life;
  • Who are you cultivating for?
  • What would you like to change in your life?
  • where are important aspects such as career, family, hobbies, friends, etc.

After answering the questions above, start making a list of goals. There can be any number of points. The main thing is that you really want to make them all a reality.

An important point is the existence of a program or mechanisms to achieve the desired. You have to break down big goals into many small tasks. This is how a scheme is developed, following which your path to your dream will be interesting, effective and fast.

If you develop the right plan for the path to the goal, you will enjoy every second of life. A positive result and changes for the better will not be long in coming.


I hope the article was helpful and interesting. Share what you read on social networks with friends and acquaintances, exchange opinions and apply tips and tricks.

I also recommend reading the article «How to find yourself or where to start personal growth.»

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