Top 10 longest streets in the world

The longest streets in the world is a title for which several dozen applicants can compete. The intrigue is added by the fact that it is very difficult to unambiguously define what a street is and indicate the criteria for selecting participants in the rating. That is why such a section has disappeared even from the Guinness Book of Records. However, after analyzing the available information, you can compile the Top 10 – a list that does not claim to be the ultimate truth, but will definitely be useful to people interested in this issue.

10 Rivadavia Avenue in Buenos Aires (Argentina) | 14,6 km

Top 10 longest streets in the world

On the 10th place is rivadavia avenue, whose length is 14,6 kilometers. This longest street in Argentina is located in the city of Buenos Aires. It is named after the country’s first president, Bernardino Rivadavia. As many as 83 bus routes run along this street, there are 13 metro stations on it, 106 traffic lights regulate busy traffic.

Interestingly, Revadavia Street has its own record – it has the largest number of numbered houses in the world. There are 11800 of them here.

9. Moskovsky prospect in Kharkov (Ukraine) | 18 km

Top 10 longest streets in the world

9th place in the ranking of the longest streets in the world belongs to Moskovsky prospect, which Kharkov can boast of. Its length is 18 kilometers. This street has a long history; its construction began in the XNUMXth century. Then it was the road to Moscow, so the modern avenue was named accordingly. The people dubbed it the “avenue of giants” – a large number of large industrial enterprises were built along it in Soviet times.

A remarkable fact is that Moskovsky Prospekt is considered the longest street in Europe. He took over the palm in 2008 from the Ukrainian Lenin Avenue (Zaporozhye).

8. Sofiyskaya street in St. Petersburg (Russia) | 18,3 km

Top 10 longest streets in the world

8 place – Sofia Street, Saint Petersburg. With its 18,3 kilometers of length, it is considered the largest in the city. According to the government decree, it is planned to lengthen it, so it is quite possible that over time it will take a higher place in the ranking. At the same time, Sofiyskaya Street also has its own record – it is considered the longest in Russia among those that have the word “street” in the name.

7. Broadway street in New York (USA) | 25 km

Top 10 longest streets in the world

7th place among the longest streets in the world is the famous New York Broadway. It runs through Manhattan and ends in Albany, the state capital. Broadway is a favorite of tourists and locals alike. Life here does not stop for a minute, even late at night and early in the morning the street is full of pedestrians and cars. Bright advertisements and posters have already become the hallmark of Broadway, which has a huge number of cultural facilities, more than 40 theaters alone.

Broadway Street is the oldest street in New York. The name was given to her back in those days when the territory of Manhattan belonged to the Netherlands. The English did not change it, they only translated it into their own language. So the “wide path” remained the same.

6. Dinmuhamed Kunaev Street in Tekeli (Kazakhstan) | 35 km

Top 10 longest streets in the world

On the 6th place among the longest was Dinmukhamed Kunaev street. It is located in Kazakhstan in the city of Tekeli. Despite the fact that only a little over 20 thousand people live in this settlement, the street named after a prominent Soviet statesman stretches for 35 kilometers.

5. Second Longitudinal Highway in Volgograd (Russia) | 50 km

Top 10 longest streets in the world

Length Second Longitudinal Highway in Volgograd is 50 kilometers. This allows her to open the top five longest streets in the world. The construction of the highway ended in the 70s of the XX century. It owes its name to the fact that it connects the most distant parts of Volgograd from each other, while passing the city along.

It is interesting that the street has no official status, its different sections have their own names. In total, 16 avenues and streets can be counted along its length. If not for this fact, it would be the Second Longitudinal Highway that would be the longest in Russia.

4. MKAD in Moscow (Russia) | 109 km

Top 10 longest streets in the world

4th place belongs Moscow ring road, she is the Moscow Ring Road. Back in the early 109s, this street, 1980 kilometers long, was a kind of border of Moscow, but since then the city has already significantly outgrown it, and the road itself has become part of it, which gives it the right to appear in the ranking of the longest streets in the world.

MKAD was born in 1962. This would have happened much earlier, because the construction project was ready in 1940. But the Great Patriotic War messed up the plans. Since then, the street has undergone a number of renovations. In its modern form, it represents futuristic interchanges and an endless stream of cars that rush along ten lanes in both directions.

3. Primorskoe highway in St. Petersburg (Russia) | 170 km

Top 10 longest streets in the world

Primorskoye highway is another street in St. Petersburg, which was included in the rating of the longest in the world and took 3rd place. The length of the highway is 170 kilometers, it is the longest in the city, despite the fact that it was built in the 60s of the XX century. Then separate streets and sections of the route were tied together.

Along the Primorsky Highway, you can see a large number of wooden and stone cottages built at the end of the XNUMXth century. Many of them belonged to famous people. For example, the Repin estate or the house of the composer Shostakovich. And this is not surprising, because the local landscapes are simply mesmerizing.

2. Sukhumvit street in Bangkok (Thailand) | 491 km

Top 10 longest streets in the world

Sukhumvit is the 2nd longest street in the world. It starts in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. Further, for 491 kilometers, the highway crosses many provinces and cities, ending in Trat, the capital of the province of the same name. The street got its name in honor of Phra Bisala Sukhumvit, the head of the road department.

Sukhumvit is the main shopping street in Bangkok. Accordingly, it is difficult to find a busier place. There is an innumerable variety of shops, hotels for every taste and budget, cafes and restaurants. Life doesn’t stop after sunset. Night clubs, go-go bars, massage parlors open their doors. Sukhumvit in Bangkok resembles a bright beehive. At the same time, a walk along this street will give an idea of ​​what a huge contrast exists in the country between the wealth and poverty of poor areas.

Sukhumvit is a kind of tourist route in Thailand, from which you can not go astray.

1. Young Street in Toronto (Canada) | 1896 km

Top 10 longest streets in the world

First in the ranking is Young Street. It is located in Canada in the city of Toronto. Its length is truly a record. That’s 1896 kilometers! Of course, the street is not limited to Toronto alone; here, in the very center, by Lake Ontario, it is just beginning. Dividing the city in half, Young Street rushes north, near the city of Cochrane, then turns west and after many kilometers rests on the border with the state of Minnesota.

Historians say that most of Young Street repeats the old Indian trail, along which European discoverers once settled. In 1793, the owners of nearby lands were ordered to clear the path so that it could be traveled. In the same years, the street was named after Sir George Young, Minister of England and an old friend of John Simcoe, who was the founder of both Toronto and Young Street.

Modern Young Street is the pride of Canada, which is known all over the world.

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