Top 10 longest rivers of Crimea

Crimean rivers do not differ in high water and long. If you characterize them in a couple of words, then we can say that they are shallow, small and suffer greatly in the summer. The distinctive features of the Crimean rivers depend on their location.

Scientists suggest that a few centuries ago, wider rivers flowed here than now. Due to climate change, the geological plates have changed and many reservoirs have stopped flowing in this direction. But still in the Crimea there is something to see.

On the banks of these rivers are located the amazing sights of the peninsula. Tourists from all over the country come to plunge into ancient history and walk along the ancient rivers. They may not be the fastest and most powerful in the whole world, but the story speaks for itself.

In our article, we have collected information about the longest rivers of Crimea.

10 Chernaya, 35 km

Top 10 longest rivers of Crimea

In Russia they like to call the river “Black”, and Crimea was no exception. This river provides water for the entire Sevastopol. It is recognized as one of the deepest rivers and is carefully studied.

It begins in the Bakhchisarai region, near the villages of Rossoshank and flows into the Black Sea. The length is not so big – 35 km, but for the Crimean places it is very good. During rainy times and when glaciers melt, the catchment area and average discharge increase. Half of the entire river flows through the gorge.

Chernaya is distinguished by its picturesqueness; many artists captured amazing local landscapes on their canvases. It is especially beautiful here in early autumn. By the way, the name has nothing to do with the color of the river. Perhaps she was so nicknamed because of the nearest village of Chorgun or because of the confluence with the Black Sea.

For the first time in Russian sources, the river is mentioned back in 1777, but it was not somehow signed. And only in 1790 she was given a designation on the map.

9. Zapadny Bulganak, 49 km

Top 10 longest rivers of Crimea

Shallow river, which is located in the west of the Crimea. It has temporary tributaries and beams that fill with water during heavy rains or when the snow melts. The beginning is located on the slopes of the Inner Ridge of the Crimean Mountains.

It flows into the Kalamitsky Gulf of the Black Sea. The waters are mostly used for irrigation. river length West Bulganak almost 50 km. Passes through the territory of Simferopol and the Bakhchisarai region. Having overcome half of its path, the river becomes practically waterless until the very end.

8. Belbek, 63 km

Top 10 longest rivers of Crimea

This is the most full-flowing river in the Crimea, it has the largest average annual water supply. It is very stormy and never dries up. It is a narrow channel with high banks and a fast current. Name Belbek translated as strong or firm back. The lower the river goes, the more it slows down.

Since 1980, the river has two channels. In recent years, the water level has dropped dramatically and when it flows into the sea, the river narrows to a few meters. There are a lot of Crimean sights on the coast. All residents are well aware of the history and love this area very much.

7. Kacha, 69 km

Top 10 longest rivers of Crimea

It begins on the northern slopes of the Main Range of the Crimean Mountains at the confluence of two rivers – Pisara and Biyuk-Uzen. At the bottom of the river, pebbles are almost everywhere, the banks are high, and the channel is wide.

Kacha tends to spill heavily during times of heavy rains, especially in autumn or winter. In summer, the runoff is significantly reduced. The river forms the picturesque Kachinsky Gate.

On the coast there are famous monasteries, caves and other attractions of these areas. Many tourists go to the Crimea specifically for the sake of walking along the territory of the river. It is also used to supply drinking water to all residents of the surrounding area.

6. Burulcha, 76 km

Top 10 longest rivers of Crimea

River Burulcha played an important role during the Great Patriotic War. In those days, partisans were based here. Therefore, it is often called the “partisan river”. Many poets dedicated poems and prose to her.

Locals here can often observe archaeologists and other researchers. This is because this is a place of frequent finds from the Upper Paleolithic to the early Eneolithic.

In addition, this river is an excellent tourist attraction. There are two horse bases here. During the Soviet era, these places were considered the best for outdoor activities, and now the owners are trying to maintain the image of these places.

On the territory of Burulcha there are some of the most famous Crimean caves. Many tourists first go to these places and only then continue on their way.

5. Kuchuk-Karasu, 78 km

Top 10 longest rivers of Crimea

Kuchuk-Karasu (Malaya Karasevka) – a river in the Belogorsk and Nizhnegorsk regions of the peninsula. The length is 78 km, the catchment area is 225 square kilometers. The source of the Kuchuk-Karasu River is Pavlo-chokrak, which is located in the Main Range of the Crimean highlands at a great height of 725 m above sea level, at the top of the Kok-Asan gorge.

The river flows almost all the time to the north and forms incredibly beautiful Cheremisovskie waterfalls in the gorge. It flows into Biyuk-Karasu at a height of 34 meters above sea level, one and a half kilometers from the village of Zarechye in the Nizhnegorsk region.

5. Biyuk-Karasu, 86 km

Top 10 longest rivers of Crimea

High-Looking – a river in the Crimea, the largest tributary of the Salgir River. The length of the river is 86 kilometers, and the basin area is 1160 square kilometers.

Born by a powerful source of Karasu-Bashi at the foot of the Karabi-yayly mountains, which is at an altitude of 228 meters above sea level and flows into the Salgir near the village of Nizhnegorsky. The river is fed mainly by rainwater. The largest tributaries of the Biyuk-Karasu are the Tana-Su, Sary-Su and Kuchuk-Karasu rivers.

3. Alma, 88 km

Top 10 longest rivers of Crimea

River Alma, translated from the Crimean Tatar “Apple”, has a length of 86 kilometers and a catchment area of ​​635 square kilometers. The river got its name due to the fact that along its banks there were many apple orchards.

The upper course of the river passes through the territory of the Crimean Nature Reserve and brook trout is found in this section of the river. The water of the upper reaches of the river is very clean and transparent. The right tributary is the river and the healing spring Savluh-Su, which means “health water“.

2. Tent, 106 km

Top 10 longest rivers of Crimea

Tent – a river with a length of one hundred and six kilometers and a basin area of ​​u2250bu60bXNUMX square kilometers. It originates from the village of Novoselovskoye, flows to the east, turns to the north and flows into the Karkinitsky Gulf of the Black Sea. Back in the XNUMXs, a dam was built that separated the mouth of the river from the bay. The ponds formed after that, have an area of ​​​​two thousand hectares, they are used to grow fish.

Not so long ago, a large tributary of the Chatyrlyk River was the Vorontsovka River, whose floodplain occupied thousands of hectares. Now Vorontsovka flows directly into the Karkinitsky Bay, but it does this along the channel, which was made artificially.

1. Salgir, 232 km

Top 10 longest rivers of Crimea

River Salgir – the longest, but not the most full-flowing river of Crimea. The length of its channel is 232 kilometers, and the drainage basin has an area of ​​3750 square kilometers. Below Simferopol, the river often dries up for more than three months.

The river has an important, including irrigation and recreational value for the inhabitants of the peninsula. There are many parks, recreation areas and beaches along the banks of the river. The name “Salgir” is translated from Indo-Aryan as “falling from the mountains“. The climate of the river basin is temperate, changing from maritime to continental.

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