Top 10 longest rivers in the world

There are a huge number of rivers and streams on the planet. They usually form a river system, which includes the main river and all its tributaries. The main ones are those rivers that flow either into the seas or lakes, are lost in the sands and swamps. Those whose mouth is another river are called tributaries.

The densest river network is located in the equatorial zone, but there are many rivers in the tropical, temperate zones. The longest rivers in the world are scattered across different continents, but their names are familiar even to schoolchildren from the tables, because. they are impressive in their size and have contributed to the history of the peoples of the globe.

10 Congo – Lualaba – Luvua – Luapula – Chambeshi, 4700 km

Top 10 longest rivers in the world The famous river flows in Central Africa Congo, one of the longest on the continent. Its basin is the Atlantic Ocean. In the upper reaches, it is called Lualaba. About 700 species of fish live in it.

The river basin forms a tropical rainforest zone. In the jungle along its banks you can find unique trees: eucalyptus, ebony, mahogany. Zebras, giraffes, gazelles live there, elephants come to drink.

It is still unknown where the beginning of the Congo is located. According to one version, the source is the Lualaba River, according to another version, it is Chambezi. In the upper part it has many rapids and waterfalls, turbulent sections alternate with places where the river flows smoothly and evenly.

9. Amur – Argun – Mutnaya duct – Kerulen, 5052 km

Top 10 longest rivers in the world On the mainland of Eurasia, or rather in the Far East, as well as in East Asia, there is a great river Cupid. Its basin is the Sea of ​​Okhotsk or the Sea of ​​Japan. The name most likely comes from the word “amar“, which means “big river“. The Chinese used to call it “Heihe‘, which translates as ‘black river».

The source of the river is located in the mountains of Western Manchuria. There are 3 sections of the river. The Upper Amur is characterized by a strong current. The middle Amur is very wide with swampy banks, the channel is divided into branches. Lower Amur – on the Lower Amur lowland.

8. Lena — Vitim, 5100 km

Top 10 longest rivers in the world Also on the mainland of Eurasia, in Siberia, a river flows Lena. Its basin is the Laptev Sea, its length is 4294 km, and together with one of the largest tributaries With wit is 5100 km.

The source is located near Baikal. The river is located in the permafrost zone. Its name comes from the Even word Elu-Yene. This can be translated as “Big River».

Lena is divided into 3 sections. The upper one is the part up to the place where Vitim flows into it. After that, the middle part begins, where the river becomes huge, with a depth of up to 12 m, with a wide channel, there are many coniferous forests on its slopes, and meadows come across. At the end, two more water tributaries Vilyui and Aldan flow into it. There is formed a huge floodplain with many swamps and lakes.

7. Yenisei – Angara – Selenga – Ider, 5238 km

Top 10 longest rivers in the world Yenisei, located in Siberia, in Eurasia. Its basin is the Kara Sea. The length of this famous river is 3487 km, but with tributaries it seems longer.

The name comes from the wordEnes“, which translates as “big water“. It arose from the confluence of 2 rivers, the Big and Small Yenisei. The river flows through the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The most powerful hydroelectric power plants were built on it.

The river is fast flowing. Siberian taiga stretches along its banks. The Yenisei attracts tourists with its healing air and fabulously bewitching views.

6. Ob — Irtysh, 5410 km

Top 10 longest rivers in the world The largest river in Eurasia, or rather Western Siberia, has always been Ob. Its basin is the Gulf of Ob. Its length is 3650 km, and together with its main tributary Irtysh – 5410.

The source of the Ob is the confluence of the Katun and Biya rivers. In the upper reaches it has a rather fast current, but gradually it turns into a calm flat river. Fishing enthusiasts gather here in summer. Over 50 species of fish are found in the Ob.

5. Huanghe, 5464 km

Top 10 longest rivers in the world On the mainland of Eurasia, in China, there is one of the largest rivers in Asia – Yellow River. Its name can be translated from Chinese as “yellow River“. It did not appear by chance. The water in the river is of an unusual yellow color, muddy, due to numerous sediments.

The river basin is the Bohai Bay. The source of the river is located in the Tibetan Plateau. There were many floods on the river. And all because the river passes through the Forest Plateau, where it washes out a huge amount of sedimentary rocks that look like clay. All this litters the riverbed, the water overflows the banks. The course of the river changed 26 times, there were more than 1500 floods.

4. Yangtze, 5800 km

Top 10 longest rivers in the world Another great Chinese river can be called Changjiang. The basin is the East China Sea. It starts in the Tibetan Plateau. The river is one of the most important in the history, culture and economy of the country. It separates North and South of China.

The Europeans call it the Yangtze, but the Chinese themselves gave it a different name – Changjiang. It can be translated as “long river“. Its basin occupies almost a fifth of the entire territory of China. About a third of the country’s inhabitants live there. The river has about 700 tributaries. Large cities are located on the banks of the Yangtze.

3. Mississippi – Missouri – Jefferson, 6275 km

Top 10 longest rivers in the world River Mississippi crosses North America. This is the most powerful river in the United States, which is the national pride of the country. Its basin is the Gulf of Mexico. The river crosses 10 states. It flows through the United States, although its basin also belongs to Canada. It is believed that its source is either Nicollette Creek or Lake Itasca.

The flora and fauna of the river is unique. Here you can meet alligators and turtles, huge flocks of flamingos, ibises and pelicans. Small miniature hummingbirds have become the decoration of its shores.

2. Nile, 6852 km

Top 10 longest rivers in the world famous river Neil flows through Africa. This is one of the record holders in length. It originates on the East African Plateau, its basin is in the Mediterranean Sea. “Nile” comes from the Greek name for this river, which used to sound like “The Nile“. The Greeks called herEgypt”, so the familiar name of the country Egypt was formed.

In the upper reaches of the river, there are many tributaries, but then it flows through the semi-desert, which is why they disappear for three thousand kilometers. The Nile was once the longest river until scientists found that the Amazon was larger, although the difference in length was small.

The source of the Nile is the Rukarara River. The entire economy of Egypt is connected with this river. Its water is used for irrigation and electricity generation. It is the only river that passes through the Sahara. It is only thanks to her that life can exist in the waterless desert.

About 97% of the population of Egypt lives in the coastal strip of the Nile. The largest cities are built here, in which millions of tourists flock.

1. Amazon, 6992 km

Top 10 longest rivers in the world The longest river on Earth was recognized Amazon. She crosses South America. It is called the deepest and longest river, since the Amazon alone contains 20% of all fresh water on Earth.

Its source is in the Andes, and its basin is in the Atlantic Ocean. Two rivers, Marañon and Ucayali, merge to form the Amazon. This name was given to her by the Spanish conquistadors, who once fought on its shores with the Indians, including women, they mistook them for the Amazons.

The incredible flora and fauna of the Amazon still amazes scientists. It is called the world genetic fund. More than 750 different species of trees grow here, more than 400 species of birds live here.

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