Top 10 longest rivers in South America

South America located in the south of the Western Hemisphere, the length is 7350 km from north to south. it the wettest continent on our planet.

The slopes of the Andes are the most humid. Most of the lakes are also located here, some of which are the oldest on the planet. The mainland is famous for its waterfalls: the highest in the world is Angel, and the most powerful is Iguazu. It has an extensive river system.

The longest rivers in South America are known throughout the world and stretch for thousands of kilometers.

10 Pilcomayo, 2 km

Top 10 longest rivers in South America It flows in the central part of South America, a tributary of the Paraguay. The name of the river was taken from the language of the Indians – Quechua. In their language “Bird” means “bird”, and the word “May” translated as “River”.

But the Guarani Indians call her Araguay: “We buy” – this is “parrot”, “wow” – “water”. Pilcomayo originates in the Andes, and at the end joins the Paraguay River. This is a natural natural border separating Paraguay and Argentina.

Unfortunately, in the 70s and 90s, mining waste and other garbage were thrown into the river. Most of the water is used to irrigate the fields, which is why the river is on the verge of drying up.

9. Paraguay, 2 km

Top 10 longest rivers in South America This is the 5th largest river of the continent, one of the main tributaries of the Parana. It divides the Paraguayan Republic into 2 parts: northern, sparsely populated and little developed, and southern, where about 98% of the population lives.

Name “Paraguay” is translated from the language of the Guarani Indians as “horned river”. There are no dams along its entire length, so navigation is developed. Residents raise livestock and engage in agriculture. Thanks to the channels fed by the river, vast areas of irrigated land appeared, as well as pastures and forests.

In the upper reaches of the river is the Pantanal, a swampy flowering lake. It has unique flora and fauna. So, the flake, an amazing fish that has both lungs and gills, feels good here. Tourists cannot help but be amazed by giant water lilies, 10-meter palm trees and many types of wild roses and lilies.

8. Japura, 2 km

Top 10 longest rivers in South America This is a tributary of the Amazon, which originates in the Eastern Cordillera. Most of the river is in Colombia, where it is called Kaketoy. Approximately one third flows through Brazil, where the name “Japura».

The river is meandering, fed mainly by rainwater. From December to May, the flood time begins, when it overflows its banks, forming many lakes and swamps.

Japur serves many locals as a means of transportation. They sail along it in canoes, transporting goods and small cargoes.

Here you can see unique fish and reptiles: piranhas, turtles, unusual electric eels, as well as huge catfish, whose weight sometimes reaches up to 91 kg and they grow up to 1,8 m, and many other amazing animals.

7. Araguaia, 2 km

Top 10 longest rivers in South America This river flows through Brazil, at the end it flows into the Tocantins. The name, translated from the Guarani language, means “ara river”. Macaws are known to have colorful feathers. Water in the river Araguaya also constantly changes its color, becomes cloudy, although mostly it is reddish-brown.

The banks of the rivers are buried in coastal vegetation, which has become an ideal habitat for wild animals. Here you can find unique species. So the river dolphin lives here. Unfortunately, the rainforests on the banks of the river are cut down, and if this is not stopped, the river may dry up in half a century.

6. Tocantins, 2 km

Top 10 longest rivers in South America A river flows through Brazil Tocantins. It was a source of drinking water and fish (about 350 species). Here you can meet Amazonian manatees and rare Araguan river dolphins, large sea turtles. There are several hydroelectric power stations on the river used to generate hydroelectric power.

5. San Francisco, 3 km

Top 10 longest rivers in South America San Francisco is the 3rd longest river in South America, flows through the territory of Brazil. The river was first discovered in 1500, the conquistador Pedro Mendoza named it Deer.

But another name was assigned to the river, coined by the Portuguese Goncalo Cuelho. His expedition reached the mouth of the river on the day of St. Francis, so it was decided to name it after him.

There are no large cities or industrial enterprises on the banks of this river, with the exception of Belo Horizonte, where manganese and gold deposits are developed, precious stones are mined.

The local population fishes or raises livestock. There are also those who serve extreme rafting expeditions. Tourists like to canoe and kayak through the water, which is rapidly rushing through the gorges.

4. Madeira — Mamore — Rio Grande — Rio Cane — Rocha, 3 km

Top 10 longest rivers in South America The Madeira River is a major tributary of the Amazon. Her name is translated from Portuguese «madeira» means “wood or timber”, because The river is surrounded by the Amazonian jungle. Its length is 3239 km.

The river is formed due to the confluence of the Beni and Mamore rivers. The latter is the main source of Madeira. She feeds on rainwater. Its length is 2 thousand km. A tributary of the Mamore is the Rio Grande, one of the largest rivers in Bolivia, in the basin of which 35% of the country’s population lives. Its length is 1438 km.

total length Madeira — Mamore — Rio Grande — Rio Cane — Rocha is 3239 km, and the drainage basin is 850 thousand kmXNUMX.

3. Purus, 3 km

Top 10 longest rivers in South America This is the right tributary of the Amazon, 90% of the basin of which is located in Brazil. It is difficult to determine its exact length, because. it is considered one of the most winding rivers in the world, but experts agree that it is at least 2960 km.

The water in the river is light, but muddy, it has a lot of nutrients. Purus considered one of the deepest in the Amazon basin, most of it is navigable. In the period from December to May, it overflows its banks, flooding coastal areas. Because of this, about 40 thousand km² of wetlands are formed.

2. La Plata – Parana – Rio Grande, 3 km

Top 10 longest rivers in South America The second longest river on the continent Parana, is included in the list of major water systems in the world. The name, translated from the Indian language of the Tupi tribe, means “similar to the sea”, and the Guayaqui Indians called her “River of misfortune “.

It is formed due to the confluence of 2 major rivers, Rio Grande and Paranaiba. The first river is located in central Brazil, originating in the mountains of Mantiqueira. Its length is 1230 km.

The Parana River, in turn, merges with the Uruguay River, and forms La Plata. Its length is about 320 km. She has a very wide mouth. This is an important water resource in South America, 70% of the products from the 5 countries through which it flows (Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia) are obtained from the La Plata River, whose water consumption is increasing every year.

1. Amazon, 6 km

Top 10 longest rivers in South America It is considered the deepest river in the world. Its length is a debatable issue, because it can be measured from different points. If from the source of Marañon, then it is 6400 km, from Apachet – 6992 km, and from Ucayali – 7100 km. In 2011, it was recognized as one of the 7 natural wonders of the world.

Most Amazon located in Brazil. It was discovered by the conquistador Francisco de Orellano. In 1542, he allegedly fought the Amazon tribe, a tribe of women who live on their own, without men. Historians believe that he either encountered a tribe of Indians, where women also fought, or mistook long-haired men for them.

More than 1 million different animals and plants live in the area around the river, many species of which are not described.

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