Top 10 longest rivers in Eurasia

Rivers have been the lifeline of the world’s greatest civilizations since time immemorial. They are necessary for transporting goods from one place to another, as a source of drinking water, for industrial purposes, and also for agriculture. They are an important source of life, as many fish, mammals, reptiles and invertebrates live in the waters of these rivers. They play an important role in navigation, irrigation, transportation, power generation, etc.

Many climate changes and man-made threats affect Asian rivers. Pollution is the main cause, followed by rapid industrialization practices, excessive extraction of river waters for household and personal use by people, and more.

However, there are also many conservation methods proposed to save these rivers, such as gaining support from local activists or authorities by raising awareness of the harmful effects of pollution.

We present you a rating of the 10 longest rivers in Eurasia: long multi-projection streams of Siberia, the Urals, Kazakhstan and other places on the mainland – multi-projection basins. Discover some key facts about each one, as well as its length in thousands of kilometers.

10 Indus, 3180 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Eurasia Pool: Arabian Sea

Countries: Pakistan (93%), India, China

River Indus, originating on the Tibetan Plateau near Lake Manasarovar, flows through Ladakh towards the Gilgit-Baltistan ranges in the Hindu Kush region, and then flows south along the entire length of Pakistan, merging into the Arabian Sea near the port of Karachi in Sindh.

The total catchment area of ​​the river exceeds 1 km165. Its estimated annual flow is about 000 km2, twice that of the Nile River and three times that of the Tigris and Euphrates combined, making it one of the largest rivers in the world in terms of annual flow.

9. Shatt-el-Arab — Euphrates — Murat, 3617 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Eurasia Pool: Persian Gulf

Countries: Iraq, Turkey, Syria

River Euphrates flows into the river Shatt al-arab, and plays an important role for Iraq, Turkey and Syria, and both rivers release only 853 cubic meters of water every second from 884 km000 of catchment area.

Shatt al-Arab is formed by the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in the city of Al-Qurna. It flows in a southeasterly direction for 120 miles (193 km) and passes through the Iraqi port of Basra and the Iranian port of Abadan before sinking into the Persian Gulf.

About the second half of its course, the river forms the border between Iraq and Iran; it receives a tributary, the Karun River, from the eastern (Iranian) side. Its width increases from about 120 feet (37 m) at Basra to 0,5 miles (0,8 km) at its mouth. Along the settled coasts there are date palm groves which are naturally irrigated by tidal action.

8. Volga – Oka, 3731 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Eurasia Pool: Caspian Sea

Countries: Russia (99%), Kazakhstan

Volga – the longest river in Europe with a catchment area of ​​1350 sq. It is also the largest river in Europe in terms of catchment and drainage basin. The river flows through central Russia and flows into the Caspian Sea and is widely regarded as the national river of Russia, being an important river mainly for Slavs, Turks, Iranian cultures.

Some of the largest bodies of water in the world are located along the Volga. The river has a symbolic meaning in Russian culture and is often referred to as Mother Volga in Russian literature and folklore.

7. Mekong, 4350 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Eurasia Pool: South China Sea.

Countries: China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam.

Located in Southeast Asia, the river Mekong flows through Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and the South China Sea. It is the main center of culture and transportation for Vietnamese villagers as business owners set up floating markets where they sell a variety of goods such as fish, sweet fruits and vegetables.

The 7th longest in Asia and the 12th longest river in the world, it covers an area of ​​810 km000 and discharges 2.

6. Amur – Argun – Mutnaya duct – Kerulen, 5052 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Eurasia Pool: Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

Countries: Russia, China, Mongolia.

Arghun or Ergun – a 1 km (621 miles) long river that forms part of China’s eastern border with Russia, together with the river Cupid (Heilongjiang).

Historically, it was customary to call the Amur River simply “water”. There are similar words for “water” or “river” in a number of Asian languages: for example, mul (“water”) in Korean, muren or mörön (“river”) in Mongolian.

The name “Cupid” may have come from the root word for “water” combined with the size modifier “Big water”. The Chinese name for the Heilongjiang River in Chinese means “Black Dragon River”, and its Mongolian name “Khar mөrөn” means “Black river».

5. Lena — Vitim, 5100 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Eurasia Pool: Laptev sea

Countries: Russia

River Vitim and river tributary Lena in Eastern Siberia, Russia. It rises on the eastern slopes of the Ikat Mountains near the city of Bagdarin in Buryatia and flows in a generally northerly direction to join the Lena in the delta, at the city of Vitim. The length is 1 km, and the basin area is 978 sq. km.

The area of ​​the Lena River basin is calculated to be 2 square kilometers (490 sq mi), with an average annual discharge of 000 cubic kilometers per year. Gold is washed out of the sands of Vitim and Olekma.

4. Yenisei – Angara – Selenga – Ider, 5238 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Eurasia Pool: Kara Sea

Countries: Russia (97%), Mongolia (2,9%)

Yenisei, Angara, Selenga и Eat – rivers flowing in the same way, with a total length of more than 5 km and a catchment area of ​​000 km 2.

It is the “river” of central Russia and one of the longest rivers in Asia, and has 1,5 times more flow than the Mississippi-Missouri River.

The Yenisei, the sixth largest river in the world in terms of flow, flows from south to north through the vast central expanse of Siberia. It covers a vast region of amazingly varied landscapes, where ancient peoples and customs can be found, as well as a vast economic infrastructure.

3. Ob – Irtysh, 5410 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Eurasia Pool: Gulf of Ob

Countries: Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia

River Irtysh merges with the river Ob and flows in 4 countries, on average it discharges 12 m800/s of water and the drainage area is 3 km2.

The Ob is a river in central Russia. One of the greatest rivers of Asia, flows north and west through Western Siberia along a sinuous diagonal from its source in the Altai Mountains to its exit through the Gulf of Ob into the Kara Sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean.

It is the main transport artery traversing the territory in the center of Russia, which is unusually diverse in its physical environment and population.

2. Huanghe, 5464 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Eurasia Pool: bohai sea

Countries: China

Haunhe, it also Yellow River, flows entirely in China and is the third longest in Asia, it is born at an altitude of 4800 meters in the Bayan-Khar mountains.

Often called “the cradle of Chinese civilization”, the Yellow River is the second longest river in China. Unfortunately, the Chinese government has said that river water is so polluted and full of waste that people cannot drink it. In fact, it is believed that at least 30% of fish species are completely extinct.

1. Yangtze, 5800 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Eurasia Pool: East China Sea

Countries: China

yangtze, also commonly known as Changjiang – the longest river in Eurasia and the third in the world, it discharges about 31 cubic meters of water per second, being one of the largest rivers in terms of discharge. The name of this river is translated as “child of the ocean.

From its source on the Tibet Plateau to its mouth in the East China Sea, the river crosses and serves as the border between 10 provinces and regions.

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