Top 10 longest rivers in Bashkortostan

The history of the lands of Bashkortostan dates back to the XNUMXth-XNUMXth millennium BC. Thanks to this, the republic attracts the attention of travelers.

It has a wonderful climate, national parks and reserves, unique natural areas, flora and fauna.

More than 12000 rivers flow on the territory of Bashkortostan, and more than 2500 lakes and other water sources are located. In this regard, water tourism is actively developing in the republic.

Some rivers impress with their mountainous character, fast flow and impressive length.

In our article, you can learn about the longest rivers of Bashkortostan, their length is indicated only on the territory of the republic, many of the water streams continue to flow beyond its borders.

10 Nugush, 235 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Bashkortostan

The river is a right tributary of the Belaya River, its length on the territory of Bashkiria is 235 km. Translated from the Bashkir language, the name of the river Nush translated as “pure water».

The water source originates on the Yurmatau Ridge, flows through the South Ural Mountains. On the territory of the republic, this river has the fastest current.

Nugush is popular because water tourism is developed on it, rafting is often organized on it, moving along the river, travelers have the opportunity to admire uninhabited picturesque landscapes, including waterfalls.

In 1967, a reservoir was created on the river, the territory of which is part of the Bashkiria National Park. The upper reaches of the river flow through the lands of another reserve – “Shulgan-Tash”.

9. Bolshoi Ik (Sakmari tributary), 256 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Bashkortostan

On the territory of Bashkortostan, a tributary of the Sakmara called Big ik has a length of about 256 km.

The water flow originates in the Zilairsky district, 12 km from the urban-type settlement called Kananikolskoye. This river is fed mainly by snow. The tributaries of the river are the following rivers: Small Ik, Inyak and Bolshaya Suren.

Interesting fact: Bolshoy Ik flows in the Muradymovsky gorge, in these places a natural park with the same name is organized.

A large number of fish are found in this water source, so many anglers can be seen on its banks.

8. Fast Tanyp, 345 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Bashkortostan

The river is a right tributary of the river called Belaya. It originates in the swampy lands of the Perm region.

Total length Fast Tanyp is approximately 345 km, on the territory of Bashkiria its length is about 140 km. The catchment area of ​​the reservoir is 7560 km2.

The river does not live up to its name, as the speed of its flow is only 2 to 6 km/h.

The banks of the water source are dotted with shrubs. Rafts are often used along the river. The river is fed by snow, it freezes in November and opens in April. Fast Tanyp has 13 tributaries.

7. Moon, 571 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Bashkortostan

The river is the largest tributary of the Ufa River. It originates in the mountains of the Chelyabinsk region, its length in the Republic of Bashkortostan is 278 km.

The reservoir is especially popular with tourists, as many routes for rafting and parking have been developed on it.

Traveling along the river, you can see cliffs, rocks, caves and sites of primitive people.

Interesting fact: translated from the Bashkir name of the river Ай translated as “month or moon».

The river is fed by snow; large cities and regional centers are located on its banks. Along the course of the reservoir there are hard-to-reach and little-studied Ailinsky caves and other unique natural phenomena.

6. Inzer, 307 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Bashkortostan

The water source is the right tributary of the Sim River. Inzer originates at the Kumardak ridge. The length of the reservoir is 307 km.

In its upper reaches, the river has a rather stormy character, going downstream, it becomes more even and flat.

There are few obstacles and rapids on the river, so it is considered ideal for rafting. Also along its shores there are many beautiful natural objects, for example, the Pink Rocks, Korpustinsky reach, Atysh waterfall and others.

Interesting fact: Inzer has at least 20 tributaries.

5. Sakmara, 348 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Bashkortostan

On the territory of Bashkiria, the length of the river is about 348 km. The reservoir originates from the Uraltau ridge, flows into the Ural River.

The food at the water source is mainly snow, along its banks there are many settlements.

Sakmara It is attractive for tourists, as it has a fast current, it is interesting to raft along it, along its banks there are unique landscapes, for example, rocks, caves, gorges and forests.

The width of the water source in some places is at least 80 meters, and the depth is at least 5 meters. The water temperature in the reservoir rarely exceeds 23 degrees, even in extreme heat.

4. Ufa (Karaidel), 390 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Bashkortostan

The river is a right tributary of the Belaya River. Its total length is about 918 km; on the territory of Bashkiria, its length is at least 390 km.

Ufa navigable river, also on it is the Pavlovskaya hydroelectric power station. It is used for kayaking, there are many different types of fish in the reservoir, so it is popular with fishermen.

The food at the water source is mainly snow, it freezes in October, and opens in April or early May.

Interesting fact: the name of the river was formed after the founding of the city of Ufa, before that it was called Caraidel, which in translation from Bashkir means “black river”.

3. Dyoma, 420 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Bashkortostan

The reservoir is the left tributary of the Belaya River, it originates near the village of Aleshkino, its total length is 535 km, in the territory of Bashkiria the length Dyoma equal to 420 km.

The water source attracts fishermen with an abundance of various types of fish. Also, kayaking is often organized along the river.

In addition, on the banks of the river there is the Yumatovo sanatorium – one of the most popular koumiss clinics.

Interesting fact: the present mouth of the reservoir was created artificially, it was moved in the 19th century during the construction of the Belsky railway bridge, it was made more straight so that it did not cross the railway tracks. The natural estuary was a little lower than the bridge, and lakes later formed in its place.

2. Ik (tributary of Kama), 450 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Bashkortostan

The river is a left tributary of the Kama, in Russian the name Ik translated as “flowing water».

The total length of the reservoir is 450 km, the river originates from the village of Ik-Vershina, flows into the Nizhnekamsk reservoir. Food at the water source is mixed.

Interesting fact: the river itself and the fishing of fish in it are described in the literary work of S.T. Aksakov “Childhood of Bagrov-grandson”.

The main tributaries of the Ik are the Dymka, Usen and Mellya rivers. In addition to Bashkortostan, the water flow also flows through the territories of Tatarstan, some of its tributaries are classified as natural monuments of regional significance.

1. Belaya (Agidel), 1430 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Bashkortostan

The river is considered the longest in Bashkortostan, its length is approximately 1430 km. The water source originates from the Avalyak ridge.

The river crosses the entire territory of the republic, flows into the Nizhnekamsk reservoir.

The name of the reservoir comes from its color, as limestone rocks dissolve in it, due to which the water acquires a white color.

On the territory of the river White there are two reservoirs, in its basin there are three nature reserves. The river is rafted on kayaks and rafts; there are a lot of fish in it, which attracts tourists and fishermen.

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