Top 10 longest rivers in Asia

There are a huge number of rivers in the world, the length of some of them boggles the human imagination.

In fact, determining the length of a water source is not as easy as it seems at first glance. To do this, you need to know exactly where the river starts and where it ends.

Difficulties in determining the length may arise due to the fact that the river has many tributaries. In order to most accurately calculate the extent of a water source, researchers map the rivers using photographs from space. This is a laborious and complex process.

In our article you can find out which rivers in Asia are considered the longest.

10 Syrdarya — Naryn, 3 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Asia

The Syr Darya is the longest river after the Amu Darya in Central Asia. It comes from the confluence of Naryn and Karadarya.

The supply of this water source is mostly snow, and the river is also replenished with the help of glaciers and rains. Such large rivers as Angren, Chirchik and Keles flow into it.

The length of the water source Syrdarya-Naryn is 3,078 km. Its waters are mainly used for irrigation and power generation. The river flows through such states as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

Interesting fact: Previously, this river flowed into the Aral Sea, but after an environmental disaster, the water level in it dropped, it split into two parts, today the Syrdarya-Naryn waterway flows into the “Small Sea”.

9. Indus, 3 180 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Asia

The river is one of the largest in South Asia, its length is approximately 3180 km. The water source originates in the Himalayas and China, it flows through the lands of Pakistan and India.

The researchers found that Indus It has 11 branches, and the exact number of its tributaries cannot be determined. In the lower reaches, the river crosses the Thar Desert, then flowing through the plain, it flows into the Arabian Sea.

Interesting fact: The Indus carries a large amount of sediment, in connection with which its channel rises above the sandy plain. Floods often form on the river, which destroy large areas, this brings great damage to the states in whose territory it flows.

8. Shatt-el-Arab — Euphrates — Murat, 3 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Asia

This water source flows through the territory of countries such as Iraq, Turkey, Iran and Syria, its length is about 3596 km.

River Shatt al-arab formed by the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates. The Euphrates is the largest river in Western Asia, originating in the Armenian Highlands. Murat is a tributary of the Euphrates.

Together, these rivers form the largest source of water flowing through the four states mentioned above.

The waters of these rivers are intensively used for irrigation of crops and electricity production, and therefore the salinity of this water source increases.

7. Mekong, 4 350 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Asia

The name of the river, translated from Laos, means “Mother of the Ganges Waters”, flows through the lands of China, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, the length is about 4350 km.

Meals at Mekong predominantly rainy, partly snowy and glacial. The river bed is rapids, at the bottom there are many gorges. The waters of the river are actively used for irrigation, its wide floods contribute to the cultivation of rice.

The first settlements on the banks of the Mekong date back to 2100 BC. The first state that arose on these lands was called Bapn. Europeans discovered the river and the state on its banks around the 1540s.

Interesting fact: various species of fish live in the water source, the researchers found that it even contains river dolphins and crocodiles.

6. Amur – Argun – Mutnaya protoka – Kerulen, 5 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Asia

The Far Eastern waterway flows through the lands of such states as Russia, China and Mongolia, its length is approximately 5052 km.

Its beginning is one of its components – Cupid takes in Western Manchuria, at the confluence of the Shilka and Arguni. In China it is called “River of the Black Dragon”, this name came from ancient legends.

The river flows into the Sea of ​​Japan or the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The Amur has six major tributaries. Researchers are amazed by the diversity of the ichthyofauna of this waterway; more than a hundred species of fish live in it.

5. Lena — Vitim, 5 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Asia

Lena is located in the Eastern part of Siberia, Vitim is its right tributary. Both rivers together are the eighth longest of all rivers in the world. Their total length is approximately 5100 km.

A water source flows through the territory of Russia and flows into the Laptev Sea. The source is considered to be a swamp a few kilometers from Lake Baikal. coast Lena-Vitim sparsely populated, because in the spring-summer flood the waters of the rivers overflow widely and drown everything around.

Navigation is developed on the river, the main part of the “northern delivery” is carried out here. The nutrition of Lena-Vitim is mainly rain.

4. Yenisei – Angara – Selenga – Ider, 5 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Asia

The length of the water source is about 5238 km, its main river is Yenisei originates from the city of Kyzyl and flows into the Kara Sea. Its largest tributaries are Angara, Selenga и Eat. They flow through the territory of Russia and Mongolia.

This waterway runs throughout Siberia and affects all its climatic zones, for example, researchers note that camels live in the upper reaches of the river, and polar bears live in the lower reaches of the water source.

His food is mixed, most of it is snow. About 500 rivers flow into the Yenisei. The river and its tributaries are an important waterway in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. There are also several hydroelectric power stations on the Yenisei.

Interesting fact: Today, this significant water source is experiencing environmental and social problems. For example, in the region of Krasnoyarsk, Divnogorsk and Sayanogorsk, the river stopped freezing, which leads to climate change. Also, the waters of the Yenisei are polluted with radioactive waste.

3. Ob — Irtysh, 5 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Asia

Siberian rivers Ob и Irtysh flow through the territory of Russia, China and Kazakhstan, the length of their watercourse is approximately 5410 km. Connecting, the rivers form the longest waterway on the lands belonging to the Russian Federation.

The Ob plays the role of the main river in this bundle, as it is more full-flowing. This river is formed at the confluence of the Biya and Katun. The food of the Ob is mixed, the river is under ice from 180 to 220 days a year, depending on how severe the winter was.

The length of the Irtysh is over 4200 km. The water source takes its origins on the border of Mongolia and in China. The water in the river is fresh and soft, it is inhabited by representatives of sturgeon, whitefish, perch, carp and burbot species of fish.

2. Huanghe, 5 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Asia

The name of the river is translated from Chinese as “Yellow River”. Its length is approximately 5464 km. It is one of the largest rivers in Asia. It originates in the Tibetan Plateau.

Yellow River played an important role in the development of Chinese culture. The first settlements on its banks are dated by scientists to the Paleolithic era. The basin of this water source provides water for more than one hundred million people, it is used for drinking and irrigation. The river is navigable in several sections, there are 14 hydroelectric power stations on it.

Interesting fact: the river is subject to frequent floods, it overflows widely, its course has changed more than 10 times. Researchers believe that this is due to the large amount of loess sediment carried by the water.

1. Yangtze, 5 km

Top 10 longest rivers in Asia

The river is considered the longest in Asia, its length is more than 5800 km, flows into the East China Sea, flows through the territory of China.

Changjiang occupies one of the most important places in the culture, history and economy of the state through whose lands it flows.

The river is known for its ecosystems, and endangered species such as the Chinese alligator and the Chinese paddlefish live in its waters. It takes its origins in the eastern part of the Tibetan Plateau.

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