Top 10 longest railways in the world

The railway connecting Vladivostok with the capital of Russia, until some time was considered the longest. However, then came Madrid – Yiwu, which became the undisputed leader.

There are many other interesting routes for railway transport. Consider the 10 longest railways in the world.

10 Chicago-Los Angeles (4 km)

Top 10 longest railways in the world

The approximate length of the railway network in the United States of America is 250 km. Its major part is the direct road from los angeles to chicago. The train makes this entire journey in more than 60 hours, stopping 40 times.

Amtrak is responsible for most of the highest quality American trains. It relates to the transportation of passengers in a special way. The atmosphere on the trains is usually very cozy, the stewards are reminiscent of actors from the Golden Age of Hollywood, and the decor is antique.

In order to provide passengers with maximum comfort to enjoy the scenery of the United States, Amtrak took care to create cars with very large windows. Being in them, you feel like in the living room, and not in the train. There are window openings not only on the sides, but also on top. Thanks to this unique design, passengers get the feeling of a swift flight.

9. Toronto-Vancouver (4 km)

Top 10 longest railways in the world

Between Toronto and Vancouver in Canada, rail vehicles from the manufacturer VIA Rail drive. The path passes through the Canadian forest, the beautiful Rocky Mountains and other interesting places. If you are lucky, you can not only appreciate the local landscapes, but also look at bears, elks or deer.

It takes about 86 hours to travel by train. During the entire journey, he stops 66 times. Stops are made in various interesting cities that reflect Canadian culture. These are, for example, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Winnipeg.

8. Urumqi-Guangzhou (4 km)

Top 10 longest railways in the world This railway line diagonally connects the southeastern part of the PRC with the northwestern part. There are three trains on this route. The path of the first takes 65 hours, the second – 55 hours, the third – about 50 hours. During the entire trip, vehicles stop 31 times.

Guangzhou is the scientific, economic, cultural and political center of the southern part of China. For this reason, this railway line is often used by visiting business people, vacationers and politicians who want to save their finances. Route trip Urumuchi – Guangzhou is cheaper than air travel.

7. Yining-Shanghai (4 km)

Top 10 longest railways in the world This thread started in 2014. Path Yining-Shanghai provides a connection between an important administrative hub of one of the parts of the PRC and the largest settlement in the world in terms of the number of people living in it.

The vehicle makes 32 stops and passes through 7 provinces. The most important stops are Hami, Turpan, Kuitun, Shanshan, Saven, Nilki, Urumqi and Jinghe.

The trip takes about 56 hours. The vehicle crosses almost the entire country. During this time, people can get acquainted with Chinese cities and appreciate the wonderful landscapes.

6. Lhasa-Guangzhou (4 km)

Top 10 longest railways in the world railway track Lhasa-Guangzhou is the most direct and longest in China. The vehicle travels along this route for almost 55 hours and stops at several large settlements. These are, for example, Wuchang, Chenzhou, Xi’an, Lanzhou. However, most of the route runs through the mountains and rural settlements.

On the Lhasa-Guangzhou railway line, a train with a restaurant operates around the clock. There, passengers can enjoy a large number of dishes from the cuisines of China and Tibet.

While the vehicle is moving, the stewards tell people about the sights that can be seen from the outside. They inform passengers in several languages.

5. Gorky Railway (5 km)

Top 10 longest railways in the world Gorky railway appeared in the 30s. This railway track is constantly changing and improving: for example, a high-speed Sapsan vehicle began to travel on it several years ago. It allows you to travel from the capital to Nizhny Novgorod in just 210 minutes.

More than 50 million passengers travel this route every year. Along the way, you can admire picturesque landscapes, large forests, various historical cities.

4. Far Eastern Railway (6 km)

Top 10 longest railways in the world The management of these railway lines is carried out in the city of Khabarovsk. The train travels through several state border crossing points and stops 416 times.

Passengers who travel Far Eastern Railway, do not get bored, because they have the opportunity to admire various interesting views, beautiful reserves.

3. Moscow-Beijing (8 km)

Top 10 longest railways in the world Strong cultural, economic and political relations have long been established between China and the Russian Federation. It is quite natural that the capitals of these countries are connected by railway lines.

The train that travels between Moscow and Beijingcalled “East”. It stays on the road for more than 145 hours and stops 44 times.

Much of the time the vehicle travels along the Trans-Siberian Railway, turning only to cross the Chinese border.

In the village of Zabaikalsk, which is located immediately before the border, the train stops for 6 hours. Such a long period is associated not so much with a check at customs, but with the replacement of wheels. It is necessary because Chinese routes differ from Russian ones in other technical parameters.

2. Moscow-Vladivostok, or the Trans-Siberian Railway of Russia (9 km)

Top 10 longest railways in the world Moscow-Vladivostok (or Trans-Siberian Railway) of Russia began to be created at the end of the 67th century. Thanks to these routes, people have the opportunity to travel from the capital of Russia to the shores of the Pacific Ocean exclusively by rail. The vehicle follows during the week, making XNUMX stops during this trip.

A trip from the European part of the Russian Federation to the Pacific coast is remarkable in that the Trans-Siberian Railway captures the most unique Siberian nature, crosses several time zones and passes by Lake Baikal, the largest freshwater body of water.

There are also many opportunities for cargo transportation: about 100 million tons of cargo are transported along this route every year.

1. “New Silk Road”, or Madrid-Yiwu (13 km)

Top 10 longest railways in the world Yiwu is a rather small city located in the eastern part of China. It is one of the largest centers of the world wholesale trade. To develop the economy in China, this city was connected to Western European countries using a railway route. Madrid-Yiwu, or the “New Silk Road”. It allowed to greatly reduce the cost of shipping goods.

The first vehicle passed through this railway in autumn 2014. For 3 weeks the train crossed the borders of Spain, Poland, China, France, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Germany, Russian Federation.

This route was called the “New Silk Road” because caravans with goods moved from Asian countries to European countries many years ago.

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