Top 10 longest mountains in the world

In encyclopedias and ratings, we now and then meet the assessment of the Earth’s mountain systems in terms of height relative to sea level. No wonder, because this indicator is attractive for tourism – it is so interesting to climb to the very top, admire the outlandish mountain flora and fauna, breathe pure oxygen and appreciate the marvelous panorama from a bird’s eye view.

But after all, mountains are such an amazing natural element that you can explore them according to a wide variety of parameters: composition of rocks, age, number of layers, reason for formation, etc.

Today we decided to find out which is the longest mountain system of the planet from those listed (Scandinavian, Ural mountains or Cordillera).

There are chains in the world that are rightfully considered the longest. Of course, they often belong to the record-breaking mountains in other respects, such as Altai or the Himalayas.

But the leaders of the rating, of course, will be the Cordillera, stretching from north to south and crossing almost the entire continent of North America. By the way, this territory accommodates 1,5 dozens of different large states. That is, the Cordilleras have the longest mountain range on the planet, namely 18 thousand kilometers.

But in our ranking, the Andes, a part of the Cordillera that stretches across South America, get a prize. We present you the longest mountains in the world.

10 Altai, 1847 km

Top 10 longest mountains in the world No wonder they got the name “golden mountains” – local rocks have preserved natural minerals and valuable minerals in abundance, and the mountains themselves are rich in clear waters and dense green massifs.

Rapid mountain springs and waterfalls, famous alpine meadows and pine forests attract curious visitors from all over the world. UNESCO even included Altai to the heritage list.

The ridges that enter the chain Altai mountains, spread over the territory of four states, incl. Russian Federation and China.

Interestinglythat, depending on the place where they are located and the height, you can see various natural zones – mountain tundra, taiga, forest, steppe, etc.

9. Ural, 2000 km

Top 10 longest mountains in the world Urals spread its ranges from north to south of the Eurasian continent. In fact, it naturally divides the latter into two vast territories that were previously separate continents.

The majesty of the mountain system, stretching for 2 thousand kilometers, is admired by tourists from all over the world. Local lakes are found along the entire length, inviting lovers to fish or hunt quietly in the bosom of nature.

Interestingly that The Ural Mountains Since the time of Peter the Great, they have been considered a treasure trove of rare minerals. It was here that for the first time in Russia deposits of gold and gems (emerald, malachite, amethyst) were found. As for the trade, tons of wood of excellent quality are obtained at local logging stations.

8. Atlas, 2092 km

Top 10 longest mountains in the world An extended mountain range is located in the northwestern part of the African continent, starting from the Atlantic coast and stretching to the Tunisian coast. Atlas Mountains cover 2 climatic zones: subtropics and tropics. In the north, traces of prehistoric glaciation can be observed.

In the desert part, where the Sahara Range stretches, amazing salt lakes and unique natural oases arose.

In cool regions, up to a height of 800 meters, you can find evergreen trees and cork oaks, but in the arid south, only some cereals, feather grass and wormwood, have survived.

7. Himalayas, 2330 km

Top 10 longest mountains in the world It is located between the Tibetan mountains and the Indo-Gangetic plain. Himalayas are not only long mountains (2330 km), but also the highest on the planet. They cover the territory of five Asian states.

In rocks Himalayan mountains valuable materials have been preserved: ores (copper, arsenic, chromium), deposits of gold, salt and fuel material (coal, oil, gas). The world’s best climbers gather here, in the dream of conquering the peaks (and there are still many unconquered ones).

6. Appalachian, 2400 km

Top 10 longest mountains in the world It is located in the east of the North American continent and covers the territory of the modern USA and Canada. Northern Appalachians are a plateau with massifs of hills, where traces of prehistoric glaciers can be found.

In the southern part, the ridges are parallel and pierced by deep valleys. Deposits of ores (iron, titanium), fuel materials (oil, gas, coal) have been found in rocks. The Appalachians are also famous for their forests that have been growing since the Permian period.

5. Kunlun, 3000 km

Top 10 longest mountains in the world They are considered one of the largest Asian mountain systems on land. Territorially Kunlun located in China, skirting Tibet from the north. Here are the sources of the largest rivers. The mountains themselves formed during the late Triassic – and this is about 250 million years ago.

Since ancient times, caravan trails have been laid along the mountain passes, the southern branch of the Silk Road passed. Due to the dryness and poverty of the mineral composition of the lands, the fauna and flora of the region are quite scarce.

Wormwood and cereals grow here, and at an altitude of 3,5-4 km, among the spruce and juniper, you can find some species of ungulates, wolves, foxes and leopards.

4. Big Dividing Range, 3244 km

Top 10 longest mountains in the world The ridge, consisting of granite, limestone, volcanic rocks, is not picturesque. located in Australia, Dividing Range is a valuable source of fossil minerals such as coal, oil, gold, gas. Also here are the sources of industrially and economically significant rivers, on which hydroelectric power stations and dams are being built.

Despite the poverty of the territory, the Australians managed to organize national parks here to attract tourists.

3. Rocky Mountains, 4830 km

Top 10 longest mountains in the world They are also part of the Cordillera of the North American continent, covering areas of Canada and America. They are considered a real national symbol – it was here that the Indians began to settle.

Now valuable minerals are being mined here, as a result of which the ecosystem has been severely disturbed. Rocky Mountains picturesque – travelers come here for exciting fishing, hiking and skiing (the best resorts in the country are located here).

By the way, the famous Yellowstone reserve is also located in the Rocky Mountains.

2. Transantarctic Mountains, 8105 km

Top 10 longest mountains in the world Уникальные transantarctic mountains, with a length of more than 8 thousand km, it is difficult to consider – the glacial layer is several kilometers long.

The system passes through Antarctica, dividing it into western and eastern regions. It is one of the oldest on the planet, having a volcanic origin. So, huge layers of coal lie in the surface layers, but it is currently expensive to get to them because of the eternal glaciers and the special status of Antarctica.

1. Andy, 9000 km

Top 10 longest mountains in the world Part of the Cordillera, located on the South American continent, is half the entire length of this huge mountain system. Andes cover the territory of 7 countries and are divided into 3 parts: northern, southern and central, each of which is located in its own climatic zone.

Useful ores (gold, silver, iron, copper), oil are mined here, valuable crops are grown (grapes, cereals, bananas, olives, etc.). It is in the Andes in the high mountain farms that they keep alpacas and llamas, valuable for their wool.

Nature generously endowed the Earth with landscapes. Mountains are not only tourist attractions for active leisure, but also storehouses of valuable minerals, a habitat for unique animals and plants. That is why humanity should take care of the safety of mountain systems and conduct industrial activities more competently.

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