Top 10 longest houses in Russia

What architects just do not come up with to perpetuate their name. Houses that rest against the sky are unusually shaped and incredibly long. Russia is literally teeming with such “things”. So from ancient times they began to build long houses, which are not familiar to residents of five or six access buildings.

Perhaps they did this because of space saving or practicality, but they turned out to be real art objects that resemble anthills. Such houses have grown throughout our country and they can be found not only in modern Moscow and cultural St. Petersburg, but also in majestic Volgograd and mighty Murmansk.

In this article, you will get acquainted with horizontal skyscrapers and even find out their addresses. By the way, many believe that this is the form of the future. In China and Europe, they have been experimenting with similar structures for a long time, and so far everyone is happy. And the idea itself originated from a Soviet designer.

We present you a list of the 10 longest houses in Russia: the record holders of Moscow, Volgograd, Murmansk and other cities.

10 Skolkovo buildings, 110 m

Top 10 longest houses in Russia

This house is more like an art object, the architect of which was inspired by Suprematist paintings. A true work of art of the modern world. Support in the form of a three-story disk, on which four horizontal skyscrapers are located. Each part was named after the mountain system.

The architect is from Britain, he likes Malevich’s paintings, so he decided to present such a vision of the building for everyone to see. The incredible building houses the Moscow School of Management.Skolkovo“.

The working area of ​​the skyscraper is 80 thousand square kilometers. It is impossible not to note the harmonious combination of colors, the house looks especially beautiful at sunset, when its glass surface reflects the Moscow sky.

9. House on Nezhinskaya in Moscow, 150 m

Top 10 longest houses in Russia

An impregnable fort, a fortress – these are the impressions it makes house on Nezhinskaya 13, designed by engineers Evgeny Stamo and Alexander Markelov and built in 1972 on the eve of the 1980 Olympics in the USSR.

Because of its unusual appearance, and the house has the shape of a closed ring, in the common people it is called “round house“,”donut house“,”Ancient coliseum“.

8. House in St. Petersburg, 370 m

Top 10 longest houses in Russia

At the time of construction, this house was the longest in Russia (1932), but now its leadership has already been seized. The locals kindly call this building “sausage”. With its curved shape and long house in St. Petersburg, it fully justifies this name.

It has twenty-five floors and an interesting feature – only three-room apartments, but interestingly, most of them remained communal. You can see this unusual building at Babushkina street house 61. St. Petersburg, as always, impresses with its architecture both residents of our country and abroad.

7. Flute House in Zelenograd, 516 m

Top 10 longest houses in Russia

The house was built in 1969, length “house-flutes” is 516 meters, and all the apartments in it, with the exception of eight two-level ones, are two-room. The living rooms are on the south side, while the hallways and kitchens are on the north side.

The windows of the kitchen did not look out onto the street, as we are used to, but onto a common glazed gallery, which served as our usual corridor. The architects were Felix Novikov, who gave the name to this house, Igor Pokrovsky and Grigory Saevich.

6. House in Moscow on Grizadubova street, 700 m

Top 10 longest houses in Russia

House at Grizodubova street 4 – one of the longest buildings in Moscow, its length is 700 meters, and this is an integral building, but for convenience it was nevertheless divided into four buildings.

From a bird’s eye view, the house resembles a crown and is part of the Grand Park architectural ensemble. Such an incredibly beautiful building fell in love with all residents. This building is very similar to a modern art object. And in the XNUMXst century, everything unusual and monumental is very fond of.

5. House in Moscow on Varshavskoe shosse, 730 m

Top 10 longest houses in Russia

The longest building in Moscow is house number 125 on Varshavskoe Shosse, its length is more than 730 meters, and in order to drive it from start to finish, you need to overcome three public transport stops.

The house was built in 1969, and has almost 1650 windows, for this (and for its length, of course) it was nicknamed “recumbent skyscraper“. This name stuck to the building and now no one even gives the address, but simply says “lying skyscraper” and the number of the entrance.

4. Residential complex in Moscow, 1 100 m

Top 10 longest houses in Russia

For the title of “longest house” decided to compete building on Rimsky-Korsakov street numbered from 8 to 18. Its length reaches 1100 meters. But this is unlikely to be fair, because this building consists of separate houses, although they are located next to each other so that it seems as if it is a single object.

They erected a residential complex in Moscow here and there in different years. Therefore, people have been watching the development of the longest complex in the capital of our country for decades. Although it is not clear why such efforts of architects, but the building looks very pompous and large-scale.

Walking from the first to the last entrance is already a real walk that needs to be planned in advance. It is unlikely that all the neighbors here know each other, and maybe some have never met at all.

3. House in Volgograd, 1 140 m

Top 10 longest houses in Russia

House located in the city of Volgograd, in the microdistrict “Spartakovka” surprises with its length – 1140 meters, this nine-story building contains about one and a half thousand apartments, and each of the eight sections of this giant has its own separate address.

By the way, cartographers discovered the house in Volgograd only a couple of years ago, although they actively began to populate it back in the 70s. Until recently, residents did not even suspect that their favorite building could get into the Guinness Book of Records.

2. House in Otradnoe, 1 m

Top 10 longest houses in Russia

Another huge complex that got into the top of the longest not only in Russia, but also in the CIS. Densely standing buildings resemble a single structure.

Muscovites are still puzzling over why they built such an outwardly unattractive and unreasonably long building. Perhaps to house in Otradnoe ended up on our list, but that’s just speculation. In any case, there is something to see and everyone should walk 1400 meters along the endless windows and doors.

By the way, one of the versions of the construction was as follows – the complex was built by the military to protect the entire area from the magnetic field that appeared during combat tests.

1. House in Murmansk, 1488 m

Top 10 longest houses in Russia

Murmansk giant house occupies the area of ​​a whole microdistrict and has an incredible length – 1488 meters. The architect of this monumental building was a native Murmansk woman, Alexandra Rastorguyeva, who celebrated her 1920th birthday. The project was fully planned and developed back in 5, but construction was not started. Only XNUMX years later, the project was resumed with renewed vigor and, as it turned out, not in vain.

This is one of the longest houses not only in Russia, but throughout the world. The main goal of the construction was not to get into the Book of Records at all, but to save space and make it comfortable to live. The first would be a nice bonus.

Construction began very hard, in addition to the fact that the builders had to clear a huge area around the perimeter, work was also carried out to a depth of 22 meters. This was necessary to ensure a secure fit.

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