Top 10 liver cleansers
Often, many liver diseases, including intoxication, can be asymptomatic and detected already at advanced stages. Special preparations will help protect the liver, cleanse it of harmful substances and speed up recovery. How to choose them – learn from an expert

Everything that enters the human body must pass through the main filter – the liver. It is this organ that separates nutrients from toxins, is responsible for the synthesis of proteins, is involved in the digestion of fats, accumulates iron, vitamins and glycogen. By the way, the liver receives glucose from glycogen – the main source of energy for the body.

Despite the fact that the liver has unique properties of regeneration and is able to independently recover from damage, it often needs additional help – detoxification. Here, various drugs and dietary supplements come to the rescue, which, in addition to removing toxins and toxins, restore the metabolic processes of the liver and its damaged cells, take care of the acid-base balance and contribute to the removal of bile.1.

Let’s figure out together with an expert how preparations for cleansing help work, how to choose a really effective and inexpensive remedy, and how else to help the liver in order to keep it healthy. 

Rating of the top 10 effective and inexpensive drugs for cleansing the liver according to KP

Conventionally, drugs for the treatment of various liver diseases can be divided according to the principle of their action into three groups:

  • hepatoprotectors;
  • choleretic (cholekinetics and choleretics);
  • sorbents.


Already from the name it is clear that the main purpose of such drugs is to protect the liver from damaging factors.1. Hepatoprotectors also help to improve metabolic processes, so that the liver continues to effectively synthesize useful substances and neutralize toxins.

Among hepatoprotectors, there are both completely natural remedies with extracts of various medicinal herbs, and synthetic preparations.

Cholagogue preparations

Choleretic drugs are used to regulate the functioning of the gallbladder and liver. Choleretics increase the production of bile by the liver, and cholekinetics are responsible for the uninterrupted outflow of bile from the gallbladder.


The third group of drugs is represented by sorbents, whose function is to enhance the excretion of toxic substances from the body and reduce the toxic load on the liver.

Doctors are convinced that only a comprehensive approach to the problem is effective in cleansing the liver. Therefore, in our rating, we selected drugs with a combined effect. Many of them are used even in the treatment of serious liver pathologies, severe viral and toxic lesions.

1. Essentiale forte N

Our rating is opened by the well-known German-made hepatoprotector Essentiale forte N. The composition contains phospholipids from soybeans, which restore the integrity of liver cells affected by disease or toxic effects. Phospholipids are embedded in the damaged areas of the cell membrane and contribute to its regeneration. The tool is effective not only as a preventive measure, but also for the treatment of fatty liver and various hepatitis.

Essentiale capsules can be taken by patients over 12 years of age. On average, the course of admission is 3 months, but it is possible that the doctor will adjust this period individually.

Contraindications include intolerance to soy or other components of the drug. Use during pregnancy is possible only under medical supervision. Among the side effects, an allergic reaction in the form of itching is rare, as well as discomfort from the gastrointestinal tract.

promotes the restoration of liver cells; may cause softening of the stool.
may cause softening of the stool.
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2. Heptral

One of the commonly prescribed drugs for the liver is Heptral in the form of tablets. Contains the amino acid ademetionine2, which is involved in metabolic processes and in the synthesis of proteins and hormones.

Heptral has a choleretic and hepatoprotective effect. Against the background of the reception, the work of the liver improves, the body is filled with energy, metabolic processes are normalized.

The drug is approved for all adult patients, except for those with certain genetic disorders and with bipolar disorders. Use in childhood and during pregnancy and lactation has been little studied, therefore it is not recommended. The duration of the appointment is determined by the attending doctor in each specific situation. Side effects include skin rashes, stool disorders, insomnia.

effectively protects the liver from toxins.
Headache, nausea and diarrhea may occur during administration.
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3. Allahol

Proven over the years, Allohol for cleansing the liver of toxins and toxins consists entirely of natural ingredients.3. Due to the fact that the composition contains dry bile, garlic powder, nettle leaves and activated charcoal, this drug successfully copes with toxins and improves the functioning of the human digestive system.

Allochol has not many contraindications, including gallstones, acute hepatitis and various forms of liver dystrophy, as well as an ulcer. It is prescribed to patients over 12 years of age for a course of 3-4 weeks. This effective choleretic agent is best taken after consulting a doctor, like any other medicine.

natural ingredients in the composition.
may cause diarrhea and allergic reactions.
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4. Hofitol

A herbal preparation based on field artichoke extract helps to improve the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, normalize the outflow of bile and remove toxins and other harmful substances. Hofitol is prescribed for biliary dyskinesia, chronic acalculous cholecystitis, chronic hepatitis and dyspeptic disorders, which include nausea, flatulence, heaviness in the stomach.

Hofitol is approved for use by adults and children over 6 years of age. Course treatment in general takes up to 3 weeks. The preparation contains vitamins B1 and B2, so it is not recommended to combine it with the intake of additional vitamins and microelements. It is important that this remedy should not be taken with cholelithiasis and with acute liver diseases.

approved for use by pregnant women under the supervision of a physician.
may cause heartburn.
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5. Berlithion

Berlition is thioctic acid in the form of a concentrate, from which a solution for intravenous infusions (droppers) is prepared. This acid acts as a direct antioxidant, binds free radicals and cell decay products, preventing damage to internal organs, including the liver.

Assign the drug only to patients over 18 years of age and under the strict supervision of a physician. Among the contraindications: childhood, pregnancy and lactation. Berlition has quite a few side effects: for example, allergic reactions and even convulsions can occur.

does not adversely affect the gastric mucosa.
available only as an infusion. Lots of side effects.
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6. Enterosgel

To combat toxins, enterosorbents have proven themselves well, which absorb and remove harmful substances from the gastrointestinal tract. The main task of Enterosgel is to reduce the toxic load on the liver. This is an effective first aid method at home for poisoning and intestinal infections.4. Also, detoxification is very important for patients with liver damage, because the body cannot cope with toxins on its own, because of which they accumulate in the body and poison it.

Enterosgel is a harmless molecular “sponge” that absorbs and removes toxic substances from the body. The drug can be used in childhood, during the period of bearing and feeding children. The sorbent is not used simultaneously with other drugs, as it interferes with the absorption of drugs.

suitable for patients of all ages.
the paste is difficult for a child to swallow due to the viscous structure.
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7. Dipana

Those who prefer herbal preparations should pay attention to Dipana. Doctors prescribe this hepatoprotector as part of complex therapy for hepatitis, fatty liver damage and cirrhosis. The combination of plant substances (extracts of a wide variety of fruits, flowers and rhizomes) protects the liver from toxins and stimulates the regeneration of its damaged cells. Dipana is especially relevant for people with alcohol dependence and those who take medication for a long time.

Adults and children over 10 years of age can take the drug in a course of 4-8 weeks. With fatty degeneration of the liver, the course of admission increases to 12 weeks. Side effects include allergic reactions, nausea, dry mouth, diarrhea.

composition rich in natural ingredients.
long course of treatment.
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8. Esslial

Completes the rating of preparations for cleansing the liver drug Esslial. This hepatoprotector with phospholipids in the composition promotes the regeneration of liver cells. Phospholipids replace destroyed liver cells, improve the functioning of the organ. Esslial well cleanses the body of harmful substances and is allowed to be taken even by pregnant women, but only under the supervision of a doctor. But for children under 12 years of age, the drug is contraindicated, since there are no relevant studies.

minimum contraindications; suitable for long term use.
may cause stomach upset.
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9. Odeston

If there is little bile produced, then the liver is not functioning properly. In this case, the doctor may recommend taking Odeston. This drug contains Hymecromone, which is a choleretic agent. Odeston promotes the production and outflow of bile, and at the same time works as an antispasmodic, and also helps cleanse the liver of toxins. It does not affect intestinal motility, it only relaxes the bile ducts if stagnation occurs due to spasm. A distinctive feature of this drug is that it also helps to prevent the crystallization of cholesterol and the formation of stones.

Odeston is allowed to be taken by adults and children from 7 years of age. The average course is 2 weeks. Small tablets should be taken half an hour before meals. During pregnancy and lactation, it is better to refrain from taking this choleretic drug.

also acts as an antispasmodic; suitable for use after gallbladder surgery.
may cause bloating and diarrhea.
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10. Karsil

Karsil refers to hepatoprotectors of plant origin. It inhibits the penetration of toxins into hepatocytes (liver cells), strengthens the cell membrane and increases the resistance of the liver to damage. The composition contains a dry extract of milk thistle fruit, known since antiquity for its antioxidant properties. Karsil is recommended for people with chronic non-viral hepatitis, toxic liver damage, during the recovery period after acute hepatitis.

Children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating women are usually not prescribed the drug. Other contraindications – celiac disease, lactase deficiency, individual intolerance to the drug. Course treatment is long – at least 3 months, even in the case of prophylactic administration.

herbal ingredients.
long course of treatment.
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How to choose drugs for cleansing the liver

The liver, like any other organ, requires monitoring. Therefore, it is important to undergo examinations and take tests in a timely manner so as not to miss the onset of irreversible changes in the organ.

It is worth choosing medicines, even with a preventive purpose, only after consulting a doctor. The choice may be influenced by the presence of a particular disease: for example, with viral hepatitis and with fatty degeneration of the liver, different drugs are required.

The doctor will help you choose a complex remedy:

  • to normalize the liver;
  • for detoxification and protection of its cells;
  • to stimulate the production of bile and improve bile flow.

You can stop at herbal preparations. In this case, the duration of the intake will be much longer, because many herbs have a cumulative effect.

Synthetic drugs often give out side reactions, but the effect of them comes as soon as possible. It is important to understand one thing: additional medication is also a burden on the liver, even if this medicine is designed to cleanse and protect the liver.

Reviews of doctors about preparations for cleansing the liver

Many gastroenterologists speak positively about Essentiale forte N, considering it to be an effective hepatoprotector that is well tolerated by patients and does not cause allergic reactions. Doctors note that against the background of taking the drug, biochemical blood parameters improve.

Doctors call Hofitol another popular remedy for cleaning and protecting the liver. The drug, according to experts, has proven its effectiveness in the treatment of biliary dyskinesia. In addition, it has virtually no side effects.

Popular questions and answers

How to understand that the liver needs cleaning, what foods are especially useful for its health, and answers other popular questions endocrinologist, nutritionist Maria Kodyakova.

How to understand that it is time to cleanse the liver?

– It is not sad, but most often liver damage in most patients is asymptomatic. This means that the disease will be diagnosed at a late stage, which significantly complicates the treatment process. However, this is not a reason to take dietary supplements and hepatoprotectors uncontrollably. Instead of cleansing, it is better to perform regular ultrasound of the abdominal organs, take a biochemical blood test to monitor the work of the entire digestive system.

What foods are good for the liver?

– First of all, low-fat broths and dairy products have a beneficial effect on liver function. Plant foods help restore the liver. This means that your plate should consist of at least ⅓ fresh fruits and vegetables. Of course, the amount of water drunk per day is also responsible for detoxification. Clean drinking water and compliance with the drinking regimen is the key to the health of your internal organs and the whole organism as a whole.

Is it possible to use folk remedies to cleanse the liver?

– Self-medication with the help of grandmother’s recipes is just as risky as uncontrolled medication. You may not know about gallstone disease and cause serious problems if you use homemade choleretic decoctions and other folk remedies. It is advisable to consult a doctor and plan a small prophylactic course of liver detoxification.


  1. Hepatoprotectors in the treatment of certain liver diseases, Minushkin ON, MS. 2016. No. 14.
  2. Ademetionine: physiological effects and use in the treatment of liver diseases. Silivonchik N.N., Adamenko E.I., Bogush L.S., International reviews: clinical practice and health. 2017. No. 2.
  3. Allochol: 50 years of successful application. Electronic journal Travnya, issue 20, Ukraine, 2014.
  4. Sorption detoxification in patients with diffuse liver lesions and cholelithiasis, Pushkarev V.P., Sitnikov V.A., Magomedov S.N., Vyatka Medical Bulletin. 2002. No. 1.

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