Top 10 largest waterfalls in the world

Waterfalls are one of the unique phenomena in nature. Water, which flies with noise from a great height, catches the eye of almost every tourist. Huge stones and water complement each other very harmoniously.

A beautiful waterfall, even a small one, you can stand and admire for hours. At this time, everything else fades into the background.

They have power and strength, as well as incredible perfection. They, in turn, are divided by height and by flow power. In this article we will analyze the largest waterfalls in the world.

10 Kabalega

Top 10 largest waterfalls in the world

A country: Uganda Water consumption: 1 200 m3

The waterfall called Kabalega is considered the largest in this place. It is divided into 2 parts by one famous river – the Nile.

Many say that the best way to watch the waterfall is from a boat. It is here that he breaks down from a height of almost forty meters. Also here you can see hippos that walk along the banks.

Many tourists prefer to look at the waterfall from top to bottom. This opportunity is also provided. Near the south coast, bats can often be seen, which set out late in the evening in search of food.

Cabalega Waterfall is an amazing sight that everyone should see. Many guests stay overnight along the southern banks of the river. The air here is charged with power.

The first person who dug up this amazing place was a European named Samuel Baker. Currently, the waterfall belongs to the national park of Uganda. Its main feature is a diverse landscape.

From the very south there are forests, and closer to the north they are replaced by savannah, which subsequently turns into a semi-desert. To all this, picturesque places and a beautiful waterfall are added.

9. Maribon

Top 10 largest waterfalls in the world

A country: Brazil Water consumption: 1 500 m3

Waterfall Maribon – one of the most beautiful. It is located in the very depths of the forest, and getting to it is not so easy. But it’s worth it.

The waterfall is very beautiful, it is very refreshing in the heat. The road to the place is about one hour. On the way there is a large sign that warns people to take care of nature.

Getting closer to the place, you can see the green waters and rocks that fascinate travelers. The water falls from the waterfall is crystal clear and transparent.

At the very bottom there is a small pool in which tourists can swim. At the same time, the water in it will be warm at any time of the year.

8. Iguazu

Top 10 largest waterfalls in the world

A country: Brazil Water consumption: 1 700 m3

Waterfall Iguazu causes admiration among tourists, barely glancing at him. People come here from all over the world. The waterfall was so named because of the Guarani tribes living here. Translated as “big water».

It is worth noting that it falls so that about two hundred and seventy separate waterfalls are formed. You can see this on the border of the fault, which was called “mouth of the devil».

The tribes living here have created many legends and tales. One of which says that the daughter of the leader, whose name was Naipi, lived on the river bank. She loved one warrior very much, but she was married to the divine serpent Mbon.

One day, Naipi decided to run away, but the serpent found out about this and fell into the river with all his strength. From this, the earth broke, and water began to penetrate into this deep depression.

A terrible snake turned the warrior whom Naipi fell in love with into a huge cliff. And the girl herself – in a palm tree that grows on the shore.

Many people say that when a strong wind blows, the palm tree stretches its branches to the “beloved”, but cannot reach it in any way. Geologists simply claim that the fault occurred as a result of tectonic shifts.

7. Urubupunga

Top 10 largest waterfalls in the world A country: Brazil Water consumption: 2750 m3

Waterfall Urubupunga – has a width of 2012 meters and a height of 13. It is currently considered flooded. Here it was decided to raise the level of the river, as it was planned to build a hydroelectric power plant named after Souza Diaz.

6. Paulo Afonso

Top 10 largest waterfalls in the world A country: Brazil

Water consumption: 2 750 m3

Paulo Afonso is a series of rapids, which consist of 3 waterfalls at once. Many note that the water here falls from a rather high height, since the hydroelectric power station and the dam located here completely block the river. The waterfall can be seen during a strong flood. It is worth saying that a city in Brazil is so named nearby.

5. Grande

Top 10 largest waterfalls in the world A country: Uruguay Water consumption: 4500 m3

The waterfall called Grande located in Torres del Paine within the national park. This is truly an amazing and picturesque place. Many tourists come here to relax their minds and bodies.

The falling water is soothing. The waterfall is not very big, only about fifteen meters. But in appearance it is quite powerful and beautiful.

To be in such a place is in any case simply unforgettable. Here you can sit on the rocks, watch nature and how the streams of water fall down and turn into water vapor. The water has a slightly greenish tint.

All around are beautiful mountains. In such a place, each person feels like at the end of the world. Because this is the only way to understand all the greatness of our nature.

4. Niagara

Top 10 largest waterfalls in the world A country: USA, Canada Water consumption: 5 500 m3

Niagara Falls – one of the famous in the world, which forms a whole cascade. It is considered the most spectacular natural fault.

Historians claim that after the end of the ice age, five large lakes were formed. They began to go beyond the banks of the Erie. Together they began to form a huge stream, which was then called Niagara.

Water falls from a cliff in amazing cascades. Under Niagara, it is customary to consider as many as 3 waterfalls, each of which has its own name.

The largest – “Horseshoe”, is located on the Canadian coast, opposite it – “American” and the waterfall “Bridal Veil”. Surprisingly, it looks different depending on the time of year and day.

In spring and summer it turns green, and in autumn it plays with crimson colors. In winter, everything freezes here. You can see only huge icicles.

But in early spring, tourists are waiting for amazing pictures. Ice floes, like huge icebergs, break with a crash. One day in 1848, people were so frightened by the roar that they thought about the beginning of a terrible earthquake.

Seeing Niagara Falls at least once, you will get an indescribable feeling for a lifetime. And those who just heard about him, but did not see him, do not doubt his beauty and grandeur.

3. Ngaliema

Top 10 largest waterfalls in the world A country: Congo Water consumption: 6 550 m3

Waterfall Ngaliema has long attracted tourists. In addition to the flow of water, which turns into steam at the very bottom, you can see amazing scenic spots.

2. Khon

Top 10 largest waterfalls in the world A country: Cambodia Water consumption: 11 600 m3

Khon counts as more than one thread. This is a whole cascade of waterfalls and rapids. It is located near the city of the same name.

The height is 21 meters, and the width of one cascade is 9,7 kilometers. One of them has – 10 km, which makes it the widest on our planet.

It is worth noting that the waterfall is quite calm. His noise, on the contrary, relaxes. A small cafe and an observation deck were built not far for tourists, from where you can contemplate the picturesque nature.

1. Boyoma

Top 10 largest waterfalls in the world A country: Congo Water consumption: 17 000 m3

The waterfall that bears the name Boyoma, is considered the most powerful in the world, and is located in Central Africa.

Consists of 7 rapids, which are separated by small stretches. The total height is about 40 meters. According to his performance, he got into the Guinness Book of Records.

The waterfall was named after its discoverer Henry Stanley. It was he who first found this place in 1983.

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