Top 10 largest swamps in the world

Often in the paintings of famous artists you can see a swamp. For example, Jacob van Ruisdael painted The Swamp (in 1660), which became a masterpiece of landscape painting. The artist comprehended nature as a symbol of eternity…

Most likely, at the word “swamp”, like most people, a gloomy, foggy and even uncomfortable area, characterized by high humidity, pops up in your imagination. And I want to ask:What is beautiful here? However, on our planet there are many not at all gloomy and not terrible swamps. Some of them, on the contrary, are attractive, and, perhaps, they cause a fabulous mood for someone.

Take a look at the largest swamps from our selection and see for yourself that they can be not only gloomy, but also beautiful. Some of them are impossible to take your eyes off!

10 Okefenokee

Top 10 largest swamps in the world

Location: USA

Okefenokee – the largest swamp in North America. In the language of the local Aboriginal means “shaky ground“. The name is quite justified, the fact is that it absorbs any roads and buildings in its vicinity. Sounds creepy, doesn’t it?

If you are going to travel to the eastern part of the United States, be sure to visit the protected Okefenokee swamps. It is a marshy area with unique flora and fauna. Here you can see alligators while riding a boat, as well as turtles and squirrels, admire the surroundings and, of course, take colorful photographs.

9. Can’t wait

Top 10 largest swamps in the world

Location: Philippines

Once scientists decided to count birds Can’t wait, and it turned out that 32 thousand hectares of swamp became a refuge for 80 species of migratory birds! Because of this, the “Birds and Eggs” festival is held in the swamps of Kandaba in February – the locals, dressed as birds, dance as if they are about to take off.

When the rainy season starts, everything is flooded here, but from November to April, locals grow watermelons and rice.

Peasants peacefully coexist with biologists, as well as with interested travelers, because everyone is interested in seeing such a variety of birds with their own eyes! In terms of biodiversity, the Kandaba swamp is one of the most interesting.

8. Everglades National Park

Top 10 largest swamps in the world

Location: USA

Everglades – the place where you can see live alligators – bloodthirsty predators. The park is included in the list of wonders of the world, is under the protection of UNESCO. If you are traveling in the US, this is a must visit! The park is located in the south of the Florida peninsula.

First of all, the Everglades is famous for its swamps, where a wide variety of birds and other creatures of the globe live. The swamps of the national park are called quiet grassy rivers – they really inspire calmness and immerse you in a meditative state, you can get across them by boat, forgetting about the bustle of the city. Elliot pines grow among the marshes!

7. Atchafalaya Basin

Top 10 largest swamps in the world

Location: USA

Pool or swamp Atchafalaya – the largest wetland in the United States. Unique among Louisiana basins because it has a growing delta system with stable wetlands.

No wonder Atchafalaya is on the list of the most beautiful wetlands in the world. Huge cypresses forming gloomy corridors, of course, cannot but attract attention.

Among these corridors you can move by boat, which is what those who wish to get to know this area do. The state of Louisiana, where the swamp is located, is known for its unusual and even somewhat fantastic views.

6. Bangweulu

Top 10 largest swamps in the world

Location: Africa

From the swamp Bangweulu impossible to take your eyes off! Zambia is a country of swamps, it has a large and unique water system that combines Lake Bangweulu, a swamp and a plateau. The basis, of course, is the lake, but we are interested in the swamp.

“The place where water meets sky” – this is how Bangweulu is translated. These swamps have their own legend – according to myths, they hide a beast in themselves – the horned monster Emela-Ntouka, which looks like a huge rhinoceros. The locals are convinced that he can even deal with an elephant, by the way, from the Lingala language it is translated as “elephant killer“. This mysterious creature is described either as a mammal or as a reptile.

5. Okavango

Top 10 largest swamps in the world


Location: Africa

Okavango located in Botswana. This swamp is the largest inland delta of the planet, but it does not have a runoff into the oceans. The swampy area is inhabited by animals and birds.

It cannot be said that the Okavango flora is very diverse, but still there are many interesting plants here. The upper part of the delta, for example, is covered with dense thickets of reeds, and water lilies are located in vast areas of water.

A lot of animals in the vast delta have found a haven for themselves: crocodiles, hippos, and antelopes have perfectly adapted to life here. Of course, predators also live here: hyenas, leopards, etc., but in the lower reaches of the Okavango.

4. Manchak

Top 10 largest swamps in the world

Location: USA

Manchak called “bog ghost“. Among these muddy waters and creepy trees, many have become victims … But despite this, many tourists want to “tickle your nerves”, and go to a creepy-attractive area.

The whole territory is really terrifying… When you find yourself in this place, you get goosebumps and your head is spinning. Just imagine: somewhere there are no trees, and where they are, everything looks pretty intimidating, the water is blue-black…

When you find yourself in the territory of Manchak, it seems that death awaits you. The fact is that alligators live on the territory of Manchak – once runaway slaves hid here, but none of them survived.

There are many legends around Manchak, and according to one of them, a witch who was caught and held in these swamps cast a monstrous curse on Manchak, and since then all the words of the witch began to be embodied in reality.

3. Vasyugan swamps

Top 10 largest swamps in the world

Location: Siberia

Vasyugan swamps are among the largest in the world. They are a very interesting natural phenomenon, characterized by a variety of landscapes, which, of course, are pleasant to look at from a helicopter.

In 2007, the Vasyugan swamps were included in the UNESCO list. They arose about 10 thousand years ago and have been increasing ever since. The swamps are home to numerous local fauna, rare animals also live here: peregrine falcon, golden eagle, reindeer, etc.

Flora also includes endangered species of plants, among wild plants are common: blueberries, cloudberries, cranberries. On the territory of the Vasyugan swamps there are many lakes, a large number of rivers and streams also flow here.

2. Sudd

Top 10 largest swamps in the world


Location: Africa

giant swamp Sudd located in the White Nile Valley. People live on the territory (the main inhabitants are the Nuer tribe), oddly enough, but it is it that is the most fertile in South Sudan, while the rest of the territory consists of deserts and arid plateaus.

Many birds and mammals have found their home on the territory. The local flora is also diverse here. It is almost impossible to move through the swamps – neither by swimming, nor by land transport. Because of such conditions, it is difficult for scientists to get here, so there are still many “blank spots”. Sudd stretches for 120 thousand km. The numbers are simply amazing!

1. Pantanal

Top 10 largest swamps in the world

Location: Brazil

Our selection is completed by the largest swamp Pantanal, formed due to a large tectonic depression, which was filled with water. There is nothing surprising in the fact that from 3 sides it is limited by cliffs.

The swamp is greatly influenced by the climate – when it rains in summer, the depression is filled with water, which turns the swamp into a huge lake, only overgrown.

In winter, the Pantanal looks very inconspicuous – marsh mud is mixed with vegetation, in some places diluted with small rivers, lakes and grassy areas.

The flora of the Pantanal is very diverse: trees and shrubs grow here. There are also unique giant water lilies, it is interesting that they are able to hold a person (if he does not weigh much). The animal world is also diverse: at least 1000 vertebrates, fish, reptiles, etc. live here.

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