Top 10 largest squares in the world

Each city of our planet has a special attraction in the form of a central square. It is a source of pride for local residents and a favorite place among those who are used to a pleasant stroll alone or with the whole family.

In antiquity, the most important events took place on the central square, in our time, practically nothing has changed. All mass events are held on the square – the main events of the city.

The main square is always the face of any city, and some of them become the hallmarks of entire countries. Historically, they were built not for the pleasant pastime of residents, but for parades. In many cities, the main squares are combined with roads.

We invite you to take a virtual city tour. From the article you will learn which areas are considered the largest in the world: historically significant places in Europe, Asia and South America.

10 Republic Square (Almaty, Russia)

Top 10 largest squares in the world

Almaty city square becomes a place of festivities and various events in honor of any holiday. On the south side of the square is the city administration, which is an architectural monument.

On the north side there are 16-storey buildings and other administrative buildings. In the eastern part there is a museum, which is considered the largest in Central Asia – it contains at least 300 thousand cultural exhibits.

The most outstanding building on the square is considered to be the ultra-modern shopping center of Almaty, located underground. The Independence Monument, which is located on the square, is a landmark of the city of Almaty, which people come to see.

9. University Square (Moscow, Russia)

Top 10 largest squares in the world

University Square located in the microdistrict called Leninskiye Gory. It was named after Mrs. University. Lomonosov in 1956, which is located nearby. Once the village of Vorobyevo was located here – only the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, built back in 1811, has survived from those times.

The modern square is a wide space where it is pleasant to walk, an alley with fountains and beautiful flower beds. From the observation deck of the Sparrow Hills, stunning views of Moscow open up.

8. Moscow Square (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Top 10 largest squares in the world

Moscow square considered one of the largest in the world and the largest in the city. This place is very attractive to the people, and it doesn’t matter if it’s weekends or weekdays. People come here to relax: take photos, ride bicycles and roller skates, admire the fountain.

The House of Soviets was built on the square, which became the basis of the architectural space. In 70, a monument was erected for the 100th anniversary of Lenin, which harmoniously blended into the architectural composition.

The monument is made of bronze and stands on a granite monolith. Every year, a grandiose exhibition “Ice Fairy Tale” is held on Moscow Square – everyone can admire the talented works of masters.

7. Kuibyshev Square (Samara, Russia)

Top 10 largest squares in the world

Kuibyshev Square formed by several streets. The name was given in 1935. On the square there is a ballet and opera theater, which occupies 2,4 hectares of its territory. Here you can also see a monument to the Russian revolutionary Valerian Kuibyshev.

Today the square is used for concerts, fairs, holidays and other public events. In winter, a Christmas tree is put up here, a skating rink and ice slides for children are poured.

6. Front Square (Warsaw, Poland)

Top 10 largest squares in the world

front square was named after the founder of the Polish army – Jozef Pilsudski. Since the end of the XNUMXth century, military processions began to be held on the square. Important historical events took place on Piłsudski Square – this fact influenced the fact that it became popular among the people living here, as well as tourists.

The area is located in a picturesque area, where there are many cozy cafes, shops and restaurants. Thanks to the good location of vehicles, Paradnaya Square is easy to get to.

The charm and beauty that old Warsaw possesses is conducive to slow walks and sightseeing.

5. India Gate Square (New Delhi, India)

Top 10 largest squares in the world

In the city of New Delhi there is a very remarkable architectural monument called the Gateway of India. They were built in 1931 in honor of 90 thousand soldiers who died in wars. Today, the monument is located where once there was a statue of the great emperor – George V.

India Gate mean a lot to the residents: in memory of the dead, wreaths are laid near them, and every year on Republic Day on January 26, a bright parade passes through them.

In 2011, a tradition appeared – in a nearby park, kites are flown on the occasion of the Festival, to which people from all over the world come with pleasure.

4. Macroplaza (Monterrey, Mexico)

Top 10 largest squares in the world

macroplaza (La Gran Plaza) is a city square located in the heart of the city of Monterrey in Mexico. It was built under Governor Alfonso Martinez Dominguez in the early 80s. On the territory there are cozy parks, various monuments, the most important city buildings.

The main decoration of Macroplaza and the whole city as a whole is the monument of the Mexican sculptor, which is beautifully called “Faro del Comercio”. This monument was built in 1984 to celebrate the opening of the first Chamber of Commerce in Mexico. At night, the monument shimmers with all sorts of rainbow colors thanks to the night illumination.

3. Tiananmen Square (Beijing, China)

Top 10 largest squares in the world

Arriving in Beijing, hardly anyone will bypass the big tiananmen square. It’s always very crowded here. 2 times a day, residents watch the descent and raising of the city flag. The square got its name from the Tiananmen gates, which were built in 1415-1420 – once the southern entrance of the Imperial City was closed to ordinary people.

The title translates very interestingly as “Gate of Heavenly Peace“. Today, the square that you see in the photo is one of the main tourist places. On the eastern side of the square is the National Museum, and on the western side of the House of People’s Assembly.

2. Sunflower Square (Palmas, Brazil)

Top 10 largest squares in the world

Palmas (Praca dos Girassois) is the capital of Tocantes and an important economic and political center of Brazil. At a solemn meeting in 1989, the first stone was laid douz giraçois square.

In addition to the Palace of Meetings of the Government of the State of Tocantis, there is a cathedral, monuments, one of which is a huge wind rose, and various government and social services. Opposite the square, Pousada dos Girassóis offers a wide range of guest services.

1. Freedom Square (Jakarta, Indonesia)

Top 10 largest squares in the world

Freedom Square (Medan Modeca) was built by order of the Dutch governor in 1810. It is a platform paved with stones, in the center of which there is an obelisk – a national monument symbolizing the independence of the country.

The square features a reflecting pond, a night-lit fountain, monuments, and 33 species of rare plants. There are museums and a large number of parks on the territory.

On weekends, locals come to the square with their whole families: here they fly kites, buy something, play the guitar, eat, etc. Here you can buy handmade souvenirs as a keepsake. From the observation deck you can see the whole city.

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