Top 10 largest lakes in Europe

Those travelers who want to see not raging waves, but a calm expanse of water, can recover to the famous lakes of Europe. Here you will meet stunning nature, amazing castles, as well as sandy beaches and various thermal complexes. In these places everyone can relax in comfort. You can visit the lake absolutely at any time of the year, and also regardless of weather conditions.

Do you want to know which lake is considered the largest in Europe? We present you the rating of champions – Onega and other large reservoirs of the European part of Russia, which are worth a look.

10 Lake Balaton, 591 km2

Top 10 largest lakes in Europe A country: Hungary

Lake Balaton very often referred to asHungarian sea”, since this freshwater reservoir is located in the west of Hungary. Around the lake there is a resort area where everyone can come to relax with the whole family. There is also an opportunity to undergo treatment at the thermal springs.

Previously, Slavs, Celts and Thracians lived on the shores of the lake. But already in the first century AD, the Romans settled well here. And in the 6th century they were replaced by the Avars.

Scientists note that the water itself in the lake does not look very nice due to the presence of plankton in it. That is why it is not at all transparent, as we would like. But perfectly clean.

9. Lake Inari, 1000 km2

Top 10 largest lakes in Europe A country: Finland

This lake is considered the best for fishing. Here you can catch salmon, trout, pike and even perch. But many note that it is not so easy to get to it, since the nearest settlement is quite far away.

It should be noted that the lake Inari located above the Arctic Circle, which means that it freezes from time to time. This usually happens from November to March.

In this picturesque place you can see the endless water surface, large rocks, as well as fragrant groves of dwarf birches and pines. Quite a lot of tourists who want to go fishing are observed here from August to October.

8. Lake Mälaren, 1140 km2

Top 10 largest lakes in Europe A country: Sweden

Not many people know about an interesting legend that is associated with the lake. Mellaren. It is believed that it was created by the goddess of fertility Gefion. And this happened when she deceived the King of Sweden Gulvi.

The king said that he could give the goddess as much land as 4 bulls could plow in 1 day and night. But she decided to do something smart. Using the bulls of the giants, the earth was completely uprooted and transferred to Denmark. This is how the island called Zeeland was formed.

It is worth noting that about 30 species of various fish live in the lake. Among them there are perches, breams, pikes and many others. Also, herring and black-headed gulls, mallards, and choughs constantly make nests here.

Many bird species are endangered. But, those who come here can sometimes see them.

7. Lake Saimaa, 1800 km2

Top 10 largest lakes in Europe A country: Finland

Lake Saima occurred as a result of tectonic processes. Its shores are the highest and rockiest. The water level always depends on the season. For example, the high will be from July to August. In the month of December, everything freezes here, the ice begins to gradually thaw only by April.

Lake Saimaa is considered the largest. It appeared on the map around 1850, when a channel to the Gulf of Finland was opened. The tourist can see the wonderful underwater world. Some species are endangered. But residents are trying to solve this problem.

Also, a special park was built on one bank, where you can see the Nerpa, which is resting on the rocks. These cute animals will not leave anyone indifferent.

6. Lake Vettern, 1912 km2

Top 10 largest lakes in Europe A country: Sweden

Word Vettern means “water”. But in fact, this is a very large water, since the lake is considered the second largest in Sweden.

Scientists are sure that the appearance of the lake is associated with melted glaciers that were here millions of years ago. Between them was a huge crack, which they then filled with water.

The lake called Vättern is very treacherous as it constantly changes temperature and creates small storms. The legend of this place says that the great kings who built castles lived here. Now here is just an incredibly picturesque place. Tourists come here from all over the world.

Surprisingly, many note that the lake is really in a little movement. It feeds on other rivers and streams that flow into it. But only one flows out – Mutalastrem.

The water in the lake is very clean and clear, although cold. Small waves sometimes greatly interfere with the movement of ships. Special beacons have been set up in all dangerous places.

It is worth noting that the coasts are in motion due to tectonic processes. The lake tipped slightly to the south.

5. Chudsko-Pskovskoe lake, 3550 km2

Top 10 largest lakes in Europe A country: Russian Federation, Estonia

The lake is located on the territory of two states at the same time – Estonia and Russia. The nature here is very unique, and deciduous forests adorn its landscape.

Almost 30 different streams and rivers flow into the lake. And also it has additional power from snow and rain. It has quite a lot of plankton and fish.

It is worth noting that it is Lake Peipsi there was the very Battle of the Ice, where Alexander Nevsky spoke out against the Livonian army. But due to significant changes in hydrography, it was not possible to find the exact place where this happened.

On the banks there are a lot of boarding houses, camps, tourist centers. People come here almost every season to relax with the whole family. It is not only very beautiful, but also environmentally friendly, which is good for health.

4. Lake Venern, 5585 km2

Top 10 largest lakes in Europe A country: Sweden

Lake Venern considered one of the largest in all of Europe. 30 rivers flow into it, but only one flows out.

There is a hydroelectric power station on the lake. The shipping business is quite well developed. It is believed that it arose after the end of the ice age, that is, about ten thousand years ago.

The lake is fresh, but the water in it is very clean and transparent. It is worth noting that in its composition it is similar to distilled.

There are many different fish in the lake. There is pike perch, perch, salmon, trout and many others. Tourists come here to compete for the biggest catch.

3. Lake Onega, 9690 km2

Top 10 largest lakes in Europe A country: Russian Federation

A huge pond consists of fresh water. Many tourists are attracted by the beautiful, unique nature, white nights and small echoes of the northern lights. Almost all shores are inhabited by people. There are quite large cities here, such as Petrozavodsk.

Onega Lake has existed since about the 4th millennium BC, when the first settlements began to live here. In the old days it was called simply “Onego”. From ancient languages ​​meant “smoke”. It was connected with a small smoke that swirls over the lake.

2. Lake Ladoga, 17700 km2

Top 10 largest lakes in Europe A country: Russian Federation

Even in ancient times on the banks Lake Ladoga lived by Christian preachers. Small sketes and monasteries were built, which later became the spiritual centers of all of Russia.

At present, many hotels and tourist centers for people’s recreation have been built on the banks. Tourists enjoy the beauty of northern nature, as well as amazing monuments.

Storms can often be seen on Lake Ladoga. This leads to shipwrecks.

1. Caspian Sea, 371000 km2

Top 10 largest lakes in Europe A country: Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan

Caspian Sea considered the largest lake in the world. Its water is salty. Scientists claim that it received such a name because of the tribes that once lived on it – the Caspians.

The fauna of this place is quite diverse. About 100 species of fish have been recorded. Various algae predominate. Flora and fauna are very diverse and amazing.

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