Top 10 largest lakes in Africa

Most of the lakes in Africa are in and around the Rift Valley. They have a fairly large depth, very steep banks and slopes. Each of them plays a very important role in these places, since this continent is very hot and arid.

We have compiled a ranking of the 10 largest lakes in Africa in terms of water area: the incredible champions of the mainland.

10 Lake Kivu, 2 km².

Top 10 largest lakes in Africa A country: Rwanda, Congo

Lake Kivu one of the largest in Africa. It is considered quite deep due to the fact that it is located on the line of a tectonic fault.

It is worth noting that volcanic eruptions and earthquakes often occur in this area. Nearly two million people live on the shores of the lake. Almost every day they go fishing and boating.

No one thinks that at any moment the lake can destroy all life. In the meantime, people just rejoice and enjoy the picturesque reservoir and the nature around it.

Scientists believe that the danger is that because of the volcano, large reserves of various gases, methane and carbon dioxide, accumulate in the lake. These substances in their totality can easily cause a global catastrophe.

9. Lake Tana, 3 km².

Top 10 largest lakes in Africa A country: Ethiopia

Lake Tana known for the fact that it is from it that the river called the Blue Nile flows, and then merges with the famous river Nile. And that, in turn, keeps the way through the whole of Egypt.

For people who live on the shores of Lake Tana, this is a source of not only water, but also food. There is also a hydroelectric power plant nearby.

It is located in a tectonic foredeep. It is constantly fed by several rivers and seasonal tributaries. The size of the lake is always different. It depends on the time of year. Basically, the numbers range from 3000 and above.

It is worth noting that people built temples and monasteries on the banks. They are inhabited by monks. In addition to an amazing picturesque place, you can see many monuments here. The views here are extraordinary. Many wake up early in the morning to watch how small boats float on the water surface of the lake.

8. Lake Bangweulu, 4 km².

Top 10 largest lakes in Africa A country: Zambia

Lake Bangweulu located in eastern Africa. Many small rivers flow into it, which flow down the slopes from all over.

The people who live on its banks have given it many different names. You can often find that this is “the place where water meets the sky.” Associated with changes in volumes that change throughout the seasons of the year.

The lake has a triangular shape. There is one interesting legend that is still used in local folklore. Previously, a giant lived here, who loved one girl very much. In order to somehow prove his feelings, he took out his heart from his chest and threw it between these mountains. As a result, such a clean, transparent lake was formed.

The first traveler to visit the shores of Lake Bangweulu was David Livingston. He arrived from Britain to find the source of the Nile itself. But I found something else.

7. Lake Mveru, 5 km²

Top 10 largest lakes in Africa A country: Zambia, Congo

The lake called Mveru has always been a source of life for many people. The only danger is the fish, which is getting smaller and smaller.

The lake is unusual in its shape: elongated with a large kilometer length. It was formed as a result of a tectonic depression. Surprisingly, the bottom is quite flat. Outwardly, it looks like a rectangle, and the correct one.

The water in the lake is very warm, as many large rivers flow into it. It was first described in his notes by David Livingston, who visited here during one of his expeditions.

The people who live on these shores are called “Lunda”. But nothing is known about who was there earlier. It was with the advent of people that trade began to spread and develop here.

6. Lake Mobutu-Sese-Seko, 5 km².

Top 10 largest lakes in Africa A country: Uganda, Congo

The lake is currently Mobutu-Sese-Seko called Albert. It is located in a tectonic basin. The coast is a little steep, but its bottom is quite flat.

For the first time this place was studied by a simple traveler named Samuel Baker. The lake was named after the husband of Queen Victoria.

The Albert flows into many rivers. Its southern part is a bit swampy. And on the shore you can meet many people who formed villages and towns here.

5. Lake Rudolph, 8 km².

Top 10 largest lakes in Africa A country: Kenya, Ethiopia

Lake Rudolph considered one of the most deserted in the world. It is located among long-extinct volcanoes and lava fields. The water has unusual blue and greenish hues, for which it was nicknamed the “Jade Sea”. And this happens because of the high content of algae.

Not many people know that the lake began to exist during the Jurassic period. Then people from the West began to study it carefully. An explorer named Richard Leakey once found minerals here. Their age surprised many. They were at least three million years old.

Many tourists come here to see crocodiles, different types of snakes, hippos, giraffes.

4. Lake Chad, 16 km².

Top 10 largest lakes in Africa A country: Chad and Cameroon

Lake with an unusual name Chad – is considered one of the largest in Africa. The word “chad” is translated as “big water”.

For those who want to visit this place, it is better to come at a time when the water level rises – in autumn or spring. So it looks even more magnificent, and you can enjoy not only the picturesque lake, but also its nature.

The existence of this place has been known since the era of Ptolemy. Arab travelers spoke about him. In 1823, Hugh Clapperton came here, who confirmed all the words said earlier.

3. Lake Nyasa, 30 km².

Top 10 largest lakes in Africa A country: Tanzania

In the lake Nyasa is about 7 percent fresh water. It has one of the most unique lake ecosystems, which is why it ranks first in terms of fish diversity.

Due to its relief, it constantly increases its size. On one side there is a national park where you can meet rare animals. It’s almost always hot here. But even with all this, there is snow on the mountains.

2. Lake Tanganyika, 32 km²

Top 10 largest lakes in Africa A country: Tanzania

Lake Tanganyika one of the largest in Africa. This place is very unique, as you can meet rare species of flora and fauna. Outwardly, it is a sickle.

On the very surface of the lake, rare and unknown species of fish await tourists. You can also see shellfish, crayfish and even shrimps and jellyfish.

1. Lake Victoria, 69 km².

Top 10 largest lakes in Africa A country: Tanzania

First time about the lake Victoria in Africa learned in 1858. John Henning was the first person to discover it. The lake is fed mainly by precipitation, but also by some tributaries. It flows into the Nile. Many people live on the shores, who are actively engaged in fishing.

This truly colorful place fascinates with its landscapes. Every traveler needs to visit this place at least once in their life.

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