TOP 10 largest forests in the world

Nature has given humanity a wonderful gift – the forest. Thousands of square kilometers of the Earth, covered with trees and shrubs, are home to animals, birds and people.

The forest is a source of oxygen and a “doctor” for the health of the planet. The size of the large forest areas is impressive.

10 Belovezhskaya Pushcha (1,6 thousand km²)

TOP 10 largest forests in the world Poland, Belarus.

On the territory of Belarus and Poland there is a unique “mixed forest”. This is the remnant of an ancient relic massif that previously covered all of Europe. The first mention of it was found in the annals of 983.

Almost 60% of the forest is occupied by pines. Their average age is 81 years. Several 600-year-old oak trees have been recorded here. Belovezhskaya Pushcha has no equal among European forests in terms of the number of species of fauna and flora. Many are endemic.

The mighty bison became the symbol of the forest. Hunting for these majestic animals was banned back in 1802 by Alexander I.

Two biosphere reserves and a national park located on the territories of two states have been declared a single UNESCO site.

9. Xishuangbanna Rainforest (2,4 thousand km²)

TOP 10 largest forests in the world China.

In the southern province of China, there is a virgin rainforest. High air temperature and high humidity contribute to lush vegetation. It is a green ocean consisting of 8 levels of plants. Tall trees, climbing parasites, shrubs, flowers, herbs, moss, lichens, etc. grow on one m2.

Rare species of elephants, leopards, parrots, monkeys, pythons live here. The Xishuangbanna forest is called the “land of peacocks”. Their stunning coloring and elegance attract many tourists. Peacocks have become talismans for the local “Dai” people. Among the dense bamboo forest, people build their houses like a peacock’s unfolded tail.

Xishuangban is a genetic bank of many endangered plants.

8. Sundarbans (10,3 thousand km²)

TOP 10 largest forests in the world India, Bangladesh.

The Sundarbans is a vast area of ​​mangrove forest. The seasonally flooded area is covered with a complex network of canals, rivers, and islands. The dense forest has become a barrier to destructive ocean cyclones and tsunamis.

“Beautiful Forest” (as the Sundarban is translated from the Bengali language), the habitat of the Bengal tiger and a rare species of combed crocodile.

Crabs, shrimps, reptiles, amphibians live on the border of marine and freshwater habitats. Sundarbans is the best place to study avifauna. More than 280 species of birds live in the region. The most popular wintering place for migratory birds.

The hard-to-reach terrain has led to insufficient study of the flora. Soil stratification, changes in water salinity lead to the emergence of new plant species. Many representatives of flora and fauna are on the verge of extinction.

Rapid climate change and rising sea levels threaten to destroy 75% of the mangrove forest.

7. Black Forest (16,3 thousand km²)

TOP 10 largest forests in the world Germany.

In the southwest of Germany lies a mountain range 158 km long. It is called “black forest”. The area is covered with dense coniferous trees. The dense forest attracts tourists from different countries and is associated with the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. It becomes especially mystical and mysterious during rainy and foggy weather.

Foxes, wolves, owls, wild boars, wild cats live in dark thickets. Endemic are huge earthworms.

The mild climate favorably affects the development of agriculture. The air is saturated with coniferous forest phytoncides and is considered to be healthy. Mountain streams give rise to the Danube River.

Picturesque mountain lakes with the purest water, mineral springs led to the emergence of numerous resorts and health resorts. The most famous and popular is Baden-Baden.

6. Forests of the island of Sumatra (25 thousand km²)

TOP 10 largest forests in the world Indonesia.

The central part of the island of Sumatra is occupied by impenetrable tropical forests. The height of ficuses, vines, palm trees, bamboo reaches 60 meters. The lower tier is occupied by tree ferns and shrubs. Alang-alang grows on the plain. Closer to the coast, mangrove forests predominate.

The fauna is represented by rhinos, tigers, buffaloes, monkeys, wild cats. Endemic species include gharials, flying dragons, and several types of large snakes.

Forests are subject to constant cutting. Sumatran tigers and orangutans are on the brink of extinction.

5. Tongass National Forest (69 thousand km²)

TOP 10 largest forests in the world USA.

The southeastern part of Alaska is occupied by a rainforest. The remote and inaccessible terrain has made Tongass a real highlight of virgin nature. Here live and feel great brown bears, wolves, deer, mountain goats. Terns nest on the rocks of the archipelago.

About 40% of the amazingly beautiful territory is lifeless. These are rocks, swamps and mountains covered with ice all year round.

The US National Forest includes 19 reserves. Special centers have been created for tourists, programs have been developed, experienced instructors and guides are working.

4. Valdivian forests (248 thousand km²)

TOP 10 largest forests in the world Chile, Argentina.

The local climate is influenced by the western wind and the ocean current. It rains all year round, and the difference between winter and summer air temperatures does not exceed 7 C. Every morning and evening, a huge area is immersed in thick fog.

The mixed Valdivian forests, stretching from Alaska to California, are home to Antarctic and tropical flora and fauna. Rare species of bamboo and ferns grow here.

Once upon a time, huge Nofagus and Fitzroyi trees dominated here. Now they are being cut down completely. In their place, fast-growing pines and eucalyptus trees are planted.

3. Rainforests of the Congo (1 million km²)

TOP 10 largest forests in the world Africa.

This forest covers the territory of 6 African states. More than 60 million people directly depend on it. This includes housing, food, and medicine. Slightly more than 1% of sunlight penetrates dense vegetation and reaches the ground. The average annual air temperature is 25 C.

The fauna is represented by almost 12 thousand species, of which about 1000 are endemic. Gorillas, bonobos, okapis, colobuses, hippos live here.

The rainforest of the Congo is fraught with many dangers. Like thousands of years ago, wild tribes of pygmies, Mbuti, Korubo live.

A remarkably diverse and fragile ecosystem is threatened by human activity. This is hunting for rare species of animals, cutting down valuable tree species.

2. East Siberian taiga (3.9 million km²)

TOP 10 largest forests in the world Russia.

Taiga occupies a vast territory between the Yenisei and Lena rivers. The region has a sharply continental climate. In summer, the heat reaches 40 degrees, and winter temperatures drop to -60.

The flora of the taiga is represented by 2400 plant species. Many are listed in the Red Book. This is a large-flowered slipper, anemone, zamaniha, rhododendron, juniper, etc.

The fauna is varied and numerous. Wolves, musk deer, polar fox, foxes live here. Since ancient times, the brown bear has been considered the owner of the taiga, and the highlight of the region is the Barguzin sable.

Poaching and clear cutting of forests pose a real threat to the taiga ecosystem. The Siberian cedar, the king of the taiga, is being especially zealously destroyed.

1. Amazon rainforest (5.5 million km²)

TOP 10 largest forests in the world Amazon river basin.

The Amazonian evergreen rainforest accounts for 50% of the world’s tropical forests. It is spread over the territories of 9 states. The forest is distinguished by a variety of flora and fauna. There are more than 76 species of trees alone.

Many representatives of the 400 species of reptiles are poisonous. Another threat to humans is a huge number of predators. Among them are the tiger, jaguar, caiman, anaconda. Warm and humid weather favors the breeding of malarial mosquitoes and mosquitoes. There are up to 1 termites per 10 ha.

Until now, in the Amazon, scientists are discovering new species of plants and animals. And many tributaries of the great river still remain unexplored.

The Amazonian jungle absorbs massive amounts of carbon dioxide, making the world’s climate healthier. The locals don’t need a weather forecast. Only one day without rain is already considered an anomalous phenomenon.

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