Top 10 largest flowers in the world

There are not many people in the world who are indifferent to flowers. Yes, most people believe that only women have the right to admire their beauty, but men also have a sense of beauty. In addition, the world of plants is so diverse that everyone can choose a “green friend” to their liking. Garden, indoor, field …

If you still think that flowers are something delicate and graceful, it’s time to reconsider your views. Among them there are species that amaze with their size and weight.

In this article we will tell you about the largest flowers in the world. This information will be very useful for flower growers. If you are not one, do not rush to leave the site, this is a great opportunity to learn a lot of new and interesting things about the most outstanding plants.

10 Hibiscus

Top 10 largest flowers in the world

Hibiscus belongs to the Malvaceae family. They grow mainly in the subtropics and tropics. However, this plant has long been decorative. It is bred in greenhouses, gardens and even grown on windowsills.

At the moment, it is impossible to say exactly how many types of hibiscus exist. The approximate figure is 300. The largest flowers are in the herbaceous hibiscus. It grows in the form of small bushes. Perennial. Its inflorescences in diameter can reach 40 cm. In addition, they are distinguished by a variety of colors: pink, red, white. An impressive sight. In shrub and tree-like plant species, the inflorescences are much more modest (up to 20 cm).

Interesting fact: Hibiscus has a bad reputation, it is called the “flower of death”. Despite these superstitions, people are not afraid to breed it at home or in the garden.

9. Peonies

Top 10 largest flowers in the world

Peonies distributed in the subtropics and temperate regions of North America and Eurasia. Herbaceous perennials, although there are also tree-like (shrubs).

This flower is highly valued by gardeners. In total, there are about 6,5 thousand varieties of plants. The most spectacular tree-like varieties of peonies are the Kiao Sisters (pink and white petals, densely doubled), the Black Pirate (maroon shades).

Their inflorescences reach 25 cm in diameter. One branch of such a plant can replace a whole bouquet. Herbaceous varieties of peonies are somewhat inferior to tree-like ones in size, but not in beauty.

8. Roses

Top 10 largest flowers in the world

Perhaps the most favorite flowers of most of the fairer sex. Moreover, ladies not only love to receive them from men, but also grow them. Such a beautiful name was given to all representatives of the genus Rosehip.

However, familiar to us роза – this is rather the work of breeders, and not a gift of nature. Roses are divided into more than 1000 species. Of course, they all have different sizes, but among the representatives of this genus there are also large-flowered individuals.

Karen-Blixen (up to 15 cm), roses selected by David Austin (up to 14 cm), Topalovich brothers (up to 12 cm), Hugh-Dixon (up to 10 cm) … All these roses are bred by man, there are a lot of them, but the diameter of the inflorescence is usually does not exceed 15 cm. It should be noted that large-flowered ones require careful care.

7. Carnegie

Top 10 largest flowers in the world

Carnegie is nothing but a cactus. This plant grows in the desert and is a large column from which there are branches. The maximum height of the carnegia is 18 m, the thickness of the trunk can reach 65 cm.

No wonder the flowers of this giant cactus are impressive for their size. There is no need to talk about specific numbers, they are unknown, but birds often use them as nests.

Color: white, purple, yellow, green. Carnegies are grown at home and in greenhouses. Of course, in such conditions, they will not be able to “catch up” with their wild counterparts.

6. Victoria amazonica

Top 10 largest flowers in the world

Tropical plant of the lily family. The national flower of Guyana, the most popular greenhouse plant. Distributed in Guyana, Brazil (Amazon River), Bolivia.

Victoria amazonica blooms only two or three days a year. They open in turn, can reach 30 cm in diameter, each inflorescence contains up to 60 petals. The leaves of thisgiant water lily» have very large dimensions (diameter up to 2 m).

The flowering of Victoria amazonica is a fascinating process. It blooms in the late afternoon, opening its delicate white petals. The next day, it sinks under water, and in the afternoon it rises again. At this time, the color changes (from light pink to dark purple), after which the flowers finally go under water.

5. Pouya Raymond

Top 10 largest flowers in the world

This plant can be found in Bolivia and Peru, and in the wild only in the Andes. It looks like a tree and is a huge inflorescence up to 10 m high, up to 2,5 m in diameter. Each inflorescence has up to 10 thousand flowers.

Pouya Raymond blooms once in a lifetime, after the seeds ripen, the plant dies. Recently, their numbers have been declining. The countries in which Puya Raymond grows take a number of measures to conserve the number of plants.

4. Gydnopa africanus

Top 10 largest flowers in the world

An amazing plant with an unusual shape. gidnora african called “alien flower“. However, it doesn’t look like a plant. It grows in the deserts of southern Africa, Arabia and the island of Madagascar. Outwardly, it resembles a mushroom, exactly until the moment when the flower blooms – an open mouth. The inside is painted bright orange.

African Gidnora smells disgusting – rotten meat. This is a parasitic plant, it attracts the attention of insects and feeds on them. All “neighbors” guidnors are doomed to certain death. It sucks moisture from plants that grow nearby, due to which it continues to exist.

3. Stapelia giant

Top 10 largest flowers in the world

Belongs to the succulent genus. It grows in South and Southwest Africa, but only in areas with a desert climate.

A small perennial plant. The average height is 20 cm, the diameter of the stem is 3 cm. But the inflorescences Stapelia giant impossible not to notice. These are large stars that reach 35 cm in diameter, pale yellow in color. A very beautiful plant, but the smell is not better than that of African Hydnora. However, there are daredevils who breed the slipway at home.

2. Amorphophallus titanic

Top 10 largest flowers in the world

A tropical plant that is known for its largest inflorescences. Amorphophallus titanic has a thick stem with a single leaf. The maximum height is 2,5 m, the weight of the flower can reach 75 kg. It lives for about 40 years, during all this time it blooms 3-4 times.

The flower is striking in its gigantic size, it has a bright red color and smells bad. The flowering period lasts about two weeks, but you can only admire them for the first three days, then the process of wilting begins.

Amorphophallus titanic grows well in natural conditions, but does not like to obey people. There are only 122 botanical gardens in the world whose employees can boast that they managed to grow this plant.

1. Rafflesia Arnold

Top 10 largest flowers in the world

Parasitic plant. Distributed on the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan. Most species Rafflesia Arnold are in danger of extinction. The plant is a leader in the diameter of flowers – up to 100 cm. The maximum weight is 8 kg.

Finding Rafflesia is not easy, in the jungle they grow singly, bloom unevenly, and the flowering period lasts only 4 days. The flowers are quite massive, red-brown in color, with a specific smell that attracts flies. The bud matures for several months.

Recently, Rafflesia Arnold has attracted the attention of cosmetic companies. The reason is essential oils, which have unique properties: they cleanse the skin, smooth wrinkles.

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