Top 10 largest cities in the world by area

Exploring cities is an extremely interesting activity. Each of them has its own history, and they are all so different: industrial giants, resort areas and tiny provincial towns. But among them there are largest cities in the world by areaand. Who entered our top 10 – we will find out further.

We note right away that it is rather difficult to determine the boundaries of the territories of modern cities and rank the largest of them. To be as accurate as possible, the researchers use the so-called light imprint – this is the area of ​​​​artificial illumination of the settlement and its suburbs from the height of the aircraft. Satellite maps are also used, which clearly show cities and rural areas that are not included in them.

10 London | Area 1580 km²

Top 10 largest cities in the world by area

Opens the list of the largest cities in the world by area, the capital of foggy Albina London. It is the largest metropolis in the European Union and the leading financial, political and economic center of the country. It covers an area of ​​about 1580 square kilometers. London is a favorite place for visiting tourists who want to see Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, the famous Royal Guards and many other equally interesting sights.

9. Sydney | Area 2037 km²

Top 10 largest cities in the world by area

Ninth place in the ranking of the largest cities in the world in terms of area – Sydney. It covers an area of ​​2037 square kilometers. In many ratings, it occupies a leading position as the largest metropolis. The fact is that the Australian Bureau of Statistics includes the nearest national parks and the Blue Mountains in Sydney. As a result, the formal territory of Sydney is 12 square kilometers. Be that as it may, it is the largest metropolis in Australia and Oceania.

8. Tokyo | Area 2189 km²

Top 10 largest cities in the world by area

On the 8th place among the largest cities in the world in terms of area is Tokyocovering an area of ​​2189 square kilometers. The capital of Japan is the most important economic, political and cultural center of the Land of the Rising Sun. Tokyo is an incredibly beautiful city in which modernity and antiquity are closely intertwined. Here, next to ultra-modern high-rise buildings, you can find tiny houses on narrow streets, as if descended from old engravings. Despite the strongest earthquake in 1923 and the destruction caused to the city during the Second World War, Tokyo is one of the fastest growing modern cities.

7. Karachi | Area 3530 km²

Top 10 largest cities in the world by area

Pakistani port city Karachi with a territory of 3530 square kilometers, it ranks 7th in the list of the largest metropolitan areas in the world. This is the first capital of Pakistan and the main industrial, financial and commercial center of the state. At the beginning XVIII century Karachi was a small fishing village. After the capture of Karachi by the British troops, the village quickly turned into a major port city. Since that time, it has grown and played an increasingly important role in the country’s economy. Nowadays, due to the influx of migrants, overcrowding has become one of the main problems of the metropolis.

6. Moscow | Area 4662 km²

Top 10 largest cities in the world by area

Moscow – in 6th place in the list of the largest cities in the world in terms of area. The capital of Russia is considered the second largest city in Europe after Istanbul. The area of ​​the metropolis is 4662 square kilometers. It is not only the political and financial, but also the cultural center of the country, which attracts a huge number of tourists.

5. Istanbul | Area 5343 km²

Top 10 largest cities in the world by area

The center of trade and industry, as well as the main port of Turkey Istanbul with an area of ​​5343 square kilometers – in 5th place in the ranking of the largest cities in the world. It is located in a picturesque place – on the banks of the Bosphorus. Istanbul is a unique city, which at one time was the capital of four great empires and is located immediately in Asia and Europe. There are many beautiful monuments of antiquity here: the thousand-year-old St. Sophia Cathedral, the majestic Blue Mosque, the luxurious Dolmabahce Palace. Istanbul strikes with an abundance of a wide variety of museums. Since most of them are located in the center, it is convenient for many tourists to combine their visit with walks around this beautiful city.

4. Brasilia | Area 5802 km²

Top 10 largest cities in the world by area

The fourth largest metropolitan area in the world is Brasilia. The city is located on an area of ​​5802 square kilometers. The city received the status of the capital of the Republic of Brazil relatively recently – in 1960. The construction of the metropolis was planned in such a way as to attract the population to sparsely populated areas and develop them. Therefore, Brazil is located far from the main economic and political centers of the country.

3. Shanghai | Area 6340 km²

Top 10 largest cities in the world by area

Shanghai with a territory of 6340 square kilometers, it ranks third in the list of the largest cities in the world in terms of area. Shanghai has about 24 million people. This is one of the most interesting and unusual Chinese cities. We can say that it reflects modern China – energetic, fast-growing and focused on the future. Shanghai is one of the largest shopping centers in the world.

2. Guangzhou | Area 7434 km²

Top 10 largest cities in the world by area

Chinese metropolis Guangzhou with an area of ​​7434,4 square kilometers, it ranks second in the ranking of the largest cities in the world. It is the industrial, political and cultural center of the southern regions of China. The population is approximately 21 million people. Guangzhou has a thousand years of history. Earlier in Europe the city was known as Canton. The maritime part of the Great Silk Road began from here. From time immemorial, the city has given refuge to all oppositionists to state power and often became the center of unrest against the power of the Peking emperors.

1. Beijing | Area 16 km²

Top 10 largest cities in the world by area

The largest city in the world by area is Peking is one of the most significant cities in China. The total area of ​​the giant metropolis is 16 square kilometers. Almost 801 million people live in Beijing. The city harmoniously combines antiquity and modernity. It has been the residence of Chinese rulers for three millennia. Ancient monuments are carefully preserved in the very center of the metropolis, where everyone can admire them. Particularly interesting is the former residence of the emperors of China, the Forbidden City. This is the main attraction of the city, which is visited annually by more than 22 million tourists from all over the world.

Preserving ancient and medieval buildings and monuments, Beijing is developing as a modern high-tech metropolis.

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