Top 10 largest and longest rivers in Australia

Australia is the driest continent. The main part of it, as well as the island of Tasmania and several other islands, is occupied by the state of Australia. Most of the mainland is occupied by plains.

The water resources of the continent are not so great, this continent is considered the poorest in terms of the number of rivers. Most of the rivers are shallow and small, among them there are those that are filled with water during the rainy season (“shouts”).

The longest rivers in Australia are far from record holders, although there are exceptions, such as the Murray. We will tell you about the longest and largest flows of the mainland, as well as the nearby island of Tasmania and other islands.

10 Victoria, 780 km

Top 10 largest and longest rivers in Australia The river is located in the Northern Territory. It was first explored by the English captain J. Wickham in 1839. He named her after Queen Victoria of England. After that, the river was forgotten for as long as 16 years. Only after that, the traveler Gregory, with a team of 18 people, which included several scientists, went upstream and also explored its tributary.

In 1879, the expedition of Alexander Forrest headed to these places to continue studying the river. It was found that it originates in a hilly area, near Hooker Creek, and flows into the Timor Sea.

There are several settlements on the banks of this river. Victoria becomes full-flowing from December to March. In the lower reaches of the river there are wetlands where many birds live.

9. Ashburton, 825 km

Top 10 largest and longest rivers in Australia This shallow river is located in Western Australia; in dry years it dries up completely. She was once called Kerley. But in 1861, F. Gregory, its discoverer, decided to name it in honor of the President of the Royal Geographical Society, William Bingham Baring, who was also the second Baron Ashburton.

The river has many tributaries, streams and small streams. It flows into the Indian Ocean near the town of Onslow. Ashburton rich in fish. Australian bustards, black swans and other birds live along its banks.

8. Diamantina, 941 km

Top 10 largest and longest rivers in Australia The source of the river is located near Longreach, in Queensland, and it flows into Goyder’s Lagoon, a swamp. When the flood starts Diamantine flows out of the swamp and merges with another river, the Georgina, forming a new one, which is called Warburton Creek.

A lot of precipitation falls from December to March, and the rest of the time their amount is minimal. The climate in this area is arid, in January it is about 37 ° C, and in winter it does not fall below 11 ° C, although sometimes there are frosts down to -1,8 ° C.

The river got its name in honor of Diamantina Roma. That was the name of the wife of the first Governor of Queensland. The largest city located off its coast is Winton. There are many pastures in its basin.

7. Gascoigne, 978 km

Top 10 largest and longest rivers in Australia It is considered the longest river in Western Australia. It originates in the Robinson Hills and flows into the Indian Ocean. It has about 36 tributaries.

During the dry season Gascoigne dries up completely. At the mouth of the river is the city of Carnarvon. This river was discovered in 1839, Lieutenant George Gray gave it such a name in honor of his friend, Captain J. Gascoigne.

6. Fly, 1 050 km

Top 10 largest and longest rivers in Australia A large river flows through the island of New Guinea. It begins in the Star Mountains, at the source it is fast, with rapids, and then, on the plains, it is calmer. It flows into the Coral Sea. During the rainy season, from October to April, it overflows widely.

The name of the river was given by Captain Francis Price Blackwood, who explored the Gulf of Papua in 1842. He sailed there on the ship “Fly” and decided to name the river as well. Not far from the river are gold mines and copper mines, which bring more than a quarter of the income from the entire budget of the state of Papua New Guinea.

But the poisonous waste of ore mining causes great harm to the river. Flydestroy fish and all living things. The floods of the river contribute to the fact that toxic waste enters the plantations of sago, taro, bananas, and they are the basis of the nutrition of local residents.

5. Sepik, 1 126 km

Top 10 largest and longest rivers in Australia It is considered the longest river of the island of New Guinea. It begins in the Victor-Emmanuel mountains, and at the end flows into the Bismarck Sea. Its course is a chain of smooth bends, the width of which is from 5 to 10 km. Around its shores are a wide variety of landscapes: swampy lowlands, mountainous terrain, and areas overgrown with tropical forests.

Sepik was the breadwinner of the native tribes who settled here 60-45 thousand years ago. Their lives have changed little in thousands of years. They came up with many interesting rituals, and also created unique works of art from wood.

The region of this river is poorly developed economically, the tribes of the natives eat what they find in the forest and on the river. They live in small houses called “tambarans”. Due to the fact that minerals could not be found in the river basin, large cities and mines did not appear here, i.e. life hasn’t really changed.

4. Loklan, 1 km

Top 10 largest and longest rivers in Australia This river is located in New South Wales. Once upon a time, the Viradjuri tribe lived in this place, which called the river Kalare. But in 1815, the explorer Evans named it after the governor of this state, Lachlan Macquarie.

Initially, it was believed that there was another river that everyone called “Fish”. But later it turned out, this too Loklan. Now the river is used for irrigation of coastal lands. The water level in it is constantly changing. It is especially high in spring and summer, during this period it becomes navigable.

3. Coopers Creek – Barku, 1 km

Top 10 largest and longest rivers in Australia This is a drying river that originates in the state of Queensland, and then flows through South Australia, flowing into Lake Eyre.

Coopers Creek was of great importance to the natives. It was also a source of water, as well as fish, they moved along it in boats. Charles Sturt and Thomas Mitchell explored the river in 1845 and 1846. The first of them decided to give her a name in honor of his friend Charles Cooper.

The river fills with water only during the rainy season. There are many natural pastures along its banks, as well as fertile lands. The climate in this area is dry and hot.

2. Murrumbidgee, 1 km

Top 10 largest and longest rivers in Australia The source is in the Australian Alps, then flows through New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory and flows into the Murray.

Its water is needed to irrigate the fields where the locals grow wheat, grapes, citrus fruits, rice and cotton. This place was once inhabited by the Wiradjuri tribes, who gave the river its name.

Marrumbidgee can be translated as “very good place” or “big water“. The river valley is very beautiful, picturesque views open here. There are several nature reserves, you can go fishing or canoeing. The river flows through several major cities.

1. Murray – Darling, 3 370 km

Top 10 largest and longest rivers in Australia The river itself and its longest tributary Darling are the largest river system on the continent. Darling is located in New South Wales. In the dry season, the lower reaches dry up. It stretches for 1472 km, is the 2nd longest river in Australia.

Its shores have deposits of silver, gold and copper. It is famous for its sights: here you can see ancient sites, fish traps and Aboriginal shrines, which are about 40 thousand years old.

Murray is the largest river on the continent. It begins in the Australian Alps and flows into the Indian Ocean. Rabbits and carps, which were brought into the country, had a negative effect on the local flora. The former destroyed the vegetation along the banks of the river, which led to soil erosion. And carp loosened the soil of the river bed, interfering with the growth of algae.

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