Top 10 Interesting Facts About Victoria Falls

A huge stream of water, which breaks down with a roar from a height, is a bewitching sight. On our planet, there are many beautiful waterfalls that delight people.

For a person, seeing this is not only useful as a reassurance. When water falls from a great height, the air is saturated with a special ionized dust. Breathing it is a pleasure.

Victoria Falls is one of the most famous and spectacular in the whole world. It has an unusual shape. Having seen at least once such a miracle of the world, a person cannot recover from its beauty and magnificence.

In this article, we will look at 10 interesting facts about Victoria Falls.

10 First title “Thundering Smoke”

Top 10 Interesting Facts About Victoria Falls Victoria Falls is a well-known attraction in South Africa. It has been attracting tourists and travelers for a very long time.

Batoka hunters nicknamed this waterfall “Thundering Smoke” or Mosi-oa-Tunya.. It received such a name for the reason that its roar is still heard very far away.

Between the narrow gorge, the waters boil, seethe, and also foam with a wild roar. When water from a great height flies down, it turns into steam, and then is thrown back in a column of smoke. It can be seen for several tens of kilometers. And already at such a distance you can perfectly hear its amazing rumble.

9. Located on the border of two African countries

Top 10 Interesting Facts About Victoria Falls Victoria Falls never go unnoticed by tourists. Many call it “magic”. But not everyone knows that it is located at the junction of 2 African countries. Here are the borders of Zambia and Zibabwe. You can see Victoria in all its glory almost at any time. But it is worth noting that the flow strength is always different. It depends on the time of year.

When the rainy season begins (approximately from April to December), the air temperature here is no more than + 20. But with the onset of winter, there is practically no precipitation. The waters in the Zambezi rise during the spring period. So you can see a swift, fast flow. As soon as the drought begins, the waterfall can be seen in a calm, slow flow.

8. David Livingstone was the first European to discover the waterfall

Top 10 Interesting Facts About Victoria Falls A man named David Livingston is a Scottish missionary who spent his life studying Africa. He became famous after he closed many blank spots on the map of these incredible places.

David has always enjoyed great love and respect from the locals. In 1841 he first appeared in Africa. He traveled a lot and visited various places.

One day, in 1853, together with a tribe of aborigines, he went along the Zambezi River. The search for new lands that passed to the Atlantic coast was carried out on thirty-three boats.

In 1855, David, along with his detachment, decided to look for a better road, so that it would pass more conveniently to the ocean, directly to the east. The journey began to advance with the help of the Makololo leader Sekeletu. It was he who helped the expedition with donkeys, provisions and many others.

One day, David and his assistants landed on the river bank. This place was next to a huge waterfall. So much he interested them in his beauty and power that David immediately named him after Queen Victoria..

The expedition was able to get closer to him and see his entire system. David himself later wrote in his notes that the waterfall he saw was the most striking sight for him.

7. Divided into four parts by islands

Top 10 Interesting Facts About Victoria Falls Waterfall divided into 4 parts ostrovkami. On the right bank you can see a slightly sloping stream 35 m wide. Behind the island called Boaruka is the main width – 460 meters or more.

On the left side of the bank is the eastern waterfall. And the only way out where all the water flows is the western end. This is a very narrow channel, which has a very small width, about 30 m.

6. The river from the waterfall flows into the “Boiling Cauldron”

Top 10 Interesting Facts About Victoria Falls Almost every person who has visited Victoria Falls knows what a Boiling Cauldron is.. A boiling cauldron is a special, amazing masterpiece that nature has presented to us. It was formed as a result of the rivers of the waterfall. Through the gorge, water flows out to a large reservoir, which has a size of almost 1500 m.

During a drought, tourists can observe this place as very nice and calm. But when it starts to rain, the whole surface is covered with foam and waves. They can really scare a person. The pond, which seethes and foams, gives this place mystery and mystery.

5. Near the waterfall it is impossible to hear the interlocutor – the roar of water drowns out all sounds

Top 10 Interesting Facts About Victoria Falls The amazing thing is that if you are very close to the waterfall, then the voice of the interlocutor cannot be heard, even if he screams.

But in fact, a person will not say anything, because, being next to such a wonder of the world, he experiences the deepest feelings. For a long time to share them simply will not be able to.

4. You can see day and night rainbows

Top 10 Interesting Facts About Victoria Falls Strange as it may seem, you can see a rainbow not only during the day, but also at night.. You can see this amazing spectacle thanks to the light of the moon.

It should be noted that this is very rare. But for a long time it has become of interest to many people. In moonlight, the rainbow appears more white, as opposed to colored during the day. But in fact, it also has colors. The moon emits very dim light, and this is too little for the photoreceptors of the human eye to be able to see colors. It is also much paler than usual.

The night rainbow can only be seen in a dark sky and at the same time when the moon is very high. This is the kind of rainbow you can see at Victoria Falls. But only a few succeeded.

3. At the very edge of the waterfall there is a natural pool “Devil’s Font”

Top 10 Interesting Facts About Victoria Falls At the edge of Victoria Falls there is a place that has long been called the Devil’s Pool.. It is separated from the main part of everything by a narrow bridge, but at the same time people are not afraid to swim in it.

It is worth noting that these are very risky procedures. You can swim in such a “Devil’s Font” only at one time. It starts in October and ends in December. This period of time is marked by the least flow of water.

2. During the rainy season, more than 500 million liters of water per minute pass through the waterfall

Top 10 Interesting Facts About Victoria Falls During heavy rains, about five hundred million liters of water flows through the waterfall in one minute. Due to such a huge force, the spray can rise very high, several hundred meters.

It is worth noting that once in the Zambezi, the record flow was noted – 770 million liters of water per minute and even more.

1. Included in the list of 7 natural wonders of the world

Top 10 Interesting Facts About Victoria Falls For many years and centuries, people have tried to compile a list that would include a variety of wonders of the world. In 1997, a well-known broadcaster called CNN decided to offer their own little list. On one of these lines was the Victoria Falls. Its width reaches 1800 meters, and its height is about 120.

The waterfall is now considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The amazing thing is that he can create a fog that is visible from a distance.

Also included in the list of seven wonders of the world is the Grand Canyon in Arizona, a large barrier reef in the northeast coast of Australia, and the well-known harbor of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Each of these places is amazing in its own way. Once you visit, you want to come back again and again.

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