Top 10 interesting facts about England

What do we know about England? There is constantly bad weather, the British drink tea five times a day and have a sense of humor that is incomprehensible to residents of other countries. However, in addition to all of the above, it has many more interesting things that make it unique.

The United Kingdom is the largest island on the European continent. It consists of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland.

The country is surrounded by water and has only one land border with Ireland. This state has a rich history full of great achievements and no less significant upheavals.

To this day, many tourists coming here want to feel the unique atmosphere of England and learn more about its rich culture and traditions. Let’s start! We bring to your attention a list of the 10 most interesting facts about England.

10 England is part of the UK

Top 10 interesting facts about England Great Britain is located in northwestern Europe and covers an area of ​​242 sq.m. From the very beginning, you need to know one important thing about the UK. The full name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, but this country is usually referred to as the United Kingdom. Its population exceeds 63 million people, while London alone has more than 8 million people.

The major cities of Great Britain are Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Glasgow, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Newcastle, Nottingham, Sheffield, Bristol, Belfast, Leicester and others. The official spoken language is English and the currency is the pound sterling. Their political definition is a parliamentary monarchy.

Соединенное Королевство является одной из крупнейших стран мира и играет важную и центральную роль в мировой политике и экономике.

9. English doesn’t always sound the same

Top 10 interesting facts about England A variety of accents and idioms can be confusing at first for a tourist or a student who decides to improve their English.. However, everyone who has lived there for a long time has gained a good command of dialects, so they return home with a more authentic English accent and vocabulary that a book cannot teach.

8. English humor

Top 10 interesting facts about England English humor can be a difficult cultural aspect of this amazing country to understand.. Almost imperceptible sarcasm and sometimes seemingly petty comments are common in British conversations.

Once you understand the nuances of English humor, it will immediately become clear to you that using it will be a surefire way to win the hearts of the locals. In addition, the wonderful world of British films and television programs will open before you!

7. Stunning city views

Top 10 interesting facts about England Wherever you are, you will always have breathtaking scenery somewhere nearby. Every tourist should definitely visit the national parks, walk along the coast and relax in the green areas so common in cities.

Big Ben, Buckingham Palace or the Tower of London are magnificent buildings built centuries ago that magically attract tourists. Even today, the capital of England still attracts attention with its buildings.

6. Colonial past and influence on today’s geopolitics

Top 10 interesting facts about England The United Kingdom, or Great Britain and Northern Ireland, has a long history that is difficult to trace in its early stages. The scientific interpretation of the United Kingdom and its people is that the area now known as British Land was first settled during the Ice Age thousands of years ago. Referring to this theory, the territory of the United Kingdom was then connected to the rest of the continent.

Until the creation of the first union of Scotland and England in a kingdom called Britain in 1707, this country cannot be considered a fully sovereign state.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Britain controlled a quarter of the world. However, after World War II, the country lost control of many of its colonies. Today Great Britain includes the British Isles, Northern Ireland and some other islands in the area.

Prior to the referendum in 2016, the United Kingdom was a member of the European Union. However, its role in global processes is still unprecedented.

5. Rich culture and tourist attractions

Top 10 interesting facts about England Of course, the most exciting thing you can learn about England is its culture. При такой длительной истории и разнообразии общества, Великобритания является представителем невероятно самобытной культуры. Британцы могут похвастаться разнообразием уникальных и исторических мест, которые привлекают туристов со всего мира.

Many people like to travel to Britain because of its rich history. English gastronomy is no less in demand. If you want good food like sausages and porridge, hot butter balls and Cornish pies, Britain is the place to be.

The English architectural exposition is also unique. Britain’s most impressive architectural structures have been built in a variety of shapes and styles and represent a variety of eras in British history.

Having visited this country, you will not refuse the pleasure of visiting one of the eight wonders of the world – Stonehenge. Over the solution of this strange structure, scientists have been struggling for more than one century.

4. English weather

Top 10 interesting facts about England Одной из самых известных особенностей Англии является ее климат. Погода здесь очень изменчива. Те, кто живет в этой стране долгое время, привыкли к влажной, дождливой и часто меняющейся погоде.

If you have seen films made in the UK, you will see that it often rains in these films. Precipitation can fall even during the coldest winter months. Snow is quite rare here, even during the coldest winter months (January and February).

3. Great Britain, England or Britain?

Top 10 interesting facts about England Термин “Великобритания” охватывает только Англию, Шотландию и Уэльс и не включает Северную Ирландию, которая также является частью Соединенного Королевства.

The official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. In addition, there are people who still confuse England and Great Britain, although this may sound offensive to a Scottish or Welsh citizen.

2. The British drink too much tea

Top 10 interesting facts about England Well, that’s not too far from the truth. They say that England is the third largest consumer of tea in the world. Although this does not mean that every British citizen drinks tea. Some statistics indicate that an average of 165 million cups of tea are consumed in the United Kingdom.

1. Squirrels in the parks

Top 10 interesting facts about England Squirrels live in large numbers in city parks, and almost all of them are tame.. Squirrels in the bulk are gray in color, and they are also quite well-fed. They say that red squirrels were also once found here, but the gray ones killed them, therefore, at present, red squirrels are officially protected by the state.

In addition, swans and many other interesting birds are found in city parks. It is curious that all the swans of the Thames, by law, are the property of the Queen of England.

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