Top 10 interesting facts about autumn

If you conduct a survey on the topic: “The most unloved time of the year”, for sure, the first place in it will go to autumn. For most people, it is associated with cloudy weather, dampness, cold and bad mood. Nevertheless, autumn has its advantages, especially early. What are the walks in the parks or in the woods worth! The trees put on bright outfits, the leaves rustle underfoot, and even the air becomes different. And in rainy weather, it’s good to sit at home with a cup of hot tea, look out the window and enjoy the comfort and warmth.

Everyone, without exception, knows the lines of Alexander Sergeevich about autumn: “Sad time. Eye charm“. So, if you don’t like this time of year, try to find your advantages in it. Our article, which lists the most interesting facts about autumn, will help you feel the special atmosphere.

10 Until the 18th century, autumn lasted from September 23 to December 25

Top 10 interesting facts about autumn

Centuries ago, autumn began on September 23rd and ended on December 25th.. All seasons have the same number of days and hours. This distribution continued until the beginning of the XNUMXth century.

That is, the first three weeks of autumn, which are famous for warm sunny weather and beautiful nature, were summer in those days. There must have been even more people back then who didn’t like that time of year. It is not surprising, because at the end of September the weather deteriorates, and that very “dull time” comes.

9. In the Southern Hemisphere, autumn lasts from March to May.

Top 10 interesting facts about autumn

Most of our compatriots, except for those who are fond of geography, do not even suspect that in some countries autumn does not come in September.

So, in the southern hemisphere it starts in March and ends in May. This also applies to other seasons. When it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere, it is summer there, and vice versa.

Some of the countries of Asia, Africa, Oceania, and South America are located in the Southern Hemisphere. True, the weather there bears little resemblance to our usual autumn. For example, in South Africa, this time of year is characterized by morning fog, during the day the temperature reaches 23, and at night 12 degrees.

In Zimbabwe, there is no such thing as autumn at all. In Australia, the average daily temperature ranges from 16 to 24 degrees, depending on the month, and it’s also very beautiful there: the golden autumn time is coming.

8. In Russia, this season can be divided into five sub-seasons.

Top 10 interesting facts about autumn

In Russia, autumn is divided into sub-seasons:

  • Home (end of August – the day of the autumn equinox) is characterized by the appearance of the first yellow leaves on the trees, cobwebs in the air and honey mushrooms in the forest.
  • Golden autumn (until mid-October) – green leaves are getting smaller, the air temperature is gradually decreasing.
  • deep autumn (second half of October – beginning of November). Migratory birds fly south, the first snow falls.
  • Predzime (first half of November). The leaf fall begins, the first frosts, the temperature drops.
  • Pervozimye (second half of November) – snow cover appears, the first snowstorms, snowfalls.

7. Inseparable connection with the harvest in popular culture

Top 10 interesting facts about autumn

In popular culture, autumn is inextricably linked with the harvest, that is, with the time of harvest.. This relationship can be seen in the works of writers and poets, artists. In Western culture, this season is represented as a buxom lady. Her outfit is generously decorated with vegetables, fruits and cereals, all that nature has so generously awarded people.

6. In poetry and music, the association with sadness and nostalgia

Top 10 interesting facts about autumn

Autumn is devoted to many poems and musical works. This special time is often associated with sadness, nostalgia. However, even people who are far from art experience such feelings. The bright summer has come to an end, ahead of a cold and long winter.

But back to music and poetry. There are a great many poems dedicated to this time of year. Pushkin, Bunin, Pasternak, Balmont, Nekrasov and others wrote about him.

The works of composers also cannot be ignored. The most popular pieces of music in their time were created by Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky, Gavrilin, Piazzola.

5. Especially beautiful autumn in Eastern Canada and New England

Top 10 interesting facts about autumn

Autumn with its bright yellow and red leaves is a real aesthetic pleasure. It is very nice to take a walk in the park at this time. In our country, autumn photo shoots are very popular. Indeed, very beautiful photos are obtained.

Although seasoned travelers claim that the most mesmerizing autumn in Eastern Canada and New England. These areas are characterized by an amazing variety of flowers, which is rarely seen anywhere.

4. Autumn depression – the real diagnosis

Top 10 interesting facts about autumn

Of course, no psychotherapist will diagnose “autumn depression.” But the doctors won’t deny that at this time of the year, the number of patients prone to blues and stress increases.

The main reason for this condition is considered to be a decrease in daylight hours. Many feel a breakdown, there is no desire to communicate with other people, they do not want to leave the house. Sofa and TV replace friends.

In order not to bring your condition to a critical one, you need to find pluses even in bad weather. It is necessary to take walks, meet nice people, play sports, and then there will be no trace of depression. Of course, these tips are only suitable for those who do not have serious psychological problems.

3. Astronomical autumn comes later than calendar autumn

Top 10 interesting facts about autumn

The beginning of astronomical autumn is marked by an important event – the autumn equinox. The sun crosses the equator and continues south. In the Northern Hemisphere, the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer. In the Southern Hemisphere, meanwhile, astronomical spring is coming.

Calendar autumn ends at the end of November, astronomical after the winter solstice (on the 20th of December).

2. At this time of the year, the migration of migratory birds begins.

Top 10 interesting facts about autumn

Everyone knows that autumn birds fly south, but few will answer the question why they do it. No, they do not freeze, these creatures have fluff that will warm them even in severe frosts.

The reason is much more banal – they do not have enough food. In autumn, beetles, spiders and other insects die, it becomes more difficult for birds to find food for themselves. They fly to warmer climes where food is available all year round.

Storks and herons emigrate only after the freezing of water bodies, because they feed mainly on frogs, small fish, and larvae.

Interesting fact: if you are interested in the question of birds, you must have already thought: why do they then come back? In the south, it is warm all year round, and there are no problems with food. Birds fly “home” because there is much more food here in the spring. Competition plays an important role, in the south it is many times greater. Under such conditions, birds cannot think about “procreation.” We can say that they are drawn to their homeland by the desire to multiply.

1. Fall has more weddings than other seasons

Top 10 interesting facts about autumn

Autumn is the time for weddings, with most of them occurring in September. It’s beautiful and profitable from a financial point of view. September weather is usually quite comfortable, not yet cold, but not hot either. You can celebrate the celebration not in a restaurant, but at a recreation center.

Many honeymooners choose autumn because September is a great honeymoon month. The resorts are already less crowded, but the velvet season is not over yet. A couple of centuries ago, autumn was the best time for weddings. They were played after the harvest, as there was simply no time for celebrations in the summer.

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