Top 10 Horror Movies You Might Have Missed

Horror films have a special place in the world of cinema. They are very popular, despite the fact that more terrible things happen in real life: air and car accidents, terrorist attacks, wars.

Scientists are seriously interested in this phenomenon. They conducted a series of studies and found out that being afraid is very useful. They even compiled a list of the perks that horror movies give viewers:

  • They reduce the level of anxiety, oddly enough, people stop being afraid and feel more confident in stressful situations.
  • They contribute to the cohesion of the team, so it is useful to go to horror films with a large company.
  • They bring satisfaction at the physiological level, we are talking about the thrills that a person needs so much.

Of course, do not forget that horror films are contraindicated for people with an unstable psyche, overly sensitive persons and children. If you are not included in the “risk group”, you can watch them as much as you like.

So that you do not have problems with the choice, check out our rating. So, the list of the most popular horror films.

10 Sinister | 2012

Top 10 Horror Movies You Might Have Missed

“Sinister”– classics of the genre. Allison is a writer. He and his family are moving to a new house. He hides from the household the fact that a year ago the former tenants were killed here. All family members died, but there was no little girl among them. She disappeared.

Ellison’s terrible find deprives him of peace. Old video cassettes can shed light on the situation that happened here.

While the writer is investigating and finds out that the former tenants are not the only ones who died in the house, terrible things begin to happen to his family…

Sequel. “Sinister-2” collected a good amount at the box office, but it was called “a deplorable continuation of its predecessor.”

9. Jaws | 1975

Top 10 Horror Movies You Might Have Missed

famous movie action Jaws takes place on the small island of Amity. There is a small resort town here. One day, the body of a young girl is found on the seashore, or rather, what is left of her.

A huge shark settled off the coast of the island. Now the lives of the inhabitants of the city and its guests are under threat.

The police are doing everything possible to prevent the appearance of new victims, but the mayor of the city and the owners of the hotel business are not at all happy with this prospect. They don’t want to lose money.

The number of victims is growing, the situation on the island is becoming tense. An expedition is being assembled against the man-eating shark. Will the daredevils be able to protect Amity from the sea monster, or will they join the list of victims?

Sequel. The film was so successful that they made three sequels (Jaws – 2, 3, 4), as well as many similar films.

8. Nightmare on Elm Street | 1984

Top 10 Horror Movies You Might Have Missed

Springwood School. Tina Gray tells her friend about a terrible dream that constantly haunts her. It turns out that Nancy also has similar dreams. A mutilated man with knives on his glove chases after high school students and kills them.

A terrible dream comes true in reality. A person who was killed in a dream dies in reality for no apparent reason. The answers to all questions must be sought in the past.

Freddy Krueger – a maniac who committed several crimes did not wait for the trial. The parents of the dead children themselves punished him by burning him in the boiler room. Now he’s back and wants revenge…

Sequel. “A Nightmare on Elm Street” paid off in one weekend. Not surprisingly, 7 more films were made, one remake, as well as a television series.

7. Texas Chainsaw Massacre | 2003

Top 10 Horror Movies You Might Have Missed

A group of guys are heading to a concert of their favorite band. On the way, they come across a strange girl who kills herself in front of their eyes.

In search of the sheriff, the guys find themselves in an abandoned house. There, a man with a leathery face is already waiting for them, who lusts for blood and death.

This maniac wields a chainsaw, and his victims are unlikely to be able to escape… Remake of the classic movie “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” Toub Huler, taken in 1974.

6. Doomsday | 2013

Top 10 Horror Movies You Might Have Missed

2022, USA. Peace and tranquility reign in the world, the crime rate has decreased significantly. All because once a year, on the night of judgment, everyone has the opportunity to kill.

A victim can be a bored boss or an unfaithful wife, anyone. Everything is possible, you just need to try to survive until dawn.

The members of the Sandin family are wealthy and successful. They are not going to take part in the Judgment Night, they are happy with their lives, but they do not think at all that they, too, may have enemies.

Sequel. Movie “Judgment Night” received mixed reviews, but lived up to the creators’ expectations with strong box office performance. The sequels “Judgment Night – 2 and 3” were filmed.

5. Spell | 2013

Top 10 Horror Movies You Might Have Missed

Film “Conjuration” Filmed based on real events. Ed and Lorraine Warren, paranormal detectives, shared a story from their practice.

The Perron family moves to a new home. At first, everything goes on as usual, the new settlers like it in a new place, but after a while strange things begin.

At night, someone wanders around the house, a beloved dog dies, dead birds constantly appear near the house. It soon becomes dangerous here. Only Ed and Lorraine can help the Perron family.

Sequel. “Spell -2”. In 2020, they plan to shoot the third part of the film.

4. Creek | 1996

Top 10 Horror Movies You Might Have Missed

A telephone maniac has appeared in the city of Woodsboro. It is only known that he is very fond of horror films, wears a black cloak and mask. Before killing his victim, he calls her on the phone and threatens.

A year ago, Sydney Prescott experienced a tragedy. Her mother was raped and killed, the girl managed to escape. The culprit is punished, but Sydney’s phone rings again. After the attack, Sydney’s friend Bill is arrested, because the girl is sure that he did it. But the calls don’t stop…

Sequel. “Scream” broke all box office records, became the highest-grossing horror film. Therefore, a year later they released a sequel. The second, third and fourth parts could not repeat the success of the first. This fact does not stop the filmmakers, they have repeatedly said that they are going to shoot the fifth part. Unfortunately, the exact date of the premiere is unknown.

3. call | 2002

Top 10 Horror Movies You Might Have Missed

A series of mysterious deaths began in the city. Four teenagers have died after watching a mysterious videotape. They received a call from an unknown person who said that within a week they would die.

Journalist Rachel is going to investigate this case. She watched the video, and this cassette also got to her son. Now their lives are in danger. Can Rachel find all the answers in a week or is she destined to die too?

Sequels famous movie “Call”. “Call – 2”, “Calls”.

2. Destination | 2000

Top 10 Horror Movies You Might Have Missed

High school student Alex has to fly to Paris. He has strange feelings. The guy understands that the plane will crash. He leaves the aircraft cabin and warns other passengers. Someone goes out with him, but most of the passengers do not take the strange young man’s statement seriously.

Premonition did not deceive Alex, the plane crash claims the lives of many people. But those who managed to survive also begin to die. Alex realizes that this is not salvation, but only a reprieve …

Sequel. A total of five parts of the film were filmed. “Destination”. Fans were waiting for the sixth part, but work on it never began. The creators explained this by the fact that the project is very expensive, it is easier to make a more budgetary film.

1. Saw: Survival Game | 2004

Top 10 Horror Movies You Might Have Missed

Adams woke up in the basement. He is not alone there. On the floor lies a man with a shot through his head and a player in his hands, in the other corner of the cell is Dr. Lawrence.

The men discover the tape, after listening to it, they learn the conditions of the kidnapper. If Lawrence doesn’t kill Adam, his daughter and wife will die. What can the prisoners do in such a situation, can they outwit their kidnapper and get out of the basement alive?

Sequel. Filmmakers “Saw: The Game of Survival” did not stop there and filmed 7 more parts. The film brought in very good money. “Saw” was even listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the highest grossing movie series of all time.

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