Top 10 Hogwarts students

Hogwarts is a school from the Harry Potter universe, which is located in the UK. People with the ability to magic get into this educational institution. Children enter there at the age of 11 and study for 7 years.

The school is run by a deputy director and the director himself. Education there is free, but children usually have to pay for school supplies and textbooks.

Some pupils of the Hogwarts school become very strong wizards in the future. This article presents a list of its most famous graduates.

10 Tom Riddle

Top 10 Hogwarts students That’s what Voldemort was called in the past. Tom Riddle – half-breed, the son of a Muggle and a purebred sorceress. He is a direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin, one of the founders of Hogwarts school.

Riddle was the best at school. He very quickly became a charismatic leader: like-minded people of various characters and ages began to gather around him.

Tom kept his company with an iron fist. They were all interested in the Dark Arts. Many people from Tom Riddle’s school company went on to become Death Eaters.

The boy learned the taste of murder very early: he caused the death of Myrtle Warren, a Muggle-born Ravenclaw.

Tom was a proud, selfish and very angry person, but if necessary, he could quickly win over people, inspire their confidence.

At school, Riddle was reserved, polite. Then few of the teachers could have thought that in the future he would turn into the embodiment of evil.

9. Cedric Diggory

Top 10 Hogwarts students Cedric Diggory studied at the Faculty of Hufflepuff. This boy is described as brave, strong, honest, very attractive and rather quiet.

Cedric was an excellent student, head boy, and also a Seeker and captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team.

Diggory took part in the Triwizard Tournament, he died during one of the competitions. The young man was then only 17 years old. The cause of the student’s death was a spell cast by Peter Pettigrew on Voldemort’s orders.

8. Luna Lovegood

Top 10 Hogwarts students Luna Lovegood – a representative of the Faculty of Kogtevran. Other children believe that this girl “is not all at home”, so she has no friends, except for the Harry Potter company.

At first, Ron thinks Luna is crazy, Ginny barely restrains her laughter in her presence, Hermione is annoyed by her, and Neville and Harry are bewildered.

This strange girl was only truly appreciated by her friends after the Battle in the Department of Mysteries. She showed herself to be a very brave fighter.

Because of her strange appearance and peculiar character, Luna was often teased by classmates, but she did not take offense, forgiving everyone with kindness.

Over time, others begin to treat this girl in a completely different way. She gains respect and even begins to enjoy success with the boys.

At the same time, Luna’s eccentricities did not go away, just those around her stopped paying attention to them and began to evaluate other qualities of the girl: not only courage, composure in extreme situations, but also quick wit, a very sharp mind.

7. Colin Creevey

Top 10 Hogwarts students Colin Creevey – one of the fans of Harry Potter, a student of the Gryffindor faculty. This boy was born into a Muggle family. His father was an ordinary milkman, and so to the end, he could not believe that wizards exist.

In his first years, Colin ran around Hogwarts with a camera, constantly trying to capture something interesting.

Colin Creevy died during the Battle of Hogwarts. This student was unsophisticated, open, never discouraged and distinguished by the courage inherent in all representatives of Gryffindor.

6. Oliver Wood

Top 10 Hogwarts students Oliver Wood – Goalkeeper and captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team in the early 90s. This young man is honest and brave. He treats his players rather harshly, evaluates them solely in terms of benefit for the team.

Having become a graduate of Hogwarts, Oliver Wood continued his career as an athlete. He became a member of the oldest Quidditch team, Puddlemere United.

Oliver Wood was not a member of the Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore’s Detachment, but took part in the Battle of Hogwarts, actively helping Neville Longbottom during the battle.

5. Draco Malfoy

Top 10 Hogwarts students Draco Malfoy – the main enemy of Harry Potter at Hogwarts, a student of the Slytherin faculty. Son of Lucius Malfoy, one of the Death Eaters.

Draco is ambitious, active, quite smart, but at the same time he is very arrogant and cannot stand Mudblood wizards, Muggles.

The young man is not yet developed mentally and loves to build a “tough guy” out of himself. However, then the spoiled aristocrat Draco realized that neither great meanness, nor a high position in society, nor wealth is a guarantee of victory and fulfillment of desires. This realization causes Malfoy to change, but this does not happen immediately. The boy continues to cling to the qualities instilled in the family for a long time and stubbornly.

4. Neville Dolgopops

Top 10 Hogwarts students Neville Dolgopops – A student of the Gryffindor faculty, one of Harry Potter’s best friends. In the first years of study, he seemed very awkward, forgetful, absent-minded, did not at all give the impression of a daredevil.

The Slytherins mocked the boy in every possible way, until he nevertheless rebuffed them with his fists. In the future, Neville shows himself to be a brave fighter, ready to stand up for his friends and for his ideals with a mountain.

Of all the lessons, Longbottom especially liked herbology. Then he became a great specialist in this subject and even began working at Hogwarts.

During the final battle, Longbottom used Godric Gryffindor’s sword to kill Nagini, Voldemort’s snake, and one of his Horcruxes.

3. Hermione Granger

Top 10 Hogwarts students Hermione Granger – a member of the Golden Trio, a friend of Harry and Ron. Subsequently, she became the wife of Ron Weasley. This girl was born in the most ordinary family, but then it turned out that she had extraordinary magical abilities.

Hermione is a Gryffindor student. She devotes a lot of time to classes, because she likes to gain new knowledge and use it in practice.

Many considered the girl “nerd” and “know-it-all”. She really is, but it was these qualities that made her an unsurpassed sorceress.

Hermione was the “think tank” of the Golden Trio. The girl is very observant, cold-blooded in extreme situations, she knows a lot, because she has read a huge number of books. Hermione is also very kind: she is very painfully experiencing the humiliation of any sentient beings.

2. Ron Weasley

Top 10 Hogwarts students Ron Weasley Harry Potter’s best friend. He was in Gryffindor House. This is not very smart, but a friendly, open and honest boy, who also showed himself to be very brave in the future.

When Ron became a teenager, he had one problem: envy of his best friend Harry’s fame. Weasley was annoyed by the fact that he was always on the sidelines. Voldemort even tried to use this weakness of the young man against himself. However, over time, Ron became more confident and figured out his problem.

1. Harry Potter

Top 10 Hogwarts students Harry Potter – “The Boy Who Lived”, which became a living legend during his lifetime. In infancy, for some unknown reason, he managed to survive Voldemort’s deadly spell. Then it turned out that the boy was one of the Horcruxes of the dark magician.

Harry was in Gryffindor House. As a child, he was withdrawn, lonely, constantly subjected to humiliation. However, then Harry fully demonstrated his courage and inner strength.

He is kind, loyal, but rather secretive: he does not always share his secrets even with his closest friends.

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