Top 10 Highly Rated Movies Tonight

Probably, there is no such person in the world who would not love cinema. This is a great way to spend time with your partner or friends. Even if there is no one to “share” the film with, you definitely won’t be bored.

Most viewers, when choosing the next film, are guided by its rating. It is usually formed on the basis of page traffic or queries in the search engine of movie sites. Should you trust someone else’s opinion? You can check it out right now. We invite you to pay attention to our selection of the best films for the evening with high ratings. Almost all of them are time-tested, here you will not find new products. The list contains only those films that can boast a large number of fans around the world.

10 500 Days of Summer (2009)

Top 10 Highly Rated Movies Tonight

American romantic comedy.

500 Days of Summer is the story of Tom Hanson. This guy is studying to be an architect, but for now he has to work for a postcard company. He comes up with various inscriptions. Soon love comes into his life. Summer Fin’s new colleague makes a big impression on Tom. Gradually it turns out that they have a lot in common. Only views on love do not match: Hanson sincerely believes in its existence, and Summer does not strive for a serious relationship. However, she doesn’t mind dating Tom…

The film is built in an unusual way, the narrative is non-linear, it either runs forward, then goes back. There is a countdown of days, there will be 500 of them in total.

9. Green Book (2018)

Top 10 Highly Rated Movies Tonight

American biographical drama, where the main character is the famous pianist Don Shirley. This story begins in New York, in 1962. Tony Chatterbox recently lost his job as a bouncer and is now looking for a new job. African-American Shirley is also in search, he needs a good driver. Tony agrees to work for a pianist, and soon they go on a concert tour. The driver receives a “green book” – a guide for black tourists. There are marked hotels and cafes in which they agree to serve. At first, the relationship between Tony and Don does not go well, but soon Chatterbox realizes that the pianist has a hard time in this life. He is a wonderful musician, everyone dreams of attending his concert, but because of the color of his skin, he often becomes an object of bullying …

8. Always Say Yes (2008)

Top 10 Highly Rated Movies Tonight

Comedy, a collaboration between US and Australian filmmakers. The main role was played by the incomparable Jim Carrey – the king of the comedy genre.

Carl Allen is not a very sociable person, you can even call him unsociable. His wife left him, things are not going very well at work either. The thing is that he answers “No” to all proposals and questions. On the advice of a classmate, Carl decides to take a self-development course. The main condition of the seminar: “Always say yes.” Now Allen must agree to everything, whether he wants it or not. His life is about to change dramatically…

7. Amelie (2001)

Top 10 Highly Rated Movies Tonight

French romantic comedy.

Amelie never had friends, her childhood can hardly be called happy. The girl was diagnosed with a non-existent diagnosis, she went outside the house only when necessary, she did not even attend school. Amelie grew up, found a job, rented an apartment, but never found happiness. She could not understand what her destiny was, but this time fate gives her a chance. Amelie finds a treasure box in her apartment that belonged to a little boy. The girl manages to find him. It turned out that many years had passed, but the man was very happy with the gift from the past. It is at this moment that Amelie realizes that she wants to help people…

6. Hangover in Vegas (2009)

Top 10 Highly Rated Movies Tonight

American comedy, which in 2009 broke all records and became the highest grossing film.

Four young men travel to Las Vegas to fulfill a lifelong dream of one of them. Doug is getting married soon and wants to have some last good fun. Things don’t quite work out the way they planned, but the party was definitely a success. The next morning, Phil, Stu, and Alan wake up in a hotel room. There is a mess here, a chicken walks around the room, a tiger sits in the bathroom, a child is in the closet, but most importantly, the hero of the occasion, Doug, is gone. Due to the large amount of alcohol drunk the day before, friends cannot remember what happened the previous night. They have to reconstruct the events bit by bit, but they will never forget this bachelor party in Vegas…

5. Home Alone (1990)

Top 10 Highly Rated Movies Tonight

An American Christmas comedy that has been delighting people around the world for over 30 years.

The large McCallister family meets at Kate and Peter’s house. Relatives came to them to go together to Paris for the Christmas holidays. Kevin quarrels with his older brother, and then goes to spend the night in the attic. The boy is very upset and makes a wish: he wants all his relatives to disappear. The next morning, Kevin wakes up alone at home. In the turmoil, haste and preparations, everyone forgot about him …

4. Back to the Future (1985)

Top 10 Highly Rated Movies Tonight

Adventure comedy (USA), which, despite its “venerable age”, is still very popular with viewers.

Marty is 17 years old, he is an ordinary teenager from a dysfunctional family. He has a friend, a scientist nicknamed Doc, who is fond of inventions. He asks Marty for a meeting. At night, the young man comes to the appointed place, and Doc shows him an unusual device. It turns out that he was able to construct a time machine. Marty, having decided on an experiment, finds himself in the past, in 1955 …

3. Pulp Fiction (1994)

Top 10 Highly Rated Movies Tonight

Crime thriller directed by Quentin Tarantino. All of his films are non-linear, and this one is no exception.

Pulp Fiction is three short stories with different plots. The story of a robbery and a professional boxer, the rescue of a girl and the philosophical conversations of two bandits. The film shows the viewer the everyday life of American gangsters. Don’t worry, it won’t be boring…

2. Knockin’ on Heaven (1997)

Top 10 Highly Rated Movies Tonight

German comedy drama about two young men. Martin and Rudy are roommates, they are terminally ill and they have very little time left to live in this world. This is their only similarity, they have completely different characters. The eccentric Martin does not follow the rules, and Rudy is a law-abiding citizen. Unexpectedly, they find a bottle of tequila in the ward and drink it. During the conversation, Martin finds out that Rudy has never been to the sea. They have a goal, they decide to escape. Martin and Rudy steal a car that belongs to gangsters, rob a bank. Nothing will stop them now, except… Will Rudy have time to see the sea?

1. 1+1 (2012)

Top 10 Highly Rated Movies Tonight

1+1 is a French tragicomedy based on the story of a real person.

Philip is rich, but money does not please him. He is paralyzed. He used to lead an active lifestyle, but an unsuccessful paragliding flight caused his disability. Now he needs an assistant. Black Driss lives on unemployment benefits, he regularly goes to interviews, but all he needs is a refusal. Philip agrees to take the guy to work, he is attracted by the immediacy and naturalness of Driss. He loves drugs and girls, does not know good manners, but it is he who will help Philip to love life again …

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