Top 10 highest waterfalls in the world

Our planet is so unique in its beauty of nature that only one information about any place is enough, and you are already filled with harmony and warm impressions. Waterfalls are one of the most amazing creations of the Earth. Each of them conveys an incredible energy of cheerfulness and uplifting energy. Many yogis, by the way, prefer waterfalls when meditating to increase the energy within their body.

Imagining this beauty, power and might, you are involuntarily filled with motivation for action, not to mention being close to the waterfall. Stand under it, feel how it washes your whole being with a powerful stream, washing away all hardships and worries from you.

Do you want to know on which continent of the Earth are the highest waterfalls in the world (Africa, South America and others)? We present you the top 10 record holders of the planet.

10 Brown, 836 m

Top 10 highest waterfalls in the world A country: New Zealand

Brown – pioneered by aerial photographer Victor Carlisle. Brown Lake in the south of New Zealand, the Southland region and, as a result, the associated waterfall, which flows in six ledges along a slope at an angle of 42 degrees, was named after him.

The width of the waterfall is 12 m, where the mountain itself appears before us in all its might. This combination of the father of the mountain and the child of the waterfall does not leave indifferent any tourist.

From a bird’s eye view, a stunning spectacle opens up, where we can observe a “ladle” forming mountains, inside which there is a serene lake that feeds the earth with its minerals – forming a beautiful waterfall down the mountain that we have already described.

9. James Bruce, 840 m

Top 10 highest waterfalls in the world A country: USA

James Bruce – a 5 m wide waterfall that conquered North America, being the largest in British Columbia, Canada. It is located in the Provincial Park of the Beautiful Princess Louise Marin.

Its nature is surprising in that it consists of two streams, one of which ceases to please us by the beginning of July. This is due to the fact that the waterfall originates from the waters and streams of the snowy plain, many of which dry up by summer.

Therefore, in order to enjoy the power and power of this waterfall, tourists will need to visit this beautiful place during the rainiest periods of the seasons.

The power and height of this waterfall are so great that the water breaks down to the ground into a “fog”, which can be felt on your body for several kilometers.

8. Puukaoku, 840 m

Top 10 highest waterfalls in the world A country: USA

Puukaoku – the most beautiful waterfall located on the Hawaiian island of Molokai, USA. Puukaoku will please every tourist, unlike other waterfalls, from a more interesting view – from above.

To admire all its beauty, you will need to get comfortable on a helicopter and enjoy the flight. The fact is that it is not so easy, or even impossible, to get close to this waterfall on the ground. However, it is for the best, because its slope is vertical.

7. Balaifossen, 850 m

Top 10 highest waterfalls in the world A country: Norway

Balaifossen – 6 meter waterfall in Norway, with a rather “capricious” character. The fact is that Balaifossen begins its functioning from the Bala stream, which flows from a mountain lake and due to its small source, it becomes poorly visible in hot weather conditions.

A three-stage waterfall that does not feed the earth, like the above waterfalls, but passes into the sea. They say that this waterfall may soon completely dry up due to the general warming of the climate in the World. The glacier that gives life to this waterfall is decreasing in size. Therefore, if you plan to get to Balaifossen while traveling in Norway, it is recommended to do this in the spring, when the snow melts.

It is possible that during some winter period there was little rainfall, which means that the waterfall will not seem to you as powerful and impressive as it can actually be under “correct” weather conditions.

6. Vinnufossen, 860 m

Top 10 highest waterfalls in the world A country: Norway

Vinnufossen – a waterfall, looking at which even with a photo or video of reports – the heart stops. It is located in Norway, east of the village of Sunndalsera.

Near this waterfall are the most popular tourist sites such as Snohetta, Dovrefjell National Park and the Troll Wall, as well as Trollheim. The waterfall descends from a rocky cliff and subsequently acquires a foggy outline of a “wall”. This foggy “wall” is considered the longest in the world.

Down the waterfall breaks into a series of intertwining waters that separate jagged rocks and massive foliage, and to the very end of the rock, all these streams flow together.

5. Yumbilla, 895,4 m

Top 10 highest waterfalls in the world A country: Peru

Yumbilla – the most beautiful waterfall in Peru, the Amazonas region, which opened to us in 2007. A very beautiful translation of this waterfall will not leave indifferent any girl on this planet: “heart love».

Yumbilya gives birth to its streams from the underground source of the cave. Despite the fact that the waterfall falls into the densely overgrown steppe, tourists still venture on the path to this unearthly beauty.

4. Olopena, 900 m

Top 10 highest waterfalls in the world A country: USA

Shattered – a waterfall falling directly into the ocean, located on the Hawaiian island of Molokai. For a long time he did not make himself felt, hiding in the rocks.

An interesting factthat this waterfall is located in the middle of two volcanic mountains. He falls casually along an almost vertical mountain. Tourists wishing to see this creation of nature need to take care to do it in clear, sunny weather by helicopter.

3. Three sisters, 914 m

Top 10 highest waterfalls in the world A country: Peru

Three sisters – pleases with its impressive beauties in South America, the central part of Peru. It received this name due to the presence of three tiers. It became known about him not so long ago, but his amazing beauty struck every tourist and did not leave even readers indifferent.

A place where you can enjoy nature, air and a truly heavenly waterfall. The width is 12 m, falling into the canyon in five ledges.

The locals call it Cataratas las tres Hermanas, which in translation means “Three sisters“. This is an amazing place, looking at it, and if possible – reaching it, you can find a real harmony of beauty and bliss.

2. Tugela, 948 m

Top 10 highest waterfalls in the world A country: South Africa

Tugela – located in the Dragon Mountains of the Republic of South Africa on the territory of the Natal National Park, not far from the state of Lesotho. Tugela means “sudden” in translation.

Its name is associated with a sharp cliff from which this waterfall falls. This cliff is covered with snow in winter and does not leave any tourist indifferent.

This waterfall is fed by a river located in the Dragon Mountains. It is also a direct competitor to Angel Falls.

1. Angel, 979 m

Top 10 highest waterfalls in the world A country: Venezuela

Angel – or «Waterfall of the deepest place“was found at the beginning of the twentieth century by the explorer Ernesto Sanchez La Cruz. He gained his wide popularity thanks to the flight to the research of James Angel.

The history of the discovery of this waterfall is very interesting. Angel is located in the tropical forests of the Venezuelan state of Bolivar. The waterfall falls from Mount Auyantepui, which means: “Devil mountain».

Tourists can get to this waterfall either by air or by river. Of course, the preference for the view is given to flight. Although, it is worth seeing how the water falling down from such a majestic height breaks “into dust” and its fog is felt several kilometers away.

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