Top 10 highest points in the countries of the former USSR

USSR – the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics – a state that existed from 1922 to 1991. At the time of the collapse, it occupied almost 1/6 of the land area of ​​the globe. Naturally, on such a huge area one could meet all the diversity of nature, including mountains. But these mountains are different from Western European ones, for example, from the same Alps.

There are no roads, huts, markings in these mountains. It makes no sense to talk about paths or paved paths upstairs. Climbing conditions, of course, differ in a more severe way, which makes it possible to fully experience the extreme and danger of these giants. In this article, we will look at the highest points in the USSR.

10 Klyuchevskaya Sopka, 4750 m

Top 10 highest points in the countries of the former USSR Mountain system: East Ridge

A country: Russia

Klyuchevskaya Sopka – stands on the Kamchatka Peninsula. It is the highest mountain on the Kamchatka Peninsula and the highest active volcano on the Eurasian continent. The first eruption was recorded in 1697. To this day, the volcano remains dangerous.

On November 11, 2019, a glow was noticed near the crater, which means the first emissions of hot material. After three years of hibernation, the volcano began another summit eruption.

However, such places do not always scare away climbers. The first time it was conquered in 1788, but then no attempts were recorded until 1931, when the team of climbers died due to flying lava on the descent.

9. Kazbek, 5033 m

Top 10 highest points in the countries of the former USSR Mountain system: Caucasus Mountains

A country: Georgia

Kazbek – one of the peaks of the Caucasus Mountains in Georgia. She has another name Mkinvari, which translates as “Melting Mountain”, “Invincible Leader”, “Ice Peak”. Now it is already an inactive stratovolcano, so hundreds of thousands of tourists calmly come to visit it.

Travelers love this place for its pristine beauty, which was preserved even when people began to settle at the foot. Kazbek Peak can be seen even while in Tbilisi. The volcano has not erupted for a long time. Scientists have established that the last time was in 600 BC, but even now it surprises.

So, in 2002, a huge glacier came down, killing more than 100 people. He came down because of the steam and gas that rose from the bowels of the volcano and melted the glacier.

8. Shkhara, 5068 m

Top 10 highest points in the countries of the former USSR Mountain system: Caucasus

A country: Georgia, Russia

Vertex Shkhara is located in the Caucasus and is the highest peak in Georgia and the third highest mountain in Russia. The fact is that after the collapse of the USSR, the mountain was located on the border of two states. This is a very picturesque place where many excursions are organized even for beginners.

The name “Shkhara” can be translated in different ways. First option – “not monolithic”, which corresponds to the truth, since it is dotted with gorges. Second – “ninth peak”, which corresponds to the ordinal number of the peak, if we count along the Dividing Range from the west.

7. Dichtau, 5203 m

Top 10 highest points in the countries of the former USSR Mountain system: Caucasus

A country: Russia

Dykhtau – a peak that is part of the Caucasus Mountains. The title translates simplyhigh mountain“. It ranks second in height among the Caucasus Mountains. This is a very difficult and dangerous peak. There is no easy way to get there. Just as there is no path of medium difficulty.

Its peak is constantly above the clouds, so when the rays of the sunset or dawn sun hit its slopes, the views are crazy. A huge glacier hangs at the very top, often it is because of its broken blocks that avalanches begin in these places.

6. Elbrus, 5642 m

Top 10 highest points in the countries of the former USSR Mountain system: Caucasus Mountains

A country: Russia

Elbrus – the famous peak of the Caucasus, the highest mountain in Russia. All children learn this fact at school, so the presence of it on the list should not surprise anyone. Elbrus used to be a volcano, and to this day disputes do not subside as to whether it is sleeping or extinct. Adherents of the first theory prove their case with thermal springs, which are heated by hot masses in the bowels of the mountain.

Being the highest point, Elbrus has long excited the hearts of climbers. The first time they tried to conquer it in 1829, but then only one person from the whole group reached the peak – the guide. But over time, the attempts became more frequent. In Soviet times, it was prestigious to conquer this peak, which gave rise to mass mountaineering in those places.

5. Khan Tengri, 6995 m

Top 10 highest points in the countries of the former USSR Mountain system: Tien Shan

A country: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China

Mountain Khan-Tengri is now located on the Tengri-Tag ridge on the border of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and China. She is also called “Lord of the Sky“. It has a feature that makes it easy to find among other mountains – a pyramidal peak. The issue of ownership was resolved for a very long time, since the mountain can belong to three countries at once. But now this is no longer a controversial situation.

Interesting fact: In 2002, Kyrgyzstan issues a banknote, which depicts the peak of Khan Tengri.

Climbing the mountain is dangerous because of high-altitude hanging glaciers. If an avalanche comes down, it will not only be very voluminous, but will also contain large pieces of ice.

4. Pobeda Peak, 7439 m

Top 10 highest points in the countries of the former USSR Mountain system: Tien Shan

A country: Kyrgyzstan, China

Victory Peak – the top of the Tien-Shan mountains in Kyrgyzstan. This is the northernmost seven-thousander in the world. It is included in the list of the highest points, having conquered which the climber receives the title of “Snow Leopard”.

One of the most dangerous peaks. Avalanches often occur here. The least dangerous season is a few weeks in August, if you’re lucky with the weather. Some peaks adjacent to Pobeda Peak remain unconquered to this day due to inaccessibility.

3. Peak Korzhenevskaya, 7105 m

Top 10 highest points in the countries of the former USSR Mountain system: Pamir

A country: Tajikistan

Peak Korzhenevskaya part of the Pamir mountain system in Tajikistan. This name was given to it by the Russian geographer Korzhenevsky, who discovered it for the first time. He decided to dedicate this peak to his wife. The peak is considered the most not dangerous of all the seven-thousanders.

Climbing the peak is considered extremely easy. But even though it is not the most inaccessible, climbers must undergo the necessary training before climbing. This is written in the rules of each round.

The fact that the peak is not so simple is evidenced by the fact that the first time they tried to climb it in 1936. But it turned out to conquer only in 1953.

2. Lenin Peak, 7134 m

Top 10 highest points in the countries of the former USSR Mountain system: Pamir

A country: Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan

Peak Lenin – the second highest peak in Kyrgyzstan. Until 1933, it was believed that this was the highest point in the USSR. One of the most popular peaks among the seven-thousanders, as its relief is not so dangerous, even gentle. Climbers nicknamed this peak “bald».

Now it is quite safe compared to others, about 16 routes have been laid on it. Including those who do not have special training can try their hand. At the foot of the mountain, they set up a base, a kind of camp, where you can get the necessary information, equipment and advice. Thousands of tourists come here every year.

1. Communism Peak, 7495 m

Top 10 highest points in the countries of the former USSR Mountain system: Pamir

A country: Tajikistan

Peak of Communism was the highest point in the USSR. Now its name is Ismoil Somoni peak. The locals also call this peak Uztergi, if translated into Russian, it means “Spinning your head».

It is currently the highest peak in Tajikistan. It stands on the ridge of the Academy of Sciences in the Pamirs. In the list of the highest mountains in the world, it is in second place. For a long time, scientists and travelers did not know about this peak, and then until 1933 they simply could not measure it. Therefore, it took its rightful place among the highest mountains of the USSR only after the first ascent to it.


After the collapse of the USSR, only a few mountains remained on the territory of Russia. Now, for those who want to conquer other peaks, it is necessary to go to neighboring countries. But for those who truly love mountains, this cannot be a problem.

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