Top 10 highest mountains of the Krasnodar Territory

The sea and mountains for the majority of Russian residents, this is the most ideal combination for a holiday. Therefore, the Krasnodar Territory is so popular among tourists. The mountainous area occupies one third of the entire region, the rest is plains. But the most famous cities are located near the hills. Our article presents the highest points of the mountains of the Krasnodar Territory.

10 Chessy, 1839 m

Top 10 highest mountains of the Krasnodar Territory

This mountain is located in Tuapse. It is considered inaccessible, but this does not prevent a crowd of tourists from climbing to its top every year.

Trails on the mountain Chassis very picturesque and interesting. All lovers of long walks should definitely take this route. Be sure to take your camera with you to capture the beauty of the surrounding nature.

This is one of the most beautiful places in the Krasnodar Territory. The highest place reaches a mark of 1839 meters.

9. Outle, 1855 m

Top 10 highest mountains of the Krasnodar Territory

This mountain is located on the Black Sea coast and close to other popular tourist sites. But due to the difficult terrain and lack of roads, the mountain Аутль visit very rarely.

The highest point reaches a mark of 1855 meters, it offers an incredible view of Lake Huko, Mount Fisht and, of course, the endless sea.

The name Outl translates as “the place where the Gay hunting took place”. These places attract tourists who love wildlife and create their own routes to the top. A plane crashed at the very top of the mountain, the wreckage still lies in those places.

8. Matuk, 1957

Top 10 highest mountains of the Krasnodar Territory

The mountain is located in the vicinity of Mezmay, near the village. Due to the fact that tourists are frequent guests here and locals also often drop in, the trails are well trodden, so it will not be difficult to climb. But still, to reach the top Matuk at 1957 meters, it is better to divide the ascent into two days. You can also take a jeep, but according to the locals, the hike is very beautiful and energizing.

It is better to go along the routes in May, as in the summer you can not see the panoramic view due to the tall grass. The mountain is part of the Lagonaki Range, so you do not need to pay for a ticket to the reserve.

7. Hat, 1988 m

Top 10 highest mountains of the Krasnodar Territory

Mountain Header enters the Peredovaya mountain range, has a height of 1988 meters above sea level, and acquired its name due to the fact that it really resembles a headdress.

The top is of karst origin, flat, with several caves of natural origin. The southern slopes are steep, very steep, unlike the northern ones, which, in contrast, can even be called even.

The famous road runs along the northern slope, along which timber is transported from Dead Balka to Psebay. You can quickly climb to the peak of the mountain both on an off-road vehicle and on foot, admiring the incredible beauty – mighty waterfalls and groves. The route will be easy even for an inexperienced tourist who has chosen Shapka as his first ascent.

6. Rosa Peak, 2320 m

Top 10 highest mountains of the Krasnodar Territory

This is the most popular place in the Krasnodar Territory. Tourists go to Rosa Khutor both in winter and in summer. Even if you are not a professional skier, you will definitely have something to do on the mountain rose peak.

At an altitude of 2320 meters there is a restaurant with stunning views, as well as an observation deck. To get to this point, you need to overcome three ascents by cable car. This will already become a small adventure, because cabins with transparent windows and you can observe the beauty of the world around you.

Purposefully climbing Rose Peak is not worth it when the sky is covered with clouds, otherwise you will not enjoy the panoramic view properly.

5. Big Thach, 2368 m

Top 10 highest mountains of the Krasnodar Territory

This mountain is located on the border with Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory. Route with entry to Big Thach included in the World Cultural Heritage List. Every year, crowds of tourists come to see the beauty of this mountain.

The highest point reaches 2368 meters above sea level. This mountain differs from the usual “spiky” ones in its unusual relief. In translation, the word “Thach” means God, and literally, it is “forever young God.

4. Achishkho, 2391 m

Top 10 highest mountains of the Krasnodar Territory

The mountain is located in the Sochi district, it is here that crowds of tourists come. This is one of the most popular attractions. The height of the farthest point is 2391 meters above the sky.

Mountain Pains has ancient glacial relief forms. People go to these places to enjoy incredible views, feel the grandeur of nature and listen to ancient legends about dolmens, which are often found on the hiking trail. This is a very mystical place that fascinates and does not let go for a long time.

3. Fisht, 2867 m

Top 10 highest mountains of the Krasnodar Territory

This mountain with a snow cap has several names: “white ice”, “white head”, “eternally shining” и “white-headed“.

Until recently, few people knew about this mountain, except for the residents of the Kuban or the guests of Krasnaya Polyana. But when the stadium where the Winter Olympics were held was named after the mountain, Fisht became very popular. Now many tourists go to look at this white top, despite the fact that you need to drive forty kilometers from Krasnaya Polyana to this mountain.

2. Chugush, 3238 m

Top 10 highest mountains of the Krasnodar Territory

mountain name Chugush, which has the shape of a pyramid, is translated as “top of the earth“. The peak is located at an altitude of more than three thousand kilometers above sea level and is covered with glaciers. From this mighty ridge, the lower part of which is covered with spruce and fir forests, many mountain rivers originate.

Hiking trails are laid to the peak of Chugush, the complexity of which varies depending on the route, and a wide variety of animals live on the territory of the ridge, such as chamois, bears, cougars, lynxes and wild boars.

1. Tsakhvoa, 3345,9 m

Top 10 highest mountains of the Krasnodar Territory

The mountain has a height of its peak equal to almost three and a half thousand meters – 3345,9 meters, to be precise, and is the highest point in the Krasnodar Territory.

Climbing this ridge will take an experienced tourist a week, and to get to its foot you need to purchase a special pass, since the mountain range is located on the territory of the Caucasian State Reserve.

Peak Cahvoa covered with eternal glaciers, which descends in three branches, turning into mountainous, very beautiful rivers passing through fantastic alpine meadows and, below, fir forests.

The name of the mountain translates as “pinnacle” and absolutely accurately describes its essence. If you decide to conquer it, get ready not only for beautiful views of gorges and waterfalls, but also for temperatures that will make you regret the decision not to take warm clothes and a sleeping bag designed for minus indicators.


Better than mountains can only be mountains that you have not yet been on, – once Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky sang for us and he was right. At least once every lover of nature and tourism should visit one of the many mountains that occupy the territory of the Krasnodar Territory and the Caucasus.

Such vivid sensations are unlikely to be obtained anywhere else, and the feeling of triumph and self-satisfaction that rolls over when conquering a peak that seemed impregnable at its foot cannot be compared with anything else. “You feel alive, refreshed“, is the most frequent review of climbers who descended to earth with a victory over thousands of years and many kilometers of giants, fraught with many secrets, dangers and beauties.

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