Top 10 highest mountains in the Caucasus

Everyone should visit the Caucasus at least once in their life. Famous classics created their masterpieces here: Pushkin, Lermontov. Honey waterfalls, Dombay, Sofia lakes attract tourists from all over the world – everyone wants to touch the beauty and enjoy the incredible beauty of the landscapes.

The region covers such countries as Georgia, Armenia, Russia, Azerbaijan. The beauty of the Caucasus Mountains is difficult to describe in words. Many travelers associate them with power, and in this they are right – the mountains of the Caucasus are not conquered by everyone.

Despite their considerable age – approximately 24-28 million years, the Caucasus Mountains are considered the youngest in our country – Russia. They were formed due to volcanic activity, it is noteworthy that every year the plates are shifted by a certain number of centimeters. And, as you can already guess, the result of this action is devastating earthquakes.

The origin of the word “Caucasus” between historians is still debated. Some people think that it meansrocky land“, other “sparkling sky“, the third that”supporting the sky“… Let the historians continue their disputes, and we will admire the highest mountains of the Caucasus!

10 Katyn-Tau – 4970 m

Top 10 highest mountains in the Caucasus

Let’s start with a sad story. Among the Kabardino-Balkarians Katyn-Tau associated with a sad legend. The title means “wife’s mountain“. According to legend, Tetnuld lost interest in his old wife Katyn, exchanging her for Jangi (new and young). Indeed, this story can be called sad.

Snow in this difficult area lies all year round, so every tourist should take care of the presence of warm clothes. As for the conquest, this location has a rather easy route, but despite this, it is better for people without proper physical fitness not to climb it. Katyn-Tau is located on the border between Svaneti and Kabardino-Balkaria.

9. Tetnuld – 4974 m

Top 10 highest mountains in the Caucasus

Beauty Tetnuld, completely covered with snow, is located in the picturesque Georgian region – Svaneti. Among climbers, it is especially popular, because it allows you to make a unique route and attracts with its shape (the shape of the mountain is pyramidal).

They go to Tetnuld because it is incredibly photogenic, high, and the classic route is completely safe. Climbing the mountain does not require complex preparation, the only thing you need is to climb in the second decade of July, because at other times the weather conditions can be frustrating.

Technically, climbers consider climbing Tetnuld more interesting than climbing the same Elbrus or Layla. From the height of the mountain, a beautiful view of the mountains of Svaneti, the panorama of the GKH and the sunlit valleys of highland Georgia opens up.

8. Mizhirgi West – 5025 m

Top 10 highest mountains in the Caucasus

Every climber dreams of conquering Mizyrgi West Mountainlocated in the area of ​​the Bezengi Gorge. It can be seen in the list of the most dangerous mountains in Russia. The exact origin of the name is unknown, opinions differ, for example, according to one version, it was named after a shepherd, whose name was Mazhir.

In the XNUMXth century, a shepherd became the first person to conquer Mizhigari West. Those who are going to climb it should remember that Mizhirgi is much more difficult for this than other higher Russian mountains. The routes are technically difficult, and ice falls are not uncommon here. Since the mountain is capricious, good physical preparation is necessary.

7. Kazbek – 5034 m

Top 10 highest mountains in the Caucasus

There are many legends in the world, and the most beautiful mountain Kazbek, which is depicted on calendars and magazine covers, has not escaped them. Kazbek is not only a former volcano and the peak of the Caucasus Mountains, but also a place surrounded by legend.

According to legend, Prometheus was chained in this place – as a punishment for bringing fire to people. But imprisonment is not the most cruel punishment. The gods ordered the powerful bird eagle to fly in the evenings to Prometheus and peck his liver …

But this terrible story is in the past, today Kazbek (translated “ice peak” from Georgian) is a place where people come to get impressions and climb the mountain. It was first climbed in 1868.

6. Dzhangitau – 5085 m

Top 10 highest mountains in the Caucasus

Located in the North Caucasus Dzhangitau, translates as “new mountain“. On one part of the mountain there are thick glaciers, among them there are dormant volcanoes. The mountain borders Russia and Georgia, and is the central part of the Benzengi wall.

Climbing Dzhangitau is not an easy task, because it is considered one of the most dangerous and difficult peaks in Russia to climb. Only experienced climbers dare to do this, but even they are not always able to overcome obstacles …

Not so long ago, a tragedy occurred – an experienced climber fell off the slope, unfortunately, he died, and a couple of years before that, planes flew in to save a group of climbers.

5. Pushkin Peak – 5100 m

Top 10 highest mountains in the Caucasus

Pushkin Peak located in Kabardino-Balkaria, this mountain can truly be called the most poetic in Russia. It received its name on the day of the 100th anniversary of the death of the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin.

This mountain makes up the Dykhtau mountain range, it is considered one of the most difficult to conquer, and it is clear why – there are no easy routes here, and it is very difficult to overcome the traverse. A humid and cold climate reigns here, the snow may not melt until May, and starting from 3 meters, the snow cover lasts all year round.

Experienced climbers prefer to climb the northern side – the route is more difficult than the southern one, but this does not stop them from wanting to admire the incredible beauty of the surrounding nature.

4. Kostantau – 5152 m

Top 10 highest mountains in the Caucasus

Mountain Kostanau, which is located in Kabardino-Balkaria, has a rather interesting translation “A mountain that looks like a distant dwellingDoes it live up to its name? Indeed, from a distance, the top of this beauty resembles a large tent.

Koshtanau is quite unpredictable – sometimes she is naughty and dresses up in ice clothes, creating difficulties for climbers, and sometimes she is very friendly to them, bestowing favorable weather.

The conquest of Koshtanau began with a tragedy – in 1888, two English climbers and their guides from Sweden died while trying to climb the mountain. Since that tragic event, it has still been possible to lay several routes, but each of them has an increased complexity.

3. Shkhara – 5201 m

Top 10 highest mountains in the Caucasus

The five-thousander of Georgia and Russia is a mountain peak Shkhara. Translated from Georgiannine“. This name was not accidental, because Shkhara has pronounced highest points. And, as you might guess, there are 9 of them.

Climbers love this peak very much, because you can climb it by different routes, and enjoy the beauty of these places from different points thanks to several peaks.

Experience is required to climb. Few of the organizers dare to take newcomers with them. The mountain was first conquered in 1888, so it deservedly bears the title of the highest peak in Georgia.

2. Dichtau – 5204 m

Top 10 highest mountains in the Caucasus

Dykhtau located in the Greater Caucasus mountain system, in Kabardino-Balkaria. After Elbrus, it is considered the second highest peak in Europe. The mountain consists of dark rocks, and the following happens – they contrast with the surrounding clouds, which makes it look gloomy.

The easiest route to reach its peaks belongs to a category that is quite a bit higher than the average – 4A. Due to the harsh climatic conditions, there is no vegetation here, and snow lies on the summit all year round.

For the first time it was conquered in 1888 by Austrian climbers led by D. Hokkin, having reached the very peak. The way to Dykhtau takes about 7 days, including overnight stay, and requires preparation.

1. Elbrus – 5642 m

Top 10 highest mountains in the Caucasus

The leader of our selection is the well-known mountain Elbrus – the highest point in Russia. Everyone has heard about Elbrus, which they dream of conquering. The mountain borders on Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria.

The locals call this incredible beauty Mingi-Tauwhich means “eternal mountain“. Elbrus is an extinct volcano – according to researchers, there is every chance that one day it will wake up again. From the two peaks (western and eastern) of the mountain, the view opens magnificent – to the Black and Caspian Seas.

Despite the frightening height, the path to the top of Elbrus has long been paved. For the first time, the mountain was climbed in the first third of the XNUMXth century, and since then many fans of extreme sports have visited it, not only on foot, but even on horseback and cars.

Here you can meet roe deer, foxes, aurochs and Central Asian yaks – the rich fauna becomes another reason to overcome the difficult route.

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