Top 10 highest mountains in Kazakhstan

The Republic of Kazakhstan is the ninth largest country in the world and the second among the CIS countries. On its territory you can admire different reliefs and climatic zones, but deserts, steppes and, less often, forests are more common.

But mountains play a huge role in attracting tourists. It is simply a paradise for climbers and ordinary tourists who lead an active lifestyle. And also for those who just came to the sanatorium to breathe clean mountain air.

The rocks are presented in all their diversity: low and high, gentle and steep, with and without snowy peaks. In this article, we will look at the highest mountains in Kazakhstan.

10 Torkuz, 3 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Kazakhstan Torquz – a mountain located on the Kurchum Range in the eastern region of Kazakhstan. The Akbulak River flows at its foot. It also separates the Torkuz and Aksubas mountains. On its slopes, with luck, you can meet marmots, roe deer, marals and elks.

The probability of seeing the hallmark of these places, the snow leopard, is very small, because this animal behaves prudently, not showing itself to the eye. But the slopes of the mountains are full of prints of his paws.

9. Ushkungey, 3 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Kazakhstan Ushkungey – a mountain located on the Sarym-Sakty ridge. It is possible to climb it using the pass of the same name. Alpine lakes are located to the east and south of it.

If you track the vegetation while climbing the mountain, then at first the travelers will be pleased with the forests, then at around 2000 m they will gradually give way to an alpine meadow, which in turn will disappear imperceptibly so that the highest point will meet travelers with non-melting snow. Occasionally you can see mountain goats and snow leopards.

8. Bayberdy, 3 247 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Kazakhstan Mountain Baiber – Another mountain on the Sarym-Sakty ridge. The river Kokterek flows below. Some of its tributaries begin on this mountain. More precisely, they flow from lakes located high near the top. They feed the rivers all year round.

The peak itself is not sharp, it looks like a large and even plateau, which is under the cover of eternal non-melting snows. Its sides are very steep, which attracts a large number of climbers who want to test their strength.

7. Tauteke, 3 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Kazakhstan Tauteke – a mountain standing on the Sarym-Sakty ridge. It is at its foot that the Kokterek River originates. These places are famous for the beauty of their alpine lakes.

Mount Tauteke is no exception; around it you can find many lakes with crystal clear water. It’s just a great view for which tourists come. In translation, the name “Tauteke” means “mountain goat mountainbecause there were a lot of them before. But now their number has noticeably decreased, they can no longer be found in the same quantity as before. Sometimes a snow leopard is spotted here, but this happens extremely rarely.

6. Aksu-Bas, 3 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Kazakhstan Aksu-Bas – a mountain located in the Markakol Reserve. It is located in the Southern Altai. The reserve is named after Lake Markakol, a picturesque reservoir in the intermountain basin.

This basin consists of three ridges: Kurchumsky, Azutau and Sorvenkovsky. The highest point of this area is the top of Aksu-Bas.

5. Berkutaul, 3 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Kazakhstan Berkutaul – a mountain that is in second place among the mountains of Altai and in first place among the peaks of the Southern Altai. Its name can be translated as “Eagle home».

Three large glaciers (up to 1 km in size and more) are now located on its northern slope. Its peak noticeably distinguishes this mountain from others, as it is strictly pyramidal in shape with faceted edges, as if on purpose.

This mountain attracted tourists with its accessibility. It is located a day’s march from the nearest village (16 km). At the foot there is a base of climbers. Every year on May 9, the Alpiniada takes place here. Often climbs are made not only in summer, but also in autumn.

4. Belukha, 4 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Kazakhstan Belukha – This is the highest and most popular mountain of Altai. The Altai Mountains are considered the largest mountain system in Siberia, which passes through the territory of four states: Russia, China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan.

This area is famous for the beauty of landscapes, rugged forests and the purest water in the lakes. Mount Belukha has become the most visited point of the Altai Mountains. Different nations call it differently, often giving sacred names. So, for example, Buddhists believe that it is on this mountain that Shambhala is located.

The mountain is almost completely dotted with rivers, and this despite the fact that the water in them appears only due to the melting of snow. This peak attracts climbers from all over the world, thanks to its hard-to-reach places, which offer stunning views.

3. Alagordy, 4 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Kazakhstan Alagordy – a mountain between two countries: Kazakhstan and China. She also has a middle name – “Peak Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky“. There is a huge Abay glacier on it, reaching 11 km in length.

Many rivers start from this mountain, as it is almost completely covered with constantly lying snowdrifts. The area adjacent to the foot of the mountain is also called Semirechye. However, there is still debate about which rivers should make up this seven. The most probable names are: Ili, Karatal, Bien, Aksu, Lepsy, Baskan, Sarkand.

The animal world is rich in its diversity, here you can see wolves, lynxes, tauteke goats, and occasionally there is a snow leopard. Some birds from the Red Book of Kazakhstan also found shelter here: eagle, vulture, golden eagle.

2. Talgar, 4 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Kazakhstan Talgar – this is the highest peak that you can see even when you are in Alma-Ata. It is located in the Tien Shan mountains, stands in the Almaty reserve. She has a conspicuous three-headed peak, which is difficult to confuse.

The mountain is not visible from under the eternal ice on its slopes and top. From a very distant distance, it seems to consist of two stripes: dark blue at the foot and snow-white at the top.

Interesting factthat many residents of Almaty do not know which peak is the highest. This is explained by the fact that from this angle Mount Talgar does not produce the same strong effect as the mountains standing closer.

The translation of her name can be as “Flat Mountain», and “long mountain“. The second name, of course, suits her better.

1. Khan Tengri, 6 995 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Kazakhstan Peak Khan-Tengri located in the Tien Shan mountains. They are located in the southeast of Kazakhstan. The title translates as “spirit master“, there is another option”Lord of the Sky”. It is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful mountains, especially in the rays of dawn and sunset.

Here you can meet animals listed in the Red Book, such as the snow leopard or the Tien Shan bear. If we take into account the height of the peak, including the snow cover, then it is 1710 m, so there are different figures in the description.

Probably every climber dreams of conquering Mount Khan Tengri. There are more than 10 routes to it, the safest of which runs along the south side. Usually, they get to the bases at the foot by helicopters, and from there they begin to conquer the summit. The minimum lifting time is 14 days. Summer is considered the most optimal period, since in winter there are often weather changes, frosts, storms and avalanches.


Thus, the mountains of Kazakhstan have become a popular tourist destination for a reason. Every year the influx of tourists is growing more and more. After all, here nature has created such incredible things that it is simply impossible to look away.

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