Top 10 highest mountains in Dagestan

A very long time ago, Dagestan was called “country of mountains“. And this is true, since on its main area there are mountains. In most cases, they consist of clayey rocks, black shales, and limestones and sandstones are also found.

The climate of Dagestan is moderately arid. But as soon as you climb higher into the mountains, strong humidity begins, as the temperature drops. The weather is cool in the mountains. In winter it can be up to -40, and in summer up to -12.

There are glaciers at the very tops of the mountains. It always snows here. It gradually decreases only during global warming. But if you go down, you can see beautiful alpine meadows with bright and juicy grass and flowers. Some species of animals and birds also live in these places.

The peaks are considered quite young, since their age reaches no more than 20 million years. In this article, we will look at the highest mountains in Dagestan.

10 Achigsyrt, 4000 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Dagestan Mountain Bitter located on the Greater Caucasus Range. It has rather high slopes, so not everyone can climb it.

The name of the mountain is translated from the local language as “not overgrown, open ridge“. The air here is very rarefied. The mountain is adjacent to the Caspian Sea and all the winds that blow in this direction fill everything with moisture.

In the mountain you can see many caves, waterfalls and gorges. Achigsyrt is suitable for extreme sports. It also has excellent conditions for hiking.

9. Balial, 4007 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Dagestan Balial located in the Greater Caucasus. The mountain is located at the junction of two other mountains. In January, the temperature reaches 8 degrees, and in summer – 12. It is distinguished by steep slopes.

At the foot grows juicy, bright alpine grass. You can meet rare species of animals and plants.

8. Yarudaga, 4016 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Dagestan Mountain Yarudaga translated as “red mountain“. Many locals also call it the “Mountain of Sunrise”. There are about 50 different routes for tourists and rock climbers.

Sometimes in these places the Russian team rehearses ascents. On the territory of the mountain system you can see beautiful, endless meadows and herds of sheep.

7. Ragdan, 4020 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Dagestan Mountain peak Ragdan located on the Main Caucasian Ridge. A little to the east is the most extreme southern point of Russia. The name of the mountain comes from the word taken from the Lezgins – “rag”, which translates as “sun”.

It is worth noting that the temperature here in winter is about 8-10 degrees, and in summer – about 12-15. The slopes of the mountain are often subject to water erosion. At the foot of the mountain you can see luscious alpine meadows with grass. Yes, and at the very top raging good vegetation. You can find quite rare plant species.

Large animals are also often found on the slopes of the mountains. Among them there are even rare species, for example, a leopard. In these places it can be seen extremely rarely, but a few still succeed.

6. Charyndag, 4084 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Dagestan Mountain Charyndag located on the Dividing Range. It is worth noting that the border between Russia and Azerbaijan runs along the very top here.

In sunny, clear weather, a magnificent view of the most important Caucasian ridge opens from the mountain. From here you can see the peaks of such mountains as Malkamud, Ragdan and others. It fascinates tourists and climbers with its splendor. But not many can boast of climbing it.

There is snow at the very top, but the temperature does not drop so low. Below, at the foot, vegetation pleases the eye.

5. Deavgay, 4116 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Dagestan Mountain Deavgai located in the Greater Caucasus. This is the highest of the points of the Gelmets-Akhtynsky ridge. The top itself is slightly concave. There is always snow on it.

The slopes of the mountains are quite rocky. The northern part of the mountain forms a sheer black slate wall with large volumes of snow. And on the south side there are steep slopes with ice-snow cornice.

It is worth noting that for the first time a scientist from Russia with the surname Becker climbed the mountain. This happened in 1872. A little later, in 1972, a whole group of K. Akhmedkhanov climbed here.

The name Deavgay, the mountain received for a reason. There is a very interesting story connected with this. In 1837, an imam named Shamil with his detachment came to Rutul (a small village in Dagestan). This was immediately reported to the Russian people. Many detachments were sent to catch Shamil.

When the village was besieged by the Russian peoples, the leader of the Rutulians, Agabek, decided to distract them. He left the village and began to attack the city. The Russians laid siege to it, throwing all their strength into it. They took many people prisoner.

They tried for a long time to find out where the imam was hiding. But the inhabitants answered themMrs. De“, Which means”Try to find“. The Russians with their detachments went to the mountain, which is now called Deavgai.

4. Shalbuzdag, 4142 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Dagestan Up In Shalbuz there is not much snow, but you can meet it at the very top. Many rivers pass here, which originate on the slopes. Some of them flow into the river of Russia – Samur, and others – into tributaries.

It is worth noting that since ancient times, this mountain was called sacred. Visits to holy places begin at the same time every year. They take place on the 20th of July, and end on the same dates of August.

Indescribable views open from Mount Shalbuzdag. They fascinate tourists that they return here again and again.

3. Addala-Schuhgelmeer, 4152 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Dagestan Addala-Schuhhelmeer located in the eastern part of the Greater Caucasus. The shape is reminiscent of ridges, which are pulled together to the top. If you look at it from a bird’s eye view, it looks like a star.

In the west of the mountain there are ice ridges, from under which many tributaries originate. The German climber Gottfried climbed the mountain for the first time in 1892. Addala was the last in the list of his conquests. Prior to that, he studied many mountain ranges of the Caucasus.

During the ascent, Gottfried measured the height of the mountain. But it became known only with the help of precision instruments that appeared in the second half of the 20th century. In 1935, the famous academician Augustus climbed the mountain.

It is worth noting that in 2009 a feature film was shot about the eco-trip to Mount Addala-Shuhgelmeer.

2. Diclosmta, 4285 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Dagestan Diclosmta is located in the natural border of Chechnya, Georgia and Dagestan. Translated from Chechen means “snow ridge“. The massif is quite multi-vertex and consists of clay shales and sandstones.

Getting to the mountain is very difficult. The most convenient way for tourists is to lay the route of ascent from Georgia. But only the most experienced will be able to climb. In most cases, climbs are made with a good guide.

It is worth noting that many rivers originate here, such as Chero, Gakko and others. Many of them are considered tributaries that flow into fairly large rivers.

Information about Diklosmt can be found in various sources. In many pre-revolutionary books, the mountain is called Zana-Kort, which translates as “Mountain asking for rain“. We can say that the name is associated with a pagan past.

1. Bazardyuzyu, 4466 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Dagestan Mountain Bazarduzyu – known as the southernmost point of Russia. This is the last high fracture, after which a decrease in the relief is observed. Numerous rivers flow from the slopes.

Here in some places you can find traces of glaciation. In most cases in the northern and western parts. Translated from the Azerbaijani language, the name of the mountain is translated as “market Square».

This is due to the fact that earlier in one of the valleys an annual fair was held. It gathered various merchants from all over the world. The mountain was dominant and was visible from afar. When a huge ice wall stood in front of people, they understood that they needed to turn left and it would not be so far to go.

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