Top 10 highest mountains in Bashkortostan

Bashkortostan is a popular destination among tourists, because on its territory there are amazingly beautiful areas. Mountains attract travelers’ special attention – you can set up camp on their slopes, admiring the picturesque views and enjoying romantic sunsets.

Bashkortostan has beautiful green forests, rivers and lakes, as well as many mysterious caves… In anticipation of an unforgettable journey, tourists from all over the world go to ski resorts in winter.

We will conduct a virtual tour with you and find out which mountains of Bashkortostan are considered the highest and attract travelers the most.

10 Akbiik – 969 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Bashkortostan

Akbiik – This is a wonderful ridge with a height of 969 m. It is located in the Southern Urals. This is an axial ridge, from which powerful spurs extend to the East and West. Translated from Bashkir, its name means “white height».

The ridge was formed in the Paleozoic era, the depressions belong to sedimentary rocks – sandstone and shale. Akbiik is covered with symbiotic organisms – lichens, pine and birch forests are common on its slopes. At the base of the ridge you can see growing birches and aspens.

9. Kuzguntash – 978 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Bashkortostan

The highest rocky peak in the Urals Kuzguntash, is a natural monument of the Republic of Bashkortostan. It is located between the villages of Umetbaeva and Khalilovo.

The approximate height of the mountain is 978 m above sea level. If we translate Kuzguntash from Bashkir, then we get a rather interesting name for the peak – “Raven stone».

When you climb the mountain, you will see a beautiful view of the Trans-Ural peak, the delight from the nature of which is difficult to describe in words.

8. Talishinsky stone – 983 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Bashkortostan

Administratively Talishin stone (has a second name “Satan is a stone”) is the peak of the Uraltau ridge, located in the Uchalinsky district. It looks like a smooth stone wall. The top is 938 m.

To the north of the mountain, the Cherry Dol River originates, affecting the Beloretsky and Uchalinsky districts of the region. The slopes of the Talishinsky stone are covered with various forests. Exotic species of trees grow here, sometimes you can see mowed meadows.

7. Masim – 1040 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Bashkortostan

The mountain range is considered the highest point of the Burzyansky region of Bashkortostan and the southernmost thousandth point of the Ural Range. The route to the mountain originates from the village of Kiekbaevo, from which a gentle road stretches closer to the north.

It is noteworthy that the top of one of the rocks is an iron staircase. Climbing up, the view is, of course, amazing! On the top To the masses there is a stone mosque “Tash maset” – a structure of stone walls. This mosque was used by the Bashkirs to read namaz in the warm season.

The ridge is a popular destination among tourists. Many legends are associated with the mountain, for example, according to one of them, in ancient times Masim Khan, the ruler of the tribes of Bashkiria, lived here. Masim differs from the usual mountain-taiga part of the Southern Urals, first of all, by its forest cover. Tree species predominate here: pine, birch, linden, oak. The mountains are completely covered with forest.

6. Shershil-Tau – 1108 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Bashkortostan

Mountain Shershil-Tau (Also called “spruce mountain”), with a height of 1108 m, rises above sea level. The top is covered with coniferous forest, which is a highlight for the area. Translated from Bashkir means “many peaks».

The mountain peak, which attracts with its view, is located four kilometers west of the upper lift station of the Metallurg-Magnitogorsk ski track.

Tourist trips are periodically held on Shirshil-Tau, promising exciting experiences. A birch forest grows on the slopes of the mountain, and on the eastern side there are magnificent fir trees, the view of which can be enjoyed by everyone.

5. Karatash – 1118 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Bashkortostan

mountain peak Black stone borders on Bashkortostan and the Chelyabinsk region. Translated from Turkish, Karatash means “black stone“. On the surface, you can find stone blocks that were formed due to the ejection of rocks. It is noteworthy that the name Karatash was formed precisely because of this.

The top of the mountain can boast of its impressive size – its height is 1118 m. But that’s not all – its slopes are covered with deciduous forests. Climbing to the top is not so difficult – a path of stones leads to the foot, and it is also easy to climb along the paved paths that travelers make.

4. Big Avalyak – 1205 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Bashkortostan

The mountain range is located in the Southern Urals. From its peaks, a stunning view of the huge Kurum wall of the Great Iremel opens up. Photographers of the Southern Urals unanimously repeat to travelers: “If you want to take a picture of Big Iremel, then go up to the big Avalyak”. Their statement is fully justified.

At the foot of the mountain range, the well-known Russian rivers – Aya and Agidel – begin. Everyone who comes to Bashkortostan dreams of visiting a picturesque place, admiring rare plants and meeting stone giants. Fortunately, everyone has this opportunity!

Interesting fact: Big Avalyak as a whole belongs to the National Park, which is under state protection. Fans of extreme sports conduct quests for survival in the wild here.

3. Abarash-Bash – 1292 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Bashkortostan

Abarash-Bash is considered the highest point of Avalyak (mountain range), and this is not surprising, because the height of the mountain reaches 1929 m!

Abarash-Bash attracts and fascinates with its appearance, causing a desire to climb it. Also of genuine interest is her translation “Heads of the Prophet“. What does it mean?

According to reports, in ancient times Abarash-Bash was considered sacred. Cattle breeders, as well as hunters, treated him with all respect. The slopes of this amazing mountain are covered with dense forests and rocks – this is what attracts climbers who want to experience new experiences, but tourists rarely visit this mountain. And in vain, because the view from it is indescribable – to the Big Iremel, the Sinyak mountains and the peaks of the Avalyak ridge.

2. Iremel -1582 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Bashkortostan

The hill is a sacred place for the indigenous peoples. For a very long time, foreigners and even the local population were forbidden to enter here. Tourists are currently allowed to visit Iremel.

The mountain has a two-pointed appearance, consists of small and large Iremel, whose height reaches 1582 m. From a distance, the branched peaks look like a saddle, so it is not surprising that Iremel means “hero’s saddle“. Since 2010, Iremel has acquired the status of a specially protected natural area and is under state protection.

1. Yamantau – 1640 m

Top 10 highest mountains in Bashkortostan

If we translate the word Yamantau into Russian, it will turn out “evil mountain“. Why’s that? The fact is that the Bashkirs from ancient times put a special meaning into the names of natural objects. The mountain acquired this name for the reason that swamps appeared on its slopes – they became an obstacle for pastoralists. But this is not the only reason, in fact, the name was due to several factors: dangerous wild animals, taiga, swampy terrain, unpredictable climate.

On the south side, near Yamantau, is the closed city of Mezhgorye, with a population of 15.

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