
It is known that excessive salt consumption does not affect our health in the best way. This does not mean that you need to urgently switch to fresh food, but you can still reduce its amount by avoiding the following products.
The saltiest product, which does not add points to its utility piggy bank. 30 grams of chips contain 149 mg of salt, which is a significant percentage of the daily needs of an adult – a child, and even more so. Another” brother ” of chips is salty fatty pretzels, which are not very popular with us, but there are fans – they contain 385 mg of salt!
Ready meals
Often, manufacturers are silent about the salt content in the finished portion, and there is much more of it there. than you are used to using when cooking at home. If you are used to eating porridge with meat – so do not be too lazy to cook it at home and take it with you, this, by the way, is more economical.
Ready-made breakfast cereals
Yes, those are the sweet snacks that are positioned as useful or children’s. They contain a lot of salt, and so much sugar that the declared benefit is lost against the background of harm. Salt will give swelling and weight gain, which contradicts the position of marketers.
Vegetable juice
In purchased vegetable juices, salt acts as preservatives, their content per cup reaches 653 mg. The manufacturer honestly warns about this on the package, so prefer homemade freshly squeezed juice or canned, but diluted with water.
Canned vegetables will undoubtedly dilute a boring diet in the cold season. But especially store-bought ones, they contain a lot of salt-from canned corn to tomatoes. If possible, wash the vegetables with water before eating or give preference to your own vegetables in a jar.
Smoked meats
Processed meat – ham, hams, carbonades – everything that you like to buy for the table or cut into a sandwich. Record holders in terms of salt content, one sandwich is a tenth of the adult norm of salt per day! What prevents you from cooking homemade baked pork, baked in the oven, with fresh, proven meat?
Dry freeze-dried products
Soups and vermicelli-not only do they contain almost nothing useful, except carbohydrates, to quickly fill you up, so the dressings also contain a large amount of salt-900 mg per cup. This is the fourth part of the norm.
They will perfectly complement your dish, and you can’t drag the taste by the ears. Salt record holders – sauces for Japanese sushi: soy, teriyaki. Ketchup, mayonnaise, spaghetti dressings or first courses are no less harmful. Learn to give up such flavor enhancers.
Ready-made snacks for beer, and most often nuts, contain a lot of salt. Nuts are actually a very valuable and nutritious product, but they are quite fatty and high in calories. It is worth using it no more than a small meal a day, and, of course, without salt.
Spices for dishes
Seasonings that have the right to take a place in your kitchen are mixtures of herbs and natural spices. All the broth cubes and pseudo-seasonings with salt and flavor enhancers-throw them safely in the trash!