top 10 handsomest actors in korea

Since 1980, the period of the formation of cinema in Korea begins. Behind him – a period of powerful technical growth in cinema.

The quantity of produced film products turned into quality. At international festivals and competitions, South Korean films began to attract professional interest.

Namely, the national style and ways of presenting artistic material. On the cinematic Olympus of Korea, their stars began to light up.

10 Lee Min-ho

top 10 handsomest actors in korea

Born in 1987. South Korean film actor, singer, model. According to the artist’s parents, the son grew up as a quick-witted and very shy boy.

Taekwondo and football forged the character of the future man. A sports career did not work out due to an injury.

But the young man was noticed by young talent managers. Sports grip and flair did not disappoint. The professional field began to take shape with work in the modeling business, and then – film and television.

The beginning of acting came in 2002, in episodic roles. And after the release of the series “Secrets of the Schoolyard” the fame boiled and seethed around.

Subsequent work only confirmed that Min-Ho is a strong and versatile, exceptionally charming actor.

9. Song Joong Ki

top 10 handsomest actors in korea

South Korean actor and model. Born in 1985.

As a child, the boy went in for speed skating and dreamed of representing the country in international competitions. But life redirected the teenager’s seething energy in a different direction.

He brilliantly graduated from high school and entered a prestigious university. And fate intervened again. And the young man went to study at the acting academy.

First role in a historical drama. A role that is close in spirit – about a skater, played in one breath. And then each subsequent role only increased the number of admirers and admirers of the actor.

8. Won Bing

top 10 handsomest actors in korea

Alias. Real name is Kim Do Jin. South Korean actor and model. Born in 1977. The fifth child in the family. Should have done it myself.

The first stage is athletics and taekwondo, black belt. The case leads him to the headquarters of the TV channel. The first films and the first fame. The overflowing energy of this person allows you to be in time everywhere.

He is a Goodwill Ambassador for the Korean Committee of UNICEF. He is fond of sports. Loves to draw. He has a firstborn.

7. Seo Kang Joon

top 10 handsomest actors in korea

South American actor, model, singer. Actor of a new generation. Extremely young.

As a child, the boy was attracted to playing the piano. Since his parents were not against studying abroad, he went to Malaysia to learn how to play his favorite instrument.

And then he becomes a singer as part of a musical group. Acting skills had already begun to manifest themselves by that time. And their cutting began after filming in films.

A mobile, flexible young man stands on the eve of new achievements. He is young, talented, sexy.

6. Song Seung Hong

top 10 handsomest actors in korea

South Korean artist, model. Born in 1976.

Surprisingly, all the sources that mention the name of this person are unanimous. And they express their attitude towards him in one word – impeccable.

It so happened in life that at first the actor received a solid general education. This platform, the foundation formed the basis for the future success of the young man.

Filming in commercials opened the way to the modeling business, and then to the cinema. At first, these were romantic roles of heroes of lovers. The audience roared with delight.

But real life, competition in business, brought a talented actor to tough, unambiguous roles. Paradoxically, the real success in the life of an actor came with comedic roles. So understand this fortune. Her winding roads to veneration.

5. Ji Chang Wook

top 10 handsomest actors in korea

Popular South Korean actor. Born in 1987. The boy grew up in a family where the mother was the main engine and inspirer of progress. It was difficult to go against such an influential person in life. But I had to.

The first independent step was to enter the university with a degree in Theater and Cinema. Artistic career began with roles in musical theater. And then the hardworking actor methodically began to replenish the filmography.

The images were polished until they completely transformed into their hero. The actor was even called “Many Faces”, as a tribute to the breadth of his role. The paparazzi track, it seems, every breath of the actor. And they try to get the maximum evidence of the circumstances of his life. But the actor emphasizes that work is the main thing in his life, and there is no place for anything personal in it.

4. Lee Jin Wook

top 10 handsomest actors in korea

South Korean actor Born in 1981. The actor himself describes himself as a closed person, at the time of youth.

The student environment, the life of the metropolis, various everyday stories around stirred up the young man to such an extent that he had contacts and work in the modeling business.

Acting activity was divided, as it were, into two stages. Before the army, these were mainly the roles of melodramatic romantic people, after that the roles of spies, individuals with strong wills began to appear.

Admirers of his talent claim that films with his participation open up opportunities for them to perceive their own lives more vividly, more sensually.

3. Chan Geun Seok

top 10 handsomest actors in korea

South Korean actor Singer and model. Korean George Clooney. Producer. Born in 1987, at the age of five, a little boy was spotted by a modeling agent. Unbeknownst to himself and his parents, the child became an actor.

Interest in Japanese music led him to emigrate to New Zealand. To the study of English. Subsequently, knowledge of the culture of Japan allowed him to act in Japanese film and American-Korean films.

Currently, he has many fans both in his country and around the world. The actor answers the difficult life questions of the audience strongly, sharply, truthfully, through the film images he creates.

2. Jang Dong Gun

top 10 handsomest actors in korea

South Korean actor and musician. Born in 1972, his roles are captured in such extensive projects as sports drama, medical drama, police film, historical film.

Amazing filmography and discography. Currently lives in England.

1. Kim Soo Hyun

top 10 handsomest actors in korea

South Korean actor Born in 1988. Since childhood, closed in himself, a quiet child from a family of talented musicians. The realization that life was passing him by began to disturb the young man already in high school.

And then, as if there was a connection to the source of cosmic energy. It broke through. He received his education at Chunan University in Seoul, majoring in Theater and Film Actor.

In the filmography of 6 films and participation in dramas. Currently, he has a strong reputation as a talented and charismatic actor.

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