Top 10 hair care mistakes

Every woman dreams of beautiful and healthy hair. No matter what hairstyle is in fashion right now, long and thick hair is always in trend.

Here are just a few decades ago, women could easily do without salon procedures, hair dryers and irons. They washed their hair with laundry soap, rinsed with chamomile, and did not even dream of shampoos.

Surprisingly, in those days there were many more women with long thick hair, and it’s not just about fashion. This fact is easy to explain – the hair did not have to “endure” exposure to high temperatures, they were not tormented by various miraculous remedies.

Of course, no one encourages modern girls to return to soap and chamomile. They just need to understand that enhanced hair care is not always good.

Most women do not even suspect that every day they cause severe damage to their hair.

Below are 10 common mistakes in hair care. Try to remember them and never repeat them again, then all the girls will envy your hairstyle.

10 Don’t hide your hair from the sun

Top 10 hair care mistakes

Our grandmothers did not go out without a headscarf or a hat. Of course, they did this not only because of the careful attitude to the hair, but it cannot be said that this did not affect their appearance.

A modern woman knows that ultraviolet radiation has a negative effect on hair, but she will not wear a hat even in extreme heat.

The sun’s rays can deform the protective layers of the hair and the internal structure. Hair becomes weak and lifeless. Also, do not forget about the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation on the scalp.

Overheating can cause hair loss. The sun contributes to the loss of color, hair fades. If you want to preserve their beauty and health, buy a hat for the summer.

9. Confusing balm with conditioner

Top 10 hair care mistakes

Among the girls there are many who do not see the fundamental differences between balm and conditioner. The point here is not only in the name, they perform various functions.

The task of the air conditioner is to reduce the negative impact of high temperatures. This tool glues the hair scales, removes the static effect.

The balm works on the same principle, but unlike the conditioner, it contains useful substances. Balm can cope with a certain problem.

If a girl does not know the difference between a balm and a conditioner, there is no need to talk about full-fledged hair care.

8. Do not tie your hair while swimming in salt water

Top 10 hair care mistakes

Sea water is very dry and tangles hair, so before you swim in the sea, take care of your hair. Hairdressers advise to braid a tight pigtail or make a bun. It is desirable that the hair is at the top.

After bathing, you should immediately undo your hair. Be sure to wash them with shampoo and apply a caring balm or mask.

7. Trimming split ends too infrequently

Top 10 hair care mistakes

Women who want to grow long hair often avoid hairdressers. Every girl should know that a haircut is not only a shortening of the length of the hair, but also their improvement.

To make the hairstyle look attractive, it is necessary to cut the split ends. Do not believe in advertising and rely on hair products.

No shampoos and balms can save you from split ends, only a haircut.

There is also an opinion that trimmed hair grows faster. It is not devoid of common sense. Do not worry about the length, it is enough to cut the hair a few millimeters. Hairstyle will look much neater.

6. Straighten your hair often with thermal appliances

Top 10 hair care mistakes

Everyone knows about the negative impact of high temperatures on hair, but girls continue to use irons. The structure of the hair is damaged, they become dry, brittle, lifeless. There is a risk of getting a scalp burn.

If you do not abuse thermal appliances and do not straighten your hair every day, their health can be maintained without much difficulty. It is necessary to monitor the heating temperature, it should not exceed 200 degrees. You should also use a thermal protection spray.

5. Roll a towel like a turban

Top 10 hair care mistakes

Almost all women make this mistake. They do not think about the fact that it causes severe damage to their hair. You can not keep wet strands in a towel for a long time. The effect of a sauna is created, the glands begin to work actively and secrete sebum.

In addition, wet hair is very vulnerable, it is easy to damage it, so twisting is definitely not good for them.

Blot them with a towel, this will be enough. Do not rub or twist strands. If you need to dry your hair faster, use the trick: heat a towel on the radiator and blot it.

4. Hold the hair dryer at a right angle

Top 10 hair care mistakes

A lot of mistakes women make when drying their hair with a hairdryer. Many people prefer not to use a nozzle, explaining that the hair dries faster without it.

This is not the case, a concentrated air flow contributes to a more thorough and faster drying. A big plus of using a nozzle: it creates basal volume.

There is another important detail – the correct location of the hair dryer. In no case do not hold it at a right angle. Direct a jet of hot air not perpendicular to the strands, but along their surface. So the hair structure is less injured.

3. Rarely wash combs

Top 10 hair care mistakes

Perhaps this is the most common mistake. Women take care of their hair, buy expensive products, allow themselves salon procedures, but do not care about the cleanliness of their combs.

It is recommended to wash them once every two weeks, and for those who use styling products daily, once a week. If you look at the comb, you can see gray deposits. These are dead cells, sebum and microbes.

Now imagine that every day all this muck comes into contact with your hair. They quickly become dirty, dandruff or irritation appears. Bathing your comb weekly will protect you from all these problems.

2. Overheating tongs and irons

Top 10 hair care mistakes

If the styling needs to be done quickly, the girls set the maximum temperature on tongs or irons. They are not even afraid of the fact that the hair is not yet completely dry.

If you want your hair to be healthy, forget about the rush, treat it with care. The maximum heating temperature is 200 degrees for dry hair, 140 for wet hair.

At higher temperatures, they lose moisture, their structure changes. Hair becomes weak and brittle. Don’t forget to use heat protectant for styling.

Do not twist curls if you have already sprayed them with varnish. The alcohol heats up, the hair begins to melt.

1. Don’t take care of your scalp

Top 10 hair care mistakes

There are few people who do not pay attention to their hair, and there are a lot of those who do not know anything about scalp care. The condition of the hair depends on the condition of the skin, so you need to take care of it very carefully. Delight her with peelings, masks.

Determining the type of scalp is not difficult, it usually coincides with the type of facial skin. If you do not experience any special problems with the skin, peeling once a month is enough.

Head massage is very useful, it helps to fill the hair with oxygen and nutrients.

If the skin is problematic, you should take a little more time to care for it. For dandruff, itching and irritation, use therapeutic agents. Regular dandruff shampoo is no help here. Peeling will have to be done more often, 1 – 2 times a week.

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