Top 10 Gaius Germanicus Movies

There are many female directors in the world of cinema, but only a few achieve wide popularity. Kira Muratova, Tatyana Lioznova, Renata Litvinova, Valeria Gai Germanika are a vivid example of the fact that women can make magnificent films, many of which are included in the golden fund of world cinema.

The films of Guy Germanicus, the list of which is presented below, are films with a deep meaning, almost always causing an ambiguous reaction from viewers and critics. Valeria has a reputation as a scandalous director, who uses rather bold and controversial techniques in creating her films. Cruel hyperrealism – Valeria works in this manner, trying to convince the viewer of the veracity of what is happening on the screen. And she succeeds.

10 Everyone will die, but I will stay

Top 10 Gaius Germanicus Movies

The list of films of Valeria Gai Germanika opens with her debut feature film “Everyone will die, but I will remain”dedicated to the problems of modern teenagers.

The life of schoolchildren is not as carefree as it often seems to adults. Any insignificant event, from the point of view of parents wise over the years, for a teenager can turn into a real tragedy. Three ninth-grader friends are preoccupied with the problems of how to please the boys and where to get alcohol. The three of them are about to go to the school disco, but after their defiant departure from the lessons, the principal of the school threatens to cancel it. Girls face serious difficulties: conflicts with parents and teachers, betrayal of friends and first love.

9. The Sisters

Top 10 Gaius Germanicus Movies

The next picture in the list of the best films of Valeria Gai Germanika is a short documentary “Sisters”. The picture was shot in the genre of “everyday sketch”.

In the center of the plot is a frank conversation between Valeria Gai Germanika and her half-sister about her attitude towards her mother. The sleeping area of ​​the capital, where in a small untidy apartment the director of a short film, acting as one of the characters in the film, is having a conversation with a drunken older sister. Two grown-up girls with different fates talk about their painful relationship with their mother and try to find a way out of the current situation. Extremely truthful, vital and cruel. We must pay tribute to the courage of Germanika – she was not afraid to put on public display very personal moments from the life of her family.

8. Girls

Top 10 Gaius Germanicus Movies

The short film continues the list of films directed by Valeria Gai Germanika “Girls”. In the center of the plot of the picture are a few days in the life of unremarkable teenagers. Three friends, Moscow summer, the beginning of adulthood. These days are the farewell of girls to childhood. The school yard, the entrances of residential areas, secretly bought cigarettes, the first alcohol and minor children’s troubles that seemed like a real tragedy before. And then – getting a passport and first love.

The picture was a success and received a prize at the Kinotavr Film Festival in the Best Short Film nomination.

7. Boys

Top 10 Gaius Germanicus Movies

Tape “Boys” from the list of the best films Gaius Germanicus has nothing to do with the short film “Girls”. This time the heroes were not teenagers, but children – two brothers aged 9 and 10.

For family reasons, two brothers are sent to a children’s boarding school for a month. The elder perceives the change of scenery with enthusiasm, and the younger does not want to leave the house. Separated, both miss their alcoholic mother, who loves only her pet rat.

6. 9th May. personal attitude

Top 10 Gaius Germanicus Movies

In 2009, a series of short films was released “9th May. Personal attitude”. The short story “Happiness in other words” was filmed by Valeria Gai Germanika. According to the shooting conditions, the directors of short films had to fit their vision of the Great Patriotic War into just three minutes of screen time.

According to the plot of the picture, today veterans are invited to create the image of a defenseless human body during the war. Only one of them agrees to participate in the art action. While preparations are underway for shooting, the veteran talks about his military past and how he attributed a year to himself in order to get to the front.

5. Yes and yes

Top 10 Gaius Germanicus Movies

“yes and yes” is a full-length feature film by Valeria Gai Germanika, shot in the genre of arthouse drama.

Sasha is a young primary school teacher. In an Internet chat, she meets the aspiring artist Antonin and, after one of the quarrels with her relatives, goes to meet him. Sasha falls in love with a new acquaintance and plunges into the world of bohemia.

4. Short course of a happy life

Top 10 Gaius Germanicus Movies

The list of the best films of Valeria Gai Germanika includes the series “A Short Course in a Happy Life”. It tells the story of four women: Anya, Katya, Sasha and Lyuba. Each of them has its own destiny and history. Sasha is a single mother, living with her mother and grandmother and raising her little son. Having started dating her boss at work, she opens a new period of her life, but will he be happy? Anna is still looking for her other half, Katya is mired in family life and can no longer endure it, and Lyuba is trying to come to terms with the idea that she will not be able to have children.

3. School

Top 10 Gaius Germanicus Movies

One of the best films in the list of paintings by Valeria Gai Germanika – TV series “School”, which caused great controversy. It is quite possible that after some time the sensational author’s project of Germanika will receive the status of a cult, since no one has filmed such a school before her.

“School” is an extremely documentary, even radical series about modern schoolchildren, their parents and teachers.

2. May Ribbons

Top 10 Gaius Germanicus Movies

The list of the best works of director Valeria Gai Germanika also includes the series “May Ribbons”. In terms of genre and events taking place in it, it echoes the serial melodrama A Short Course in a Happy Life.

The audience will unfold the story of three friends – Lena, Tatiana and Olga. All three have enough problems, and first of all they relate to personal relationships. Olga dreams of bright and exciting feelings, but, having parted with boring Ruslan, she continues to meet with him. Tatyana devoted her whole life to her career and pretends that her personal life does not really bother her. Kind Lena selflessly helps Maxim, who once asks her to play the role of his bride for her mother who is going to visit.

1. bonus

Top 10 Gaius Germanicus Movies

“Bonus” – a new series from director Valeria Gai Germanika, the release date of which has not yet been specified. The protagonist of the picture is a young man who is fond of rap, nicknamed Bonus. Childhood friend, drug dealer Gashik takes Bonus to Moscow, where the events of the series will unfold.

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