Top 10 Funny Youth Comedies Like American Pie

Youth Comedy “American Pie” was released in 1999. Despite her “venerable age”, she is still popular. Some call the film vulgar and accuse it of corrupting youth, but there is another opinion.

The plot is based on the story of four friends, none of them have had sex yet. Soon they will finish school, so they want to say goodbye to virginity as soon as possible. Their last opportunity is prom.

The guys will have many adventures and comic situations, but they will still achieve their goal …

This film with a simple plot will cheer you up, help you forget about problems and worries and plunge into another world for a while. No wonder it is called a comedy for all time. If you have already watched it, then pay attention to our selection of films similar to American Pie.

10 Ecstasy (2018)

Top 10 Funny Youth Comedies Like American Pie

The film is set in France. Graduates of the Academy of Modern Dance are having a farewell party. They communicate, drink alcoholic beverages, but after a while they realize that they feel strange.

Someone slipped drugs into the alcohol. All participants of the party are covered with euphoria. But someone will be able to feel the real ecstasy, and for someone this night will be a severe test …

The film was highly acclaimed by critics, but not every viewer can understand it. The French director Gaspard Noe has his own vision for every phenomenon, and it is very different from the usual, standard one.

9. Tough guy (2002)

Top 10 Funny Youth Comedies Like American Pie

Dizzy is an ordinary high school student. He is bullied by his classmates. Dizzy is driven to a nervous breakdown and ends up in jail. There he meets Luther. His cellmate wants to help Dizzy, he will make him “tough guy».

When Dizzy is released, he is transferred to a new school where no one knows him. Now he has a new name, and a new image. Gil Haris is respected by all the guys, he is liked by many girls. No one knows that he has a secret, but sooner or later everything secret becomes clear …

A great comedy that will help you have a pleasant evening. Its purpose is to make you laugh, not to provoke any thoughts.

8. There will be no sex! (2018)

Top 10 Funny Youth Comedies Like American Pie

Three friends are making big plans for prom. They want to lose their innocence. Parents will soon find out about it. They will try to interfere with their girls and will do everything to prevent this “catastrophe”.

Another comedy about graduation and first sex, it is no different from similar pictures. Most viewers admit that they are unlikely to have a desire to rewatch the film. “There will be no sex” again.

7. Road Adventure (2000)

Top 10 Funny Youth Comedies Like American Pie

Josh wave satisfied with his life. He has good friends and a girlfriend, he is in college.

True, the beloved girl Tiffany lives on the other side of America. Josh, to please her, records a declaration of love on video.

On the same evening, he cheats on Tiffany, while recording the process on camera. He sends this cassette instead of a confession. When Josh realizes what he has done, he immediately gathers his friends and goes to Tiffany’s. He hopes to intercept the tape and save his love…

“Road Adventure” funny and moving movie. There is a place for both vulgarity and stupidity, but do not forget that this is just the specifics of the genre.

6. Pickup Rules: The Womanizer Theory (2009)

Top 10 Funny Youth Comedies Like American Pie

Adam is a young singer. He is confident in his attractiveness and knows how to treat girls. But soon he will realize that his tactics are not working. The girl he loves leaves him for a school bully.

Adam, without thinking twice, decides to change. Now he is a “bad guy”, and is again popular with girls. Meeting Molly turns his life upside down. This girl made a promise to herself that she would never have anything to do with the “bad guys” again.

Adam has a plan, he must be good again. But it’s not as easy as it seems…

Film “Removal Rules: The Womanizer Theory” girls will like it more than boys. This is not a guide to action for future pickup artists, this is a love story.

5. Party King (2001)

Top 10 Funny Youth Comedies Like American Pie

Van Wilder is in college. That’s just the period of his training was greatly delayed: for seven years the guy has been staying for the second year. It’s not about his mental abilities, Wilder just likes student life. He is real party Kingknows how to have fun and have fun.

When the guy’s father finds out about the true state of things, he refuses to pay for his son’s education. Now Wen must decide whether to graduate or earn another year of study himself. Although, how can you think about studying if fate brings him to a beautiful girl?

A light comedy film about a protracted growing up.

4. Sex Drive (2008)

Top 10 Funny Youth Comedies Like American Pie

Ian is 18 years old and a virgin. The older brother laughs at him all the time, and the guy decides to prove to him that he can do something too. He has been online with the sexy Miss Pussy for a long time. The girl invited him to visit more than once.

There is one obstacle, Miss Pussy lives too far, 500 miles from Chicago. Ian steals his brother’s car and wants to go on a trip. His companion will be a friend of Lance and Felicia, with whom Ian is secretly in love. The guy tells the girl that they are going to the grandmother. The trio will have many adventures along the way.

“Sexdrive” is a youth movie about first love and strong friendship.

3. Project X: Dorvali (2012)

Top 10 Funny Youth Comedies Like American Pie

Thomas’ parents are away for the weekend. Before they leave, they give him instructions and tell him how to behave during their absence. Thomas’ friends decide to throw a party for a friend – a party in honor of his birthday.

Costa and JB convince Thomas that it’s best to spend the holiday at his house. The guys begin to prepare for the celebration, they go to drug dealers, buy marijuana. Thomas trusts his friends with the most important thing: to invite classmates and friends to the holiday. Apparently something went wrong, too many people came to the holiday …

This comedy is perfect for watching with friends, girls will most likely not appreciate it.

Interesting fact: Film “Project X: Dorvali” based on real events. This story took place in Melbourne in 2008 with teenager Corey Worthington. The invitation was posted on the announcement site, several hundred people came to the celebration.

2. Eurotour (2004)

Top 10 Funny Youth Comedies Like American Pie

Scott is going through hard times. His girlfriend Fiona leaves him before the holiday – prom. Her new boyfriend humiliates Scott. He finds solace in alcohol.

Scott receives a letter from his pen pal. Mickey is from Germany, she invites Scott to meet. He thinks that she is a guy and refuses, while writing unpleasant things to her. The next day, he realizes that he greatly offended the girl.

Scott is going to Germany to ask Mickey for forgiveness. On the trip, he will be accompanied by a friend Cooper, who dreams of passionate European sex …

“Eurotour” is quite an interesting film. Most of the viewers who watched it were delighted.

1. Super Peppers (2007)

Top 10 Funny Youth Comedies Like American Pie

Three friends are going to Jules’s party. At the holiday, each of them dreams of having sex. At first, the guys want to stock up on alcohol, but since they are underage, this becomes a big problem for them. They will have to get into trouble, meet different people and even run away from the police.

“Super Peppers” – funny and bright comedy. It will definitely appeal to the target audience it is aimed at.

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