Top 10 films about a possible future similar to Inception

The topic of lucid in the dream is very popular nowadays. Many people want to master the technique of reproducing dreams “on order” – some are good at it (people set an alarm clock in the early morning, and after a few minutes of being awake they return back to sleep – after such manipulation, awareness of what is happening in a dream can work), while others fail ( most likely, people simply do not have a strong intention to realize).

Lucid in the dream Practitioners Advise Newcomers to Watch the Movie “Start”taken in 2010. In their opinion, this is the best movie on the subject of lucid dreams.

If you watched this film not only as an action movie with special effects, but meaningfully, this is wonderful, because you can learn a lot from it.

Fans of “Beginnings 0” will definitely be interested in this selection, because it consists of 10 similar films.

10 Mr. Nobody (2009)

Top 10 films about a possible future similar to Inception

“Mr. Nobody” cannot but interest the viewer. The picture is looked at in one breath, enjoying it. At the end of the film, many questions remain…

The film includes a breathtaking fantasy, the dramatic story of Nemo (he wakes up as an old man and turns out to be the last mortal in a grotesque future, and all people have already gained immortality), philosophical reflections seasoned with brilliant quotes, beautiful romantic scenes, etc.

But the leitmotif is TIME – it tends to destruction, disintegration, and this is clearly illustrated in the film: growing up, parting with a loved one, aging, the consequences of one’s choice.

For your information: The soundtrack “For Your Precious Love” performed by American singer Otis Redding created a warm atmosphere of the film, and touched the hearts of many viewers.

9. Donni Darko (2001)

Top 10 films about a possible future similar to Inception

Donnie Darko is a seemingly ordinary guy who lives in America with his parents and two sisters. Once in his life there was an accident – an airplane engine hit his house and destroyed the bedroom of a high school student.

He was drawn into inexplicable actions by a stranger Frank in a rabbit suit. He saved Donnie from death and warned that the end of the world would happen soon, giving the exact date.

What was happening frightened the guy, but at the same time he began to notice that he had the ability to see both the past and the future, and at the same time move in time …

Not everyone understands the movie Donnie Darko from the first time, and after viewing the question remains: “Was the manipulator Frank real, or was it a figment of Donnie’s diseased imagination?»

8. Source Code (2011)

Top 10 films about a possible future similar to Inception

Probably, this has happened to everyone – when moving in public transport, you close your eyes from fatigue, soon you fall asleep … The train suddenly shakes, and you suddenly wake up from hitting the glass.

But what happens next for the protagonist of the film “Source” – Coulter Stevens, it happens far from everyone – opening his eyes, he calls himself by a different name, does not know what kind of beautiful girl is sitting next to him and behaves generally inappropriately.

And all due to the fact that he should not be on the train, just that he was on duty in Kandahar, he works as a helicopter captain. That is what he tries to explain to his fellow traveler, but before the train is blown to pieces by a terrorist attack…

Coulter will have to relive his death over and over again until he realizes who is the instigator of the disaster.

7. Cell (2000)

Top 10 films about a possible future similar to Inception

Working as a criminal psychologist is not easy, but the task becomes even more difficult when you have to use non-standard methods in your profession.

Movie heroine “Cell” penetrates the mind of a serial killer who is in a coma. The psychopath kills, but before that he tortures young girls in inhuman ways.

The last kidnapped girl was never found, which means that there is still a chance to save her. To do this, Katherine, with the support of her colleagues, is introduced into the mind of a maniac, and a world of sick imagination opens up before the moviegoer…

Will the psychiatrist be able to find out where the girl is hidden?

6. Comatose (2017)

Top 10 films about a possible future similar to Inception

Everyone wondered: “Is there life after death?” The stories of those who have been in a parallel world do not leave anyone indifferent. No wonder the film “Comatose” Joel Schumacher (1990) became a classic, the sequel retained the same idea.

A company of medical students wants to find out what happens to a person when they die. Gaining courage, enthusiastic friends decide on a risky experiment…

Students voluntarily introduce themselves into a state of clinical death in order to see what happens to the soul and brain at the moment when the heart stops beating.

Returning from the other world, the guys discover in themselves an unprecedented mental potential, but only unpleasant consequences were added to it …

5. Minority Report (2002)

Top 10 films about a possible future similar to Inception

Film “My Way” tells the story of the future. The year is 2054, for the past 6 years there has been a special department, whose activities can be called unusual.

Technology has progressed, and one program based on psychological analysis is able to reveal the potential of the killer. This facilitates the task of arrest, because it is possible to make an arrest in advance and prevent a crime.

The system works perfectly, but it becomes scary at the moment when you yourself find yourself accused of a crime that you have not committed yet.

The head of the pre-crime department, John Anderton, turns out to be a suspect, the program shows that he will commit the murder of a man he does not even know … Now John is forced to hide, his only chance for freedom is to prove that the program can be wrong …

4. Areas of Darkness (2011)

Top 10 films about a possible future similar to Inception

If it were possible, then, probably, we would all use a special “pill” that would save us from the inevitable black stripes in life. And so did the hero of the film “Areas of darkness” – Writer Eddie from New York.

Unable to cope with the black streak, he takes a classified drug called NZT. After taking the pill, Eddie notices that now his brain is working at breakneck speed – the drug is changing his life.

Now, having developed creative thinking, Eddie earns a lot of money in a short time, but, as you know, interference in the body, and in general – its structure, always causes a side effect.

Soon, the man begins to suffer from the drug, and wants to overcome his addiction. When he meets other NZT geniuses, he learns the terrible truth…

3. The Surrogate (2009)

Top 10 films about a possible future similar to Inception

The year is 2057, presumably, people can stop communicating with each other, completely placing this natural need on robots. They are younger, more energetic, may be of the opposite sex, and have more charisma than their owners.

But there is one terrorist who specializes in the destruction of ideal androids. Policeman Tom Greer faces a difficult task – to find out what is the goal of the attacker who destroys people and their puppets?

Interesting fact: “Surrogates” – a very interesting film, which reveals the theme of the meaning of life and the value of Man. It touches on many problems of human life, and if you have many questions – be sure to watch this film, you will not regret it.

2. Remember (2000)

Top 10 films about a possible future similar to Inception

Film “Remember” similar in theme to “Beginning”. The hero of the movie “Inception” Cobb plunges into several levels of in the dream in order to understand how to proceed further, and Leonard, the main character of the movie “Remember”, similarly plunges into his memories. The characters in these films are both driven by drama in their personal lives that provoke them into taking desperate actions.

Leonard looks expensive and stylish, drives around the city in a Jaguar, but stays in cheap roadside motels. He is obsessed with finding the killer of his wife, but Leonard has one problem – he suffers from a rare form of amnesia, he remembers everything before the murder, and almost nothing about what happened to him 20 minutes ago.

He follows the trail of the killer, and in order not to forget what he was able to find out, the man leaves himself reminders in the form of tattoos.

1. The Island of the Damned (2010)

Top 10 films about a possible future similar to Inception

Film “Shutter Island” begins with the fact that two bailiffs find themselves on Shutter Island, which is home to dangerous criminals. Colleagues need to investigate the escape of a dangerous criminal – Rachel Solando, who killed her children.

There is a clinic for the mentally ill criminals on the island, but this institution is secret. While trying to do their job, the partners notice that those around them are lying, and the audience realizes that the filmmakers are leading them down the wrong path …

For your information: a terrible scene in which Teddy cries, could not leave anyone indifferent. Leonardo DiCaprio played his role amazingly, he conveyed all the pain and breakdown of a person.

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