Top 10 fears of a pregnant woman

Top 10 fears of a pregnant woman

In general, expectant mothers have a lot of fears. They worry about any reason: every sneeze, strange sensation, or pursed lips of the doctor. But is it really that scary? Let’s figure it out.

1. Childbirth will begin suddenly

Water will drain off in the subway, contractions will be twisted in a store or, even worse, in a car in a traffic jam. Yes, the actual date of birth is almost always different from the PDD, which is determined by the doctor. But childbirth (especially the first) is very rare. You will feel the first light contractions 12 or even 14 hours before the baby is born. You will have plenty of time to pack up and get to the hospital. And this is the case when it is better to play it safe: even if you think that the contractions are training, it will not hurt to see a doctor. And if it’s really scary, then you can go to the hospital in advance. Then the process will definitely not catch you by surprise.

2. Water can drain too early

Yes, when a child is in the womb without water for too long, it is bad. Amniotic waters protect the baby from all kinds of infections, and without them, he becomes an easy prey. But the waters usually do not leave abruptly. Plots such as in the movies – at one point a pregnant woman suddenly finds herself knee-deep in water, have a very indirect relationship to reality. Usually, the water leaves slowly, gradually seeping out. And often they do not leave at all, and the obstetrician has to pierce the amniotic fluid. This, by the way, does not hurt.

3. Childbirth is very painful

Well, this process is not pleasant, to be honest. However, a lot here depends on the pain threshold, because it is different for all women. Someone thinks the pain is unbearable, but someone does not even remember about it a second after the birth of the baby. Doctors say that with proper preparation, pain during childbirth can, if not be reduced to zero, then alleviate by 50 percent – for sure. This is both the technique of correct breathing and the preparation of muscles – you should not give up on them. And nobody canceled anesthesia. But more about her later.

4. During the attempts, the intestines are emptied

An awkward moment, to be sure. Therefore, you should not give up the enema, which every woman is insistently offered to do when the contractions begin. However, even if you refuse or for some reason they simply do not have time to do it, you should not be too embarrassed. Obstetricians are common people. You are not the first, you are not the last. And not on purpose, in fact.

5. Episiotomy is a hell of a feeling

Episiotomy, that is, dissection of the perineum and the posterior wall of the vagina, is now done very often during childbirth. This measure is justified when it is clear to the doctor that the child’s head is too big and, if an incision is not made, then tears cannot be avoided. Sewing up tears is much more difficult (and more painful) than a neat cut made with a scalpel. And then they heal worse. An episiotomy should be done under anesthesia, and also sutured. And here there are overlays: many complain that anesthesia does not work or obstetricians neglect it. Another plus in favor of partner childbirth is that the husband (or someone else) will be able to make sure that everything is done according to the rules.

6. Obstetric forceps are still used

But everyone is afraid of this device. After all, complications after using forceps are really serious: damage to the pelvic organs and birth canal of the woman in labor, rupture of the uterus, purulent septic diseases in the mother, trauma in the child. But forceps are used very rarely now: the indications for which they are used are included in the list of indications for cesarean section. Now this instrument is removed only in emergency cases: if labor dies out, the child is in danger of hypoxia, and it is too late to do cesarean work. “It’s better than squeezing it out,” say mothers who have gone through the procedure.

7. The umbilical cord will be cut too soon

After the child is born, you need to try a little more and give birth to the afterbirth. Obstetricians usually wait for the umbilical cord to pulse before severing it. The process takes just a minute. So there is no need to worry that the doctors will hurry. And about the now fashionable lotus births, when the umbilical cord is left until it falls off, the gynecologists are against it. Doctors say that there is no benefit in this. But harm like any infections is quite real.

8. After childbirth, going to the toilet is scary

Who among the mothers does not remember these sensations – as if it is worth sitting down and … And something terrible will certainly happen. Nothing bad will happen. But the psyche will not allow you to believe in it so immediately. To make life easier for young mothers, doctors advise to adjust the diet: more fiber and less flour. Then going to the toilet will not be so scary.

9. Epidural anesthesia is dangerous

“My friend gave birth in Japan. After the epidural, she fell into a coma. It has been lying for three years already, ”is a very real story. However, most women in labor describe spinal anesthesia as the greatest invention of mankind. It really helps to get rid of pain, which can sometimes seem unbearable. Believe me, women in labor are screaming for a reason. But the injection itself is really unpleasant.

10. Milk will not come, and there will be nothing to feed the baby

Milk never comes straight away. The only way to wait for it is to put the baby to the breast more often. It is also important to keep track of how the baby picks up the breast. If he captures the nipple incorrectly, then there will be problems with milk, and the very process of breastfeeding can turn into sheer torment.

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