TOP 10 facts about flour

On the eve of baking holiday cakes, it will be useful to learn something about the main ingredient in baking – flour. It is known to be of different types, varieties and qualities. But you will learn something new and interesting.

  • Flour is the only product that does not contradict any religion or culture. Recipes may vary, but everyone respects the nutritional value of flour.
  • For baking bread, the flour from which pasta is prepared is not suitable, and vice versa.
  • The most popular baking flours are wheat, barley and rye.
  • Wheat flour is able to normalize the work of the digestive tract, to establish metabolic processes in the body. It helps to get rid of toxins and toxins, strengthens muscles and prevents diathesis.
  • There are more than 600 forms of pasta made from various types of flour in the world.
  • In flour products, there is a lot of thiamine – vitamin B1, which is indicated for mental and physical workers. This vitamin improves mood, helps to concentrate and reduces fatigue.
  • 100 grams of wholemeal pasta contains 13 grams of protein, which helps break down fat and help you lose weight.
  • The lowest-calorie flour is buckwheat, it is recommended to add it to baked goods on a diet.
  • Low grades of flour, which most reject, contain much more vitamins PP, E, B1, B2.
  • In Spain, there is a holiday “Day of the Simpleton”, which is customary to beat and throw flour and eggs. About 6 tons of flour are spent annually on such battles.

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