Training your body, it is very easy to forget about the back because this part of the body we can’t see in the mirror. But pumped back muscles is important not only from an aesthetic point of view. Without strong back muscles we will not be able to do most basic exercises with more weight and progress in training. Yes, and many of the exercises weight loss require us pumped muscles.
We offer you a selection of the best exercises for the back for the girls at home that will help to quickly and effectively achieve the set goals: to build muscle, bring the body to tone and lose weight, to strengthen the spine.
Back training for women
Regular training of the back muscles will help you to improve your body and makes you stronger physically. No exercise on the back of your training will be incomplete. To strengthen the back muscles can with dumbbells, a barbell, a fitball, an expander, and it is possible without additional hardware at all.
This article discusses the most effective strength exercises for back with dumbbells for muscle mass, exercises to tone muscles without equipment, as well as exercises with other sports equipment. These exercises are easy to do at home and in the gym.
1. Where to start and how to finish a workout:
- Always start your back training with warm-up workout: a Selection of warm-up exercises.
- Finish the workout by stretching the muscles: a Selection of exercises for stretching.
Never neglect warming up and stretching if you want to conduct an effective training session. For additional warm-up directly prior to performing specific exercises, you can do one approach this exercise without dumbbells (or with very little weight).
2. How many repetitions and approaches to do:
- For muscle growth: 10-12 reps to 4-5 sets with max weight
- For easy tone mygcc and fat burning: 15-20 povereni 3-4 approach with an average weight
3. What weight dumbbells to take back:
- For muscle growth: the maximum weight that the last repetition in the approach was carried out from last forces (for girls usually 10-15 kg)
- For easy tone muscles and burn fat: enough weight to make you feel the load, but it could do 15-20 reps (for girls usually 5-10 kg)
- For beginners: dumbbell 2-3 kg with a gradual increase in weight
4. How often to do exercises for the back:
- If you are training 3-4 times a week enough to train back once a week
- If you are training 5-6 times a week, you can train your back twice a week
5. What combination of exercises for the back:
- Classic version: with exercises for the biceps (in this case, you should begin your workout with exercises for back, then go to the exercises on the biceps)
- Alternative option: with exercises for pectoral muscles (chest and back are muscles-antagonists, therefore, some athletes train them together)
6. Gradually your muscles will get used to the load, so it is desirable over time to increase the weight of dumbbells. For home practice it is convenient to buy a collapsible dumbbellthat allows you to adjust the weight.
7. Strength exercises for the back give a strong load on the spine. Pay attention to the technique of the exercises to avoid injury and damage.
8. During execution of strength exercises for back with dumbbells also actively involved biceps and deltas, so if you have rapidly “swell” the muscles of the arms from exertion, then performing isolated exercises on biceps and shoulders can be reduced.
Strength training for women: exercise + plan
Strength exercises for back with dumbbells
These five exercises perfect for strength training at home and in the gym. To perform them you will need a dumbbell.
If you have not much time to strength training back, you can perform 3-4 exercises listed. The exact number of sets and reps adjust independently depending on the availability of time and physical strength.
1. Dead lift
In the initial position, the back is straight, shoulders are down, press tense. Dumbbells touch the thighs. Slightly bent knees, move the pelvis backward until back is parallel to the floor. Dumbbells are moving parallel to the legs. Keep your back straight and not prohibite much lower back. Exercise can be traumatic, so again it is better to use light weight dumbbells. During the execution of the dead in addition to thrust back also work well the muscles of the buttocks, which is very important for girls.
2. Thrust dumbbells in the slope
A little sit down and tilt your torso forward, feet shoulder-width apart. Take a dumbbell in hand straight grip. It’s original position. Raise both dumbbells as high up as possible to your chest, spreading your elbows to the sides and without changing the position of the squat. Lower the dumbbells down in a few seconds. The torso remains stationary throughout the exercise.
3. Pull the dumbbell with one hand
In the rest position, squat slightly and tilt your torso forward. Put your left hand on the thigh of the left leg, and right leg slide back. Right hand pick up the dumbbell with a neutral grip. It’s original position. Pull the elbow back, pulling the dumbbell to your chest. The housing remains stationary. After a short pause, return to starting position. Change hands when the approach is completed. It is enough to perform 3 sets on each hand.
4. Breeding hand in the slope
In the rest position, feet are shoulder width apart, knees bent, body slightly tilted forward. Grab the dumbbells with a neutral grip, slightly bend your elbows. Arms out to sides until shoulder (upper arm) will not be parallel to the floor. hold for a few seconds and bring the hands back together. Keep a slight bend in the elbows throughout the movement. In this exercise, well-worked out of the Delta.
5. Abduction hands back in the slope
In the rest position, feet are shoulder width apart, knees bent, body slightly tilted forward. Grab a dumbbell straight grip. Put your arms all the way back, keeping your arms straight. Tense the muscles of the back, but keep the body stationary In this exercise also work great triceps.
For gifs thank you youtube channel HASfit.
Exercises for back without equipment
The following exercises are recommended to be performed for strengthening muscles and straightening the spine, improving posture and preventing back pain and lower back pain. Also these exercises you can incorporate into your lesson plan, if you like to train with the weight of his own body, including the work of several groups of muscles (effective for burning fat).
Top 20 exercises to improve posture
1. The rotation of the hand in the strap
Take a plank position on hands, legs a little apart. The body forms a straight line, the lower back does not bend, press fit. Lift one hand off the floor and perform a circular movement with a straight arm. Return to starting position. Then do the same a second hand. Perform 10-12 repetitions on each hand 2-3 sets.
2. The rise of hands in the strap on the forearms
Drop down into plank on the forearms, legs a little apart. Again watch for body position, it should create one straight line from heels to head. Lift one arm off the floor and pull it forward. Hold for a few seconds and lower forearm on the floor. Then similarly extend the other arm forward. Perform 10-12 repetitions on each hand 2-3 sets.
3. Swimmer
Get down on your stomach, arms stretched forward, palms down. The face and part of his chest off the floor. Simultaneously raise your right arm and left leg as high up as possible, lifting your thigh off the floor. Tense the muscles of the back and waist. Hold for a few seconds and return to starting position. Then change sides. Repeat 12-15 reps per side 2-3 sets.
4. Hyperextension with divorced hands
This exercise is very good for your posture and strengthen the spine. Lie on your stomach, head down on the Mat. Hands separated the sides palms down. Raise upper body as high up as possible, severing the head and chest from the floor. Make the climb up the back, and not Shay. Hold for a few seconds in the upper position and lower your head and chest on the floor. Perform 15-20 repetitions, 2-3 sets.
5. Superman
This is another very useful exercise for your posture and spine. Lie on your stomach, head down on the Mat. Arms stretched forward, palms down. Lift simultaneously from the floor of the head, chest, thighs and lift them as high up as possible. Hold for a few seconds and then return to starting position. Do not pull the neck upwards, it preserves a natural position. Perform 10-12 repetitions, 2-3 sets.
If you still difficult to do the classic Superman, then perform a simplified version of this exercise (you can first time not even to get your feet off the floor):
6. “Hunting dog”
But this, though simple, but very effective exercise for strengthening back and spine. Get down on all fours, back straight and slightly arched in the lower back. Simultaneously raise your right arm and left leg as high up as possible and hold for a few seconds. Switch sides. Perform 15-20 repetitions, 2-3 sets. You can complicate this exercise, if raise opposite arm and leg up and hold for 45-60 seconds.
For gifs big thanks to youtube channel The Live fit girl and FitnessType.
See also:
- How to remove side: 20 main rules + 20 best exercises
- Top 20 exercises for arms at home
- TABATA training: 10 exercise plans for weight loss
Exercises for the back with other equipment
It is not always convenient to buy heavy dumbbells for the house. First, they need to find a place in the apartment. Second, a large dumbbell weight is quite a costly inventory. In this case, you can purchase a more compact equipment. Different bands and elastics is no worse than to strengthen the muscles compared to free weights.
What can you use for back training also dumbbells:
- expander (ideal for training muscle groups of the upper body)
- elastic tape (for training of all muscle groups, and stretching)
- rubber loops (great tools for strength training, especially if you have comfortable furniture or bar for fastening)
- fitness bands (more suitable for legs and buttocks, but can also be used for upper body)
- fitball (especially good for strengthening the back and muscular system)
On the link to read a more detailed description of the above inventory. It is important to note that all these items are very affordable and absolutely do not take up space in the apartment (except the exercise ball when inflated). So, you can buy a set of resistance bands and rubber bands of different resistance, put them on a shelf.
Top 20 women’s running shoes for fitness
Exercises for the back with an elastic band
1. Stretch the tape back
2. “Butterfly”
3. Diagonal stretching of the tape
4. Horizontal pull elastic tape
5. Pull tape
Exercises for the back with the chest expander
1. Pull expander for the back
2. The thrust of the expander with one hand
3. Pull crosswise in the slope
4. Horizontal thrust
5. Stretching expander
Exercises with rubber loops
1. Vertical thrust
2. Horizontal thrust
3. Pulling hands to the chest
4. Stretch the rubber loops
5. Sragi
Exercises with fitness bands
1. Pull the rubber bands back
2. Pull the bands to your chest
Exercises with fitball
1. “Hunting dog”
2. Hyperextension
3. Hyperextension with hands behind head
This is the most effective lower back exercises with dumbbells for women you can perform at home as independently and in the gym. Please note that different exercises you may need a different weight dumbbells or different levels of resistance bands. Don’t be afraid to experiment by altering the number of sets and reps.
See also:
- Top 50 exercises for abdominal muscles: lose weight and tighten press
- Top 25 exercises for buttocks and legs without squats, lunges and jumps
- TABATA training: 10 ready-made exercises for weight loss
To tone and muscle, With weights, Back and waist